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Ch-10 Lymphatic Sys.

Ch-10 Lymphatic System-Medical Terminology

Root word for immune system immun/o
Root word for lymph nodes lymphaden/o
Root word for lymph vessels lymphangi/o
Root word means to ingest or engulf phag/o
Suffix means protection -phylaxis
Root word for spleen splen/o
Root word for thymus thym/o
A lymph node, usually palatine tonsil tonsill/o
Root word(s) means lymph or lymphatic system lymph/o; lymphat/o
The lymphatic system circulates fluid called ______ through a one-way system as opposed to the closed circuit of the cardiovascular system. lymph
________ are a type of white blood cell that work in the lymph system to fight disease and infection. Lymphocytes (lymph/o means “lymph”; -cyte means “cell”)
What are the three major functions of the lymphatic system To provide immunity, maintain a balance of fluid, and to absorb fats that are broken down in the digestive tract
_________ is a clear yellowish liquid that is collected from tissues as it seeps out of capillaries from the cardiovascular system. Lymph
There are four protective organs (lymphoid tissues) that play a role in immunity. They are the ____ tonsils, spleen, thymus gland, and the appendix
Spleen (splen/o is the root): Located in the _______ quadrant of the abdomen, upper left
The process by which the lymphocytes engulf the bacteria and debris in the spleen is called ________ phagocytosis
________ are small bundles of lymphoid tissue located on the walls of the small intestine that help protect against invading organisms Peyer’s patches
Spleen (splen/o is the root): Located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen, this lymphatic tissue filters bacteria from the blood and removes old blood cells by means of a process called ______ hemolysis
What are the three types of immunity natural, acquired, and artificial
_______ specialize in diagnosing and treating altered immunologic and allergic conditions. Allergists
_____ diagnose and treat disorders of the blood and blood-forming tissue. Hematologists (hemat/o means “blood”; -logy means “study of”; -ist means “one who specializes”)
An ______ is a specialist who studies, diagnoses, and treats problems with immunity immunologist
__________ is also involved in the care of some of these patients when tumors are diagnosed Oncologist (onc/o means “tumor”; -logy means “study of”; -ist means “one who spe-cializes”)
_______________, is a common symptom of infec-tions and cancerous conditions. Lymphadenopathy , or enlarged lymph nodes (lymph/o means “lymph”; aden/o means “gland”; -pathy means “disease”)
Tissue swelling or ______________ can result from an infection or an obstruction of the lymph vessels resulting from tumors or sur-gical excision of nodes. lymph-edema (lymph/o means “lymph”; edema means “accumulation of excess fl uid”)
_________ An acute infection also caused by a virus and noted by enlarged cervical lymph nodes and an increase in monocytes (a type of white blood cell [WBC]; mono means “one”; -cyte means “cell”) Infectious mononucleosis
________ Life-threatening reaction to a foreign substance; symptoms include blockage of air passages, decreased blood pressure, and generalized edema. Anaphylaxis (an- means “without”; -phylaxis means “protection”):
What (AIDS) stands for? Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Created by: yahyalab
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