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the new institutions-new science and religious faith

What was considered "Genuinely New Knowledge"? Natural knowledge and emerging philosophies that were continuously being created and opposed scholasticismand artistotelionism.
How did the universities deal with this new knowledge? -welcomed medical advancements -supported sciences(more so in Italy) -employed scientists like Newton to do experiemnts
What were the four main "institutions of sharing"? 1)1660-The Royal Society of London 2)1657-THe Academy of Experiments in Florence 3)1666-French Academy of Science 4)-1700-Berlin Academy of science (delayed due to war)
What did Societies do? Listened to essays, published information, observed experiments, organized libraries, made science an enterprise, attempted to sort natural philosophy from religion and politics, had activities that included both nobles and craftspeople, etc.
Who brought Descartes to Stockholm? Queen Christina of Sweden
Which Woman is known for these two pieces: Observations upon experimental Philosophy(1666) and Grounds of Natural Philosophy(1668)? Margaret Cavendish
This German astronomer wrote a book that people thought her husband wrote Maria Cunitz
This couple discovered a comet in 1702, and the wife was kicked out of Verlin Academy of Science after trying to get back in with her son. Maria Winkelmann and Gottfred Kirch
These four people wrot scientific pieces meant for women 1)Margaret Cavendish 2)Bernard de Frontenelle 3)Francesco Algarotti 4)Emilie du Chatelet
What three issues caused conflict between religoin and science? 1)theories and discoveries did not agree with biblical statements about the Heavens 2)Conflict over who would decide these conflicts (church authority or natural philosophers) 3)New science replaced universe of spiritual meaning with a materialistic one
Which Pope was elected in 1623? Pope Urban VIII
What caused the Galileo case? -His piece:Dialogue on the Two Chief Worlds which insulted the pope -him violating the mandate on 1616(related to Copernicius case)
Who reassed Galileo's case and found error in the pope Biiblical interpretaion? Pope John Paul II
Which groups did Pascal want to refute? Dogmatics and skeptics
what are two groups of skeptics? atheist and deists
what two truths did Pascal find in religion? 1)a loving God exsisted 2)Humans are unworthy of God
what did he encourage people to do inorder to restore traditional religious beliefs? -seek a self understanding of it and discover man's greatness through misery
What were the Two Divine Books of Revelation according to Bacon? The Bible and Nature
What was Newton's realm like in a science and faith atmosphere? Full of Law and regularity with a rational and lawful creator which is also what nature had to be.
According to John Ray,what did humans have to do? They have to understand the world and then turn it into a productive, rational place
Created by: Cianci
Popular European History sets




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