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Med Term ASA Unit 9

-ad toward
aer-o air (with oxygen)
anter/o front, anterior
axill/o underarm, axilla
bi/o living thing, live
caud/o tail, bottom end of spine
cephal/o head
chrom/o color
coron/o crown
dia- through
dist/o distant
dors/o back, dorsal
ecto- outside
endo- inside
eu- easy, good
extern/o outside, external
-iatrist one who practices (specialist)
-iatry practice of specialty)
intern/o inside, internal
later/o side
lith/o stone
medi/o, mid middle
meso- middle
neur/o nerve
omphal/o naval, umbilicus
pariet/o wall
peritone/o (um) peritoneal membrane
pharmac/o drugs
phleb/o vein
pleur/o pleura, lung membrane
poster/o back, posterior
pro- in front of , before
proxim/o close
pseud/o false
-rrhea flow, discharge
sagitt/o vertical (cut or plane)
-stasis stay constant, control
superi/o above
syphil/o syphilis
than/o death
toc/o (ia) labor
-tropic effects, turning toward, changing
ventr/o front, ventral
viscer/o organ
achromophilic resisting color (stain)
aerobic requiring air to live
aerophobia abnormal fear of air
aerotherapy treatment using air (respiratory therapy)
amenorrhea cessation of menstruation
anterolateral front & side
anteromedial front & middle
anteroposterior from front to back
anterosuperior front & top
anteriostasis control of flow through arteries
axillary underarm, armpit
biology science studying living things
caudad toward the tail (sacrum)
cephalad toward the head
cephalocaudal from head to tail
chromophilic formation of color
chromolysis destruction of color
chromometer measuring color
coronal pertaining to the crown or encircling
coronary pertaining to the crown or encircling(reference to around the heart)
distal away from a point of orgin or designated point
dorsal back (posterior)
dorsocephalad toward the back of the head
dystocia difficulty in labor
ectocytic outside the cell
endocardium inner membrane layer of the heart
endochondral within the cartilage
endoscopy process of using a scope to look into the body
euthanasia easy death
euthocia easy labor
hemostasis control blood flow
hyperplasia overdevelopement ( too many cells)
inferior below
lateral side
lithotripsy surgical crushing of a stone
lymphostasis control or stoppage of lymph flow
medial middle
mesoderm middle germ layer
midaxillary middle of the armpit
midsagittal the plane dividing the body into equal right & left halves.
neurotripsy surgical crushing of a nerve
omphalic pertaining to the umbilicus
omphalocele umbilical hernia
omphalorrhea discharge from the umbilicus
paracystitis inflammation near the urinary bladder
parietal pertaining to the wall
peritoneum membrane of the abdomen
pleura membrane of the lungs
posteroanterior from back to front
posteroexternal back & outside
posternointernal back & inside
posterolateral back & side
procephalic in front of the head
proximal near the point of orgin
pseudocyesis false pregnancy (pseudopregnancy)
pseudocyst false cyst
pseudoesthesia false sensation (i.e. phantomlimb)
retrocolic behind the colon
retroflexion bending (flexing) backward
retroperiotneum behind the periotneum
retrosternal behind the sternum
retoversion twisting(turning)backward
sagittal vertical plane or slice, divides into left & right
superior above
syphilophobia abnormal fear of syphilis
ventral front (anterior)
viscera organs
visceropleura membrane surrounding & attached to the lung
Anter/o one combining form referring to front
A location closer to the point of origin or the beginning Proximal
A plane making a vertical cut is the __________ plane sagittal or midsagittal
Define diagnosis The identification of a disease through study of its symptoms and signs
Coronal comes from the Greek word for: Crown
The opposite of the prefix pre- is? Post
The prefix meaning "through" is: dia-
the term meaning "pertaining to the area called the armpit is: Axillary
A caudal direction is toward the: Tail
In a posteroanterior direction the X-ray goes through the ___________ first back
If you see the word root omphal thing of: Navel
Chromolysis is destruction of: Color
The prefix eu- means: Good or easy
The suffix -stasis means: Control or stopping
Correctly spell the medical term for predicting the outcome of a disease Prognoses, Prognosis
Correctly spell the medical term for treatment that removes waste from the blood using an artificial kidney Hemodialysis, renal dialysis
Correctly spell the medical term for pertaining to including the front and side Anterolateral, Ventrolateral
Correctly spell the medical term for vertical cut that divides the body into equal left and right halves Midsagittal, Sagittal
Correctly spell the medical term for the study of identifying body parts Anatomy
Correctly spell the medical term for toward the back of the head Posterocephalic
Correctly spell the medical term for discharge flowing from the navel Omphalorrhea
Correctly spell the medical term for fear of air Homophobia
Correctly spell the medical term for control of blood flow Hemostasis
Correctly spell the medical term for organism that lives without oxygen (adj) Anaerobic
Correctly spell the medical term for one who studies living things Biologist
Correctly spell the medical term for attraction to color Chromophilic, Chromophilia
Correctly spell the medical term for easy breathing Eupnea
Correctly spell the medical term for prolapse or displacement of an organ Visceoptosis
Correctly spell the medical term for membrane attached to the lung Visceropleura
Correctly spell the medical term for fear of contracting syphilis Syphilophobia
Correctly spell the medical term for false pregnancy Pseudocyesis, Pseudopregnancy
Correctly spell the medical term for inner germ (embryonic) layer from which intestine is formed Endoderm
Correctly spell the medical term for insulin is formed outside its source Exogenous
Correctly spell the medical term for location behind the sternum Retrosternal
Correctly spell the medical term for bending forward Anteflexion
Correctly spell the medical term for near or around the urinary bladder Paracystic
Correctly spell the medical term for difficult or painful menstruation Dysmenorrhea
Correctly spell the medical term for study of what is good and bad for living things Bioethics
Correctly spell the medical term for difficulty in labor Dystocia
Correctly spell the medical term for defective development of the spinal cord or bone marrow Myelodysplasia
Correctly spell the medical term for easy death, active or passively assisting with easing the dying process Euthanasia
Correctly spell the medical term for false cyst Pseudocyesis
Give the correct definition for anterolateral pertaining to the front and side
Give the correct definition for syphilopsychosis severe mental disorder caused by infection by syphilis
Give the correct definition for ectopic pregnancy development of fertilized ovum outside the uterus
Give the correct definition for retroperitonitis Behind the peritoneum
Give the correct definition for endoscopy Looking inside the body with a scope
Give the correct medical abbreviation for anterior to posterior AP
Give the correct medical abbreviation for diagnosis Dx
Give the correct medical abbreviation for biopsy Bx, Bi
Give the correct medical abbreviation for tuberculosis TB
Give the correct medical abbreviation for lateral LAT
Give the meaning of the medical abbreviation LMP Last menstrual period
Give the meaning of the medical abbreviation Px Prognosis
Give the meaning of the medical abbreviation Hx History
Give the meaning of the medical abbreviation PA Posterior to Anterior
Created by: Paul Mayuiers
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