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Anatomy T4
Digestive System
Question | Answer |
Which of the following is not part of the accessory digestive organs? | Oral Cavity // Teeth // Pancreas // Salivary glands |
Parasympathetic stimulation CN IX and VII stimulate Parotid and sublingual salivary glands, but what stimulates the mucin secretion? | Sympathetic cervical ganglia // chewing bolus // Parasympathetic CN X // none of the above |
The parotid salivary gland is stimulated Para by CN IX and release AMYLASE from the Parotid duct where in the mouth? | Opposite second upper molar // lateral to the inferior frenulum // opposite upper third molar // lower lateral cheek opposite 2nd molar |
The parotid duct runs parallel to the zygomatic arch and pierces what muscle? | Buccinator M // Mylohyoid M // Lateral Pterygoid M // Medial Pterygoid M |
Which salivary gland produces 60 - 70% of saliva during chewing? | Submandibular Gland // Parotid gland // Sublingual gland // frenulum |
Which Salivary Gland has multiple tiny ducts to secrete saliva? | Sublingual (remember L is roman numeral for 50 = lots of tiny ducts) // submandibular // parotid // frenulum |
** Two types of salivary gland secretions cells Mucous Cells and Serous cells; how are you going to remember what they secrete? | Mucous Cells = Mucin (M & M) // Serous cells = ionS, lySozyme, and Salivary amylaSe (all have S in the word) |
Which salivary gland does not secrete both mucus and serous secretions? | Parotid // Submandibular // Sublingual |
**** At what age do deciduous teeth (deciduous Tree loses leaves) start to show up? | 6 - 30 months (6 and multiple of 6 = 30) |
**** How many permanent teeth do we have? | 32 |
**** What structures of the GI track are only covered on their anterolateral surfaces with visceral peritoneum and are called RETROperitoneal Organs? | Duodenum // Pancreas // Ascending and Descending colon and rectum. (colon is OUT then IN then OUT then IN then OUT |
**** What nerve fibers are b/t the two layers of smooth muscle (inner circular layer and Outer longitudinal layer) of the abdominal tract? | Myenteric Nerve Plexus (Auerback Plexus) |
All of these arteries supply blood to the abdominal GI Tract except which one? | Left Renal A. // Celiac Trunk // Superior Mesenteric A. // Inferior Mesenteric A. // |
What are present in the villi of the small intestines and absorb Dietary lipids? | Lacteals |
**** Peyer Patches | Lymphatic structures called MALT (mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue) are found in the small intestine and appendix, all together (aggregate) nodules are referred to as Peyer Patches. |
**** the autonomic plexuses for the GI Tract follow the upaired artery of the same name: 1. Sym T5-9 / Para Vagus // 2. Sym T8 - 12/ Para Vagus // 3. Sym / Para Pelvic Splantic | 1. Celiac Plexus // 2. Sup. Mesenteric Plexus // 3. Inf. Mesenteric Plexus |
What is the name of the opening in the diaphragm that the esophagus passes through? | Esophageal Hiatus // |
About how long is the esophagus and where does it lie in relation to the trachea? | 25 cm -Posterior // 25 cm -Anterior // 22 cm - Posterior // 22 cm - Anterior |
**** Which of the two esophageal sphincters closes during inhalation preventing air from entering the GI tract? | Superior Esophageal sphincter (Inferior is other one and is involved with GERD and keeping stomach contents in stomach) |
**** What are the three phrases of swallowing? | Voluntary // PHaryngeal // Esophageal (remember VEP or 88E) |
How many layers of muscle does the stomach have to aid in ingestion? | 3 Layer, most only have 2 layers. |
**** What cells in the gastric pit secrete Hydrochloric Acid and Intrinsic Factor into the stomach? | Parietal Cells ( Picture a PARENT standing in front of you as you climb back in the window with a big "Intrinsic" brain and ready to scold you with Hydrochloric Acid. |
Which cell with in the stomach secretes pepsinogen? | Chief Cell (Imagine a Indian CHIEF sitting with a Pepsi in one hand a Gin in the other.) |
How many types of secretory cells form the gastric epithelium? | 5 // 4 // 6// 2 |
** Name the five secretory cells in the gastric epithelium. | Superficial to deep: Surface Mucous Cells // Mucous Neck Cells // Parietal Cells // Chief Cells // Enteroendocrine |
** Small intestine consists of 3 specific segments what are they? | Duodenum (25cm) // Jejunum (2.5m) // Ileum (3.6m) **next time you have a stomach ache think "DJ is ILL" (representing the 3 parts of Sm Intestine) |
** Where does the bile and pancreatic secretions enter the duodenum? | Major Duodenal papilla // minor duodenal papilla // bile duct // pancreatic duodenal duct |
Of the small intestine where is the primary region for chemical digestion and nutrient absorption to take place? | Jejunum // Duodenum // Stomach // Ileum |
**** What is responsible for absorbing fluids and ions and compacts undigestible wastes and solidifies into feces? | Large Intestine (diarrhea allows not time to reabsorb and is why it can kill you) |
**** What is the muscle band that runs along the large intestine (perpendicular to Haustrum? | Tenia Coli |
**** Mucin for lubrication during defecation is secreted from what? | Anal Sinuses (Perirectal Abscess is a very painful condition that patient will present to the ER with and will look like they have not eaten for days b/c they don't want to go # 2 |
****In the large intestine what cells secrete mucin to lubricate the fecal material? | Goblet cells (instead of goblets on turkeys the turkeys have large intestines hanging from their face secrete millions of gallons of MUCIN |
**** Haustra let you know you are looking at the large intestine, what are the the external lobules of fat on the surface of the haustra? | Omental appenDICES or epiploic appendages |
The liver has 4 lobes, which of these is not a lobe of the liver? | Middle lobe // Right lobe // Left lobe // Caudate lobe |
**** What two structures make up the inferior vertical parts of the H in regards to dividing the posterior aspect of the liver? | Inferior Vena Cava and Ligamentum Venosum |
**** What two structures make up the superior vertical parts of the H in regards to dividing the posterior aspect of the liver? | Gall Bladder and Round ligament |
**** What makes the horizontal crossbar of the H in regards to the posterior aspect of the liver? | Porta Hepatis (hepatic portal vein and artery, lymphatic vessels, bile ducts, and nerves) |
What anchors the liver to the abdominal wall and diaphragm? | Falciform Ligament |
What connects the gall bladder to the common bile duct? | Cystic Duct |
**** The pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine functions: True or False | True: Exo is secreting digestive enzymes (Amylase) and bicarbonate into the duodenum via pancreatic Duct |
**** L and R lobes of liver drain bile into L and R hepatic Ducts, when the L and R hepatic ducts merge what do they form? | Common Hepatic Duct |
**** What two structures merge to form the common Bile Duct? | Cystic duct and common hepatic duct |
Common hepatic duct and the main pancreatic duct enter the duodenum through what? | Hepatopancreatic Ampulla |