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SAT Vocabulary Hopki

Infiltrate to filter to, gain entrance, surreptitiously Syn: Sneak in, mingle
Odious Repugnant, hateful Syn:abhorrent, abominable, destestable, horrid Ant:loveable, sympathetic
Strident shrill, lud, harsh Syn:grating, jarring, rasping, clamourous Ant:euphonious, sweet, melodious, pleasing
Pompous ostentatiously grander shower, exhibiting self importance; pretentious arrogant Syn:pontifical, egocentric Ant: humble, meek, modest
Belligerent adj: quarrelsome, combative, inflammatory, aggressive, hostile Syn: behable, concillatory, bellicose, contentious, pugnacious Ant: friendly, poachable, conciliatory, amiable
Contentious characterized by argumentative attitude or action; quarrelsome, belligerent Syn: bellicose, combative, militant, pugnacious Ant: peaceable, amiable, agreeable, complaisant
Reproach expression of censure Syn: rebuke, censure Ant: praise
Mitigating make milder or more tolerable; reduce in degree, as something objectionable; moderate Syn: assuage, alleviate, palliate, lessen Ant: intensity, increase, aggravate
Peripheral at the boundary, unncessary, of minor importance Syn: border, dispensable, irrelevant Ant: central, essential imperative
Wanton extravagant excessive Syn: extreme Ant: frugal, reserved
Nullify deprive of force or efficacy, render invalid Syn:Cancel out, invalidate, void Ant: validate, authenticate
Rhetorical Over elaborated, showy; concerned primarily with style of effect Syn: oratorical, euphemistic, flowery, grandiloquent Ant: plain, unpretentious, unblemished
Obsolete no longer in use, outmoded, our of date Syn:extinct, outmoded, outword, passe, unfashionable Ant: modern, new-fashioned, current
Plausible having a superficial appearance of truth or trustworthiness, possible, likely Syn: believable, credible, probably Ant: improbably, unlikely, impossible
Jeopardize expose to peril or haard Syn: endangerment, risk Ant;Safeguard
Exemplary serving as a model for imitation, outstanding Syn: Paradigmatic, admirable, commerciable Ant: unworthy, evil, corrupt
Specious Syn: deceptive, erroneous, inaccurate Ant: Valid
Discriminate to make clear distinction Syn: differentiate, identify Ant: muddle, confuse
Revere To regard with awe Syn: Adore worship, devotion Ant: loathe, abhor, despise
Acute keen, critical, perceptive Syn: penetrating, trenchant, piercing Ant: obtuse, dense, dull, stupid
Objective Unbiased, facual Ant:suppositional, biased prejudiced
Derogatory disparaging, detracting, pejorative, deprecatory Ant: complimentary, lavatory, admiring
Propitious favorable disposed, benign, affording, favorable conditions Syn: Auspicious, promising, kindly ant: adverse, unpromising
Innovative to introduce something new Syn: Originate, devise
Flagrant Glaring, scandalous, outrageous Syn: Blatant, objective, outrageous, egregious Ant: unnoticeable
Ignoramus ignorant person, dunce, uninformed Syn: dunce, idiot, dolt Ant: sage
Infallible exempt from liability to error, trustworthy Syn: dependable, fool proof Ant: fallible
Epitomize to function as an ideal, sum up Syn: typify Ant: refute
Grievous mournful, sad, doleful Ant: comedic, happy
Avarice inordinate desire for wealth, greed Syn: cupidity, greediness, rapaciousness Ant: generosity, munificence, selfishness
Sage wise person syn: guru, expert, authority Ant: idiot moron
Concise expressing much in few words Syn:pith, succinct, terse ant; length, wordy, verbose
Antagonist one who engages another in cobamt or argument Syn: opponent, adversary Ant: ally, colleague, supporter
Squander to spend extravagantly Syn: waste, dissipate, wanton Ant: conserve, hoard
Virtuoso one with special talent and knowledge Syn: master, prodigy, maven Ant: novice, amateur, tryo
Prodigious wonderfully great in degree, size, quantity Syn: immense, enormous, amazing Ant:insignificant, minuscule
Disparity difference, inequality Syn: discrepancy, incongruity, divergence Ant: correspondence, accord, similarity
Eccentric departing from the established norm Syn: unorthodox, anomalous, weird ant: cosmopolitan, atified
Depravity corruption, baseness, perversion Syn: barbarism, decadence, debauchery Ant: goodness
Haughty proud, disdainful Syn: narcissistic, cocky, egoistical Ant: modest, unassuming, humble
Apathetic having/exhibiting little emotion Syn: stolid, dispassionate, unsentimental, indifferent Ant: enthusiastic, excited
Effervescent bubbly, fizzing Syn: lively Ant:dull, flat
Abstract not easily seen Syn:hypothetical, speculative Ant: Proven, definitive, concrete
Parsimony excessively economical Syn: frugal, stinginess
Temperate Exercising moderation and self-restraint Syn: moderate, abstemious Ant: excessive, unrestrained
Ribald indulging in vulgar, lewd humor, syn: coarse, indecent Ant:inoffensive, innocuous
Inevitable Ant: optional, required
Dillegence persistence, assiduity Ant: laziness
Provincial no fashionable or sophisticated Syn: crude, uncultured, unrefined Ant: cosmopolitan, citified
Disdain contempt, scorn derision ant:esteem, respect, honor, admiration
Insubordinate disobedient, not submitting to authority Syn: defiant, rebellious, seditious Ant: obedient, complaint
Viable Capable of being used or succesful Syn:Practicable, possible, feasible Ant: impossible, unworkable
Expedite To accelerate the motion/ progress of Syn: hasten, facilitate, ease Ant: hinder, obstruct, block
Absolve to release from obligation, penalty, or punishment Syn: pardon, exempt, excuse, free Ant: convict, obligate
Collaborate to work with others Syn: cooperate, unite Ant: compete
Recant exposed as a traitor, unsay what has been said Syn: disdain, disavow, repudiate, abrogate Ant: affirm, confirm
Avow to declare openly, admit, confess Syn: claim, assert, allege, profess Ant: deny, reject, repudiate, recant
Equivocate to use ambigious expressions with attempt to mislead Syn: hedge, evade, prevaricate Ant: confront, face
Profuse Liberal or plentiful Syn:abundant, copious, bountiful Ant: megard, niggard, stingy, frugal
Discreet capable of keeping a confidence Syn: prudent, judicious, fiduciary Ant: ostentatious, untrustworthy
Vilification vicious, defamatory statement Syn: slander, belittle Ant: praise, compliment
Incoherence lack of harmony or clear connection Syn: chaos, muddle, disorderliness Ant: logic, orderliness
Compliance yielding to the will of others, agreeing to a wish/ command Syn: conformity, acquiescence Ant: disagreement, discord
Ameliorate to make better Syn: improve, amend Ant: deteriorate, worsen
Deter To prevent, to turn aside Syn: discourage, inhibit, obviate Ant: persuade, encourage, urge
Reprehensible deserving of criticism or censure Syn: blameworthy, culpable Ant: virtuous, righteous
Obscure to make indistinct Syn: hide, dim, indefinite Ant: reveal, expose, distinct
Capricious change's ones mind easily and frequently, fickle Syn: impulsive, whimsical, unpredictable Ant: constant, predictable
Impartial unprejudiced, open-minded, fair Syn: unbiased, indifferent, just Ant: prejudiced, biased, partial
Futile Having no useful result, ineffectual Syn: unproductive, failed, fruitless Ant: successful, effective
Benevolent Suggestive of doing good Syn: generous, philanthropic Ant: malevolent, stingy, uncharitable
Pious Exhibiting reverence & earnest compliance in religion Syn: devout, god-fearing Ant: unobservant, irreligious
Conciliate To overcome the distinct or animosity Syn: reconcile, mediate, negotiate Ant:provoke, aggravate, inflame
Resignation Unresistant acceptance of something as inevitable Syn: capitulation, surrender Ant: resistance, define
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