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nervous sys bio101

Bio 101 test study

Divisions of the Nervous System Central and Peripheral
central nervous system(CNS) consists of? Brain and Spinal Cord
the 2 types of cells of the nervous system? Neurons and glia
Neurons Transmit signal
Glia Caretakers of neurons
2 of the major types of Glia Astrocytes, Microglia
Astrocytes Blood Brain Barrier
Microglia remove microbes
Sensory neurons(afferent)(at) sends the signal toward the brain
Motor neurons(efferent)(effect of) sends the signal to the muscle
Interneurons(central, connecting neurons) between neurons
Dendrites sends signal toward the cell body
Axons Sends signal away from the cell body
myelin is formed by? Schwann cells in the PNS, Oligodendrocytes in the CNS
Endoneurium within
Perineurium surrounding
Epineurium uppon(think like the skin)
polarization at rest, slightly positive on the outside
Depolarization Na+ions to rush inward; this causes inside to now become more positive and the outside to become more negative
Whats the purpose of myelin? saltatory conduction? Membrane is covered with myelin, the impulse skips that section and jumps to another. (speeds up signal)
Synapse Where we chemically send signal from one to another.
neurotransmitters diffuse back into pre-synaptic knob-released at synapse by pre synaptic neuron
Diencephalon hypothalamus
brainstem includes 3 structures medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain
gyri ridges
Frontal lobe Voluntary movement(motor) somatic NS
Temporal lobe on side by ears, primary auditory cortex(receives sensory info from ears)
Occipital lobe vision
hypothalamus control, maintains water balance(ADH), and sleep cycles
Brain stem Medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain
medulla oblongata vital centers
1 of the 3 layers of coverings for the brain and spinal cord dura mater-outer layer
Part of the PNS Autonomic nervous system
autonomic nervous system connect brain and spinal cord to glands, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle
Main function of spinal cord reflex center
reflex arc 2 neuron arc(simplest), 3 neuron arc(interneurons)
Where do all interneurons lie? within gray matter of spinal cord
autonomic nervous system consists of motor neurons that conduct impulses from the CNS to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands
sympathetic nervous system thoracolumbar system, fight or flight
parasympathetic nervous system craniosacral system, rest and digest response(dominates unter normal everyday conditions.
Created by: lizard266
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