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Brain and Cranial Nerves

MAX Returns MANDy's OVum... what is this Mnemonic used to help remember? MAXillary nerve - foramen Rotundum, MANDibulur Nerve - foramen OVale. /// the Trigeminal N CN V has 3 branches and this helps you remember where 2 of them exit the skull.
What are the embryonic development of the divisions of the brain. Hint there are 5 of them? Toddler's MESsy DIapers Turn Yellow.// Telencephalon, MESencephalon, DIencephalon, meTencephalon, mYencephalon
What Dura mater is made up of what two layer? Periosteal and Meningeal Layer
What the layers that cover the brain (start superficial and work deep) also in what layer do the blood vessel sit? Dura Mater, Arachnoid mater, Pia mater. /// Blood vessel sit b/t Arachnoid and Pia mater in the Subarachnoid space.
What are the 4 ventricles of the brain and where are they located? 1. Two Lateral Ventricles - each hemisphere of cerebrum. // 2. Third Ventricle - Diencephalon // 3. Fourth Ventricle - b/t Pons and Cerebellum
Name 3 functions of the CSF. 1. Buoyancy - brain floats in CSF // 2. Protection - Liquid cushion from sudden movements // 3. Environmental Stability - Transport nutrients and removes waste.
Why are the Ependymal cells of the Choroid Plexus important? Formation of Cerebral Spinal Fluid
The venous fluid of the Superior sagittal sinus (dural venous sinus)and arachnoid villus are located b/t what two layers? The Periosteal and Meningeal layer of the Dura Mater.
Tell me where the CSF is produced and how it travels around the CNS until it is dumped back into the venous system. Ependymal cells of the Choroid Plexus mostly in the Lateral ventricles >from third Ventricle> cerebral aqueduct> into fourth Ventricle> subarachnoid space> central canal spinal cord> Arachnoid villus> Sup Sagittal sinus/dural venous sinus
In the brain where is the Blood Brain Barrier (Astrocyte Perivascular Feet contribute) missing or reduced? Choroid Plexus /// Hypothalamus /// Pineal Gland
Wernicke's Area is located in what lobe of your cerebral cortex? Parietal and Temporal - your Parents (parietal) taught you to listen (temporal).
What are deeper in the brain fissures or sulci? Fissures are deeper than Shallow Sulci - Remember the Cerebral Hemispheres are divided by LONG Deep fissure (Longitudinal Fissure)
What are 3 classes of fiber tracts in the white matter of the Cerebrum? 1. Association Tracts // 2. Commissural Tracts - Connects R and L cerebral Hemispheres // 3. Projection Tracts - Connects Cerebral cortex to diencephalon, brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord (Projector from cord onto big screen Cerebral cortex)
Of the 3 classes of fiber tracts in the white matter of the cerebrum, the Association Tracts break down into what 2 tracts and what do they do? 1. Arcuate Fibers - Connect Neighboring gyri w/in single cerebral lobe. /// 2. Longitudinal Fasciculi - Connect gyri b/t different cerebral lobes of same hemisphere.
Cerebral Nuclei (basal nuclei) are paired gray matter inferior to the floor of the lateral ventricles, what are the names of these 5 areas? Caudate Nucleus // Amygdaloid body // Lentiform Nucleus // Claustrum // Corpus Striatum
What are the largest fiber tracts in the white matter of the cerebrum connecting two hemispheres? Corpus Callosum / Commissural Tracts.
What are the 3 divisions of the Diencephalon? Epithalamus // Thalamus // Hypothalamus
What projects into the longitudinal fissure and separates L and R cerebral Hemispheres? Falx Cerebri//// Falx CerebELLI same thing for cerebellum
What separates the lateral ventricles, its thin? Septum Pellucidum
The cerebrum is from by what embryological structure? TELencephalon
What is immediately anterior to teh central sulcus in the frontal lobe? Pre-Central Gyrus
Which cerebral lobe is involved with memory and interpretation of taste? Insula
Primary Olfactory Cortex provides conscious awareness of smell and is located in what cerebral lobe? Temporal
Gnostic Area integrates all sensory, visual, and auditory information and is composed of what three cerebral regions? Parietal, Occipital, and Temporal Lobes
What area of the brain is the master control of ANS, endocrine system, reg. of body temperature, emotional behavior, food intake, water intake, and Reg Sleep - wake rhythms? Hypothalamus
What 3 Regions form the brain stem? Mesencephalon, Pons (meTencephalon), and Medulla Oblongata (mYELencephalon)
the diencephalon includes what structures? Everything with name "thalamus" and basal ganglia
What projects into the longitudinal fissure and separates L and R cerebral Hemispheres? Falx Cerebri//// Falx CerebELLI same thing for cerebellum
What separates the lateral ventricles, its thin? Septum Pellucidum
The cerebrum is from by what embryological structure? TELencephalon
What is immediately anterior to teh central sulcus in the frontal lobe? Pre-Central Gyrus
Which cerebral lobe is involved with memory and interpretation of taste? Insula
Primary Olfactory Cortex provides conscious awareness of smell and is located in what cerebral lobe? Temporal
Gnostic Area integrates all sensory, visual, and auditory information and is composed of what three cerebral regions? Parietal, Occipital, and Temporal Lobes
What area of the brain is the master control of ANS, endocrine system, reg. of body temperature, emotional behavior, food intake, water intake, and Reg Sleep - wake rhythms? Hypothalamus
What 3 Regions form the brain stem? Mesencephalon, Pons (meTencephalon), and Medulla Oblongata (mYELencephalon)
the diencephalon includes what structures? Everything with name "thalamus" and basal ganglia
With in the MB (mesencephalon) which structure can degenerate causing Parkinsons Disease? Substantia Nigra
The cerebellum develops from what structure? METencephalon - The Pitcher (Pons) on the METs (METencephalon) make smooth coordinated movements (CEREBELLUM) when he pitches.
Created by: cmuox2000
Popular Neuroscience sets




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