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family dynamics

vulnerable child abuse discipline developmental screening

define family dynamics family health and other components (relationship,etc) that guide interaction, growth and development of the family
concept of social attachment described by Bowlby 1969 earliest bonds between child and caregiver impact one's life tremendously; when mothers respond to infant's needs, a sense of security is established
research demonstrated re: attachment theory failure to form early attachments has negative impact on later childhood and life
variations in family dynamics attributed to culture, genetic background, economic state, child's temperament
4 types of childhood temperament easy, slow to warm up, difficult, intermediate
vulnerable child syndrome defined by Green & Solnit 1964 refers to parent-child relationship & parent's perception of child's illness
physical characteristics that make children vulnerable to injury (skin, genital tissue, bones, brain & skull) skin-less elastin & collagen fibers, more fluid & permeability genital tissues-distensible & heals rapidly; cervix prone to infection bones-not calcified until 20 yrs; more flexible & absorb more impact-buckle/torsion fracture brain-no myelin, pliable
infants & types of injury roll off- after 4 months burns-after 6 months injuries from cruising/walking-after 9 months
infant milestones 2 months-follow object to midline, lift head 4 months-roll from stomach to back 6 months-babble, reach, grasph 9 months-pull self to stand, creeping 12 months-cruising
toddler milestone 15 months-2-3 words vocabulary 18 months- scribbling 2 years-climbing stairs one at a time, stand from squat position 3 years-kick a ball
toddler & type of injury burns toddler's fracture-tibia; due to falling off a slide or step
preschool age milestones becoming aware of gender, functional in self care activities, climbing stairs using alternating feet, riding a tricycle
preschool age children and injury biking/skating injuries & sport injuries are common
earliest indicators of abuse in child behavioral changes- young children-sleep problems, toilet training difficulties, aggression older children-phobia, school problems, promiscuity, depression
injuries common to physical abuse soft tissue injuries, bruises, burns, bite marks, fractures, impact injuries to mouth, abdomen, brain injuries
shaken baby syndrome type of abuse seen in children younger than 2 that results in 2/3 of them being severely injured or dead; see retinal bleed, posterior rib fractures, skull fractures, vomiting,
types of neglect failure to thrive, medical neglect, educational neglect
risk factors/cues neglect poor parenting/problem solving skill, poor support system, parent has disability, poverty see signs of attachment failure
emotional abuse examples rejecting/ignoring, isolating, terrorizing, corrupting, verbally assaulting
3 hallmark physical findings in sexual abuse vaginal/anal distention along with decreased sphincter tone,fissures or scarring, STD in child older than 1
3 components of discipline supportive /nurturing relationship, positive reinforcement technique to increase desirable behaviors, removal of reinforcement/punishment to reduce or eliminate undesirable behaviors
parenting styles authoritarian, democratic, indulgent, indifferent
maturation vs. growth vs. development maturation-cell changes growth-physical change in height, weight,etc development-physical, psychosocial, intellectual change
areas of development that are monitored via screenings perceptual/fine motor skills, gross motor skills, cognitive & language skills, social/emotional skills
developmental screening administered by parent ASQSE-ages and stages questionniare social emotional; 5 years BITSEA-brief infant and toddler social and emotional assessment CBCL-child behavior checklist; from 2 to 20 years PEDS-parents evaluation of developmental status; birth to 8 years
developmental screening administered by child CRAFFT-car, relax, alone, forget, friends, trouble; ages 14-18 PHQ9-patient health questionnaire; ages 18-20 PSC-pediatric symptom checklist; ages 4-16
Denver Development Screening Tool administered by HCP for childre 1 month to 6 years
Created by: deleted user
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