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Head Neck 1

From the dissector

StructureComes From?Goes to?What does it do?Innervation/ComponentsArtery (if applicable)
Zygomatic Branch of CN VII) Stylomastoid Foramen Part of Orbicularis Oris Motor for eyelids Goes over Zygomatic Bone GSA NA
Marginal Mandibular Branch of CN VII Stylomastoid Foramen Depressor Anguli Oris, Depressor Labii Inferioris, Mentalis, Motor for lower lip Goes with inferior border of mandible GSA NA
Cervical Branch Stylomastoid Foramen Platysma Motor for neck?? Crosses angle of the mandible GSA NA
Frontalis epicranial aponeurosis skin of lower forehead and eyebrows protracts elevates eyebrows Temporal Branch of CN VII Supraorbital A. Supratrochlear A. (from Internal Carotid)
Occipitalis greater nuchal line epicranial aponeurosis retracts increases efficiency of frontalis ? Occipital A.(from External Carotid)
Corrugator Supercili Superciliary Arch Skin over superciliary arch and middle of supraorbital margin draws eyebrows together Temporal Branch of CN VII ?
Procerus Fascia over nasal bone + lateral nasalis cartilage skin in between eyebrows depresses medial end of eyebrows wrinkles nose Buccal Branch of CN VII Facial?
Transverse Part of Nasalis Fascia over nasal bone + lateral nasalis cartilage skin in between eyebrows depresses medial end of eyebrows wrinkles nose Buccal Branch of CN VII Facial?
Alar Part of Nasalis Frontal Process of Maxilla Alar Cartilage Flares nostrils Buccal Branch of CN VII Angular A.?
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasii Frontal Process of MAxilla Alar Cartilage Flares Nostrils Buccal Branch of CN VII Angular A.?
Orbicularis Oris (Orbital, Lacrimal, Palpebral) Medial orbital margin, Medial palpebral ligament, lacrimal bone skin around margin of orbit, superior and inferior tarsal plates Orbital: forceful closing of eye Lacrimal: draws eyelids medially (tear drainage) Palpebral: gentle closing of eye (blinking) Zygomatic Branch of CN VII Angular A.?
Levator Labii Superioris Infraorbital Margin skin of upper lip Dilator everts/elevates upper lip deepens nasolabial sulcus Buccal Branch of CN VII Facial A.
Zygomaticus Minor Anterior portion of Zygomatic Bone skin of upper lip Dilator everts/elevates upper lip; deepens nasolabial sulcus Buccal Branch of CN VII Facial A.
Zygomaticus Major Lateral portion of Zygomatic Bone Angle of mouth (modiolus) Dilator elevates upper lip: bilateral = smile Buccal Branch of CN VII Facial A.
Levator Anguli Oris Infraorbital Maxilla Angle of mouth (modiolus) Dilator elevates upper lip: bilateral = smile Buccal Branch of CN VII Facial A.
Depressor Anguli Oris Anterolateral portion of Mandible Angle of mouth (modiolus) Dilator everts/depresses lower lip, Marginal Mandibular Branch of CNVII Facial A.
Risorious Parotid Fascia and Buccal Skin Angle of Mouth (Modiolus) Dilator Widens rima Buccal Branch of CN VII Facial A.
Depressor Labii Inferioris Anteriolateral portion of Mandible Skin of lower lip Dilator Depresses/everts lower lip Marginal Mandibular Branch of CN VII Facial A.
Mentalis Body of Mandible Skin of lower lip Dilator Depresses/everts lower lip elevates skin of chin Marginal Mandibular Branch of CN VII Facial A.
Buccinator Alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible Mandible Pterygomandibular Raphe (ext. of buccopharyngeal fascia) Angle of mouth (modiolus) Orbicularis Oris Keeps cheek taut against molar teeth Buccal Branch of CN VII Facial A.
Orbicularis Oris Mandible Maxilla Angle of Mouth Deep Surface of Perioral Skin Mucus Membrane of lips sphincter of mouth compression/protrusion of lips Buccal Branch of CN VII Facial A.
Parotid Duct Parotid Gland Goes over masseter, into the buccinator, empties into oral cavity saliva delivery Lesser Petrosal (CN IX) GVE (parasymp) NA
Temporal Branch of CN VII Stylomastoid Foramen Frontalis, Corrugator Supercilii, part of Orbicularis Oris Motor for top of face Goes over Zygomatic Arch GSA NA
Buccal Branch of CN VII Stylomastoid Foramen Levator labii superioris, Zygomaticus Minor, Zygomaticus Major, Levator Anguli Oris, Procerus, Nasalis, Levator Labii Superiorus Alaeque Nasii, Orbicularis Oris, Buccinator, Risorious Motor for sides of face Goes over masseter muscle GSA NA
Created by: s2d0789
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