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Pharynx and Larynx

Head n Neck

Oblique arytenoid and aryepiglottic Prevent food from entering (the inlet of larynx - Aditus) larynx and trachea during swallowing.
Internal branch of the Superior laryngeal (Sensory) and Superior thyroid laryngeal A Pierce thyroid membrane and supply sensory fibers to the mucous membranes of larynx superior to vocal folds.
External Branch of Superior Laryngeal (Motor) Supplies fibres to cricothyroid muscle; Nerve damage - patient would be unable to tense the vocal cords
Recurrent laryngeal N Supplies Motor fibres to upper esophagus, lower pharynx, and all the laryngeal muscles except cricothyroideus.
Cricothyroid one muscle innervated by the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve; responsible for stretching (elongating) the vocal ligament is the
Posterior cricoarytenoid only muscle that abducts the vocal folds; is innervated by the inferior laryngeal nerve
vagus nerve motor innv. to the muscles of the pharynx and larynx; supplies motor innervation to the palate muscles, with the exception of tensor veli palatini (innervated by the V3 division of the trigeminal nerve); Damage would cause problems with swallowing
glossopharyngeal nerve supplies sensory, but not motor, innervation to the pharynx
superior cervical ganglion GVE and GVA fibers to the blood vessels & glands of the pharynx
glossopharyngeal n exit the cranium through the medial margin of the jugular foramen; enter the pharynx b/w the superior and middle constrictor muscles; Tympanic branch- parasyp. Neurons along the lesser S .P N to Otic Ganglion; P
Carotid Sheath contains: Vagus N, Superior Ramus of the Ansa Cervicalis, Internal Carotid, Common Carotid, and the Internal Jugular Vein.
Horner's syndrome Injury to sympathetic trunk; ptosis, constricted pupil, lack of sweating on the affected side, flushing on the affected side, and enophthalmos (sunken-in eye)
injury to the hypoglossal nerve would cause the tongue, when protruded, to point to the side of the face with the injured nerve.
Created by: togini
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