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Inductive Method Method where you bulid knowledge based off of observations.
Empiricism Doctrine that states that all knowledge is formed from experience.
Cognito Ergo Sum "I Think, Therefore I am" By Descartes to prove he was a thinking being.
Montaigne Humanitst who believed in a tolerant, humane, and broad minded outlook.
New Atlantis Written by Francis Bacon is a book where there is a perfect scientific utopia with a perfect society becasue of their knowledge of nature.
Advancement of Learning Written by Bacon where he insists that true knowledge is useful knowledge.
Vesalius Believed Galen theory of anatomy early in his career but then based his discriptions on actual human bodies he studied.
William Harvey His book on the movement of the Heart and Blood put out his theory of the continual circulatioon of the blood through arteries and veins.
Leeuwoenhoek Using Mircoscopes saw blood corpuscles, spermatozoa,a nd bacteria.
Tycho Brahe Proved Copernicus's theory of planets moving a a cirular pattern was inncorrect his assistant Johannes Kepler whould prove it was an ellipse.
Heliocentric Theory Theory of the solar system where the planets and the moons revolve around the sun.
Pierre Bayle A Huguenot who stated that truth is often an opinion.
Edmund Halley First man to predict the return of the commet of 1682.
Richard Simon Priest who said Catholic faith was based on tradition instead of acutal bible translations. He also doubted the old testments origin.
Jean Mabillon Established the science fo paleography. Which is the deciphering, readin dating, and authenticateing of mnauscripts.
James Usher A Archbishop who sutdied the bible and announced the date 4004 B.C as the creation of the world.
Paleograph study of deciphering, reading, dating,and authenticating manuscripts.
Numismatics The study of Coins, metals, and paper money.
Biblical criticism The study of the bible's writings in order to discrimanate its passages.
Gregorian Claendar Christian Claendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII.
The Prince Book by Niccolo Machiavelli where he writes how to be a sucessful ruler. In it he also seperates the study of politics from theology and moral philosophy.
Two Treatises of Goverment Written by John Locke where he shows moderate religion is a good thing and to learn from your experiences. His ideas favored a belief in self-goverment.
Leviathan A monster in the bible is the book by Hobbes that expressed his absolutism and theory of unlimited sovereignty of the state.
Samuel Pufendorf wrote Law of Nature and of Nations and believed that sovereign states should work together for the common good.
hugo Grotius Wrote the Law fo War and Peace. Also believed in sovereign states working together and being subordinate to natural reason.
Kepler Assistant to Tycho brahe he discovered that the planets move in an ellipse.
on the Revolutions fo heavenly Orbs Book by Nicholas Copernicus that stated the sun was the center of the solar system and the planets mover around it in a cirular motion.
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy series written by Isaac Newton it desccribes the laws of motion and the rules of philosphy.
Peasoonableness of Christianity Book by Baruch Spinoza that Christianity is the most reasonable religion and helped soften the friction between religion and natural knowledge.
Essay Conerning the Human Understanding One of John Locke's deepest books it answers the question of if knowledge is certian with his answer of true knowleg=dge is derived from experience.
Created by: AndrewPool
Popular European History sets




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