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NEU 220 Vision 2

Visual system: Eye to Brain

Cortical cell Feature detector in the visual cortex.
Simple cortical cell Tuned to specific orientation of light
Complex cortical cell Tuned to specific orientation and movement.
End-stopped cortical cell Tuned to specific orientation, movement, and size.
Tuning curve Individual neuron in visual cortex detects stimulus under specific circumstances with specific characteristics.
Selective adaptation Psychophysical means to determine tuning curve for individual neurons.
Grating stimuli Type of selective adaptation; experiment that determines the type of orientation a neuron responds to.
Ipsilateral Same side of brain/eye.
Contralateral Opposite side of brain/eye.
Visual Process in the Brain Optic chiasm --> Lateral geniculate nucleus --> Primary visual cortex
Optic chiasm Point at which axons in brain cross over to the contralateral side, to send input to LGN
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) Cortical and retinal input combined after passing the optic chiasm.
Retinotopic mapping Receptive fields in retina correspond to layers in LGN and PVC.
Primary Visual Cortex (PVC) Optic radiations transfer input from LGN to PVC to determine the point in space a stimulus occupies.
Column (within PVC) Focuses on specific point in space; organized by location (0.5mm) and orientation of stimulus.
Hypercolumn Contains information regarding ocular dominance, orientation, and location.
Ablation Removing part of the brain to observe perception before and after.
Object discrimination Identifying object when shown alone, then when placed with others.
Landmark discrimination Locating object via location relative to object.
Temporal lobe / Ventral stream "What" information; magnocellular
Magnocellular Movement; LGN Layers 1 & 2
Parietal lobe / Dorsal stream "Where" & "How" information; parvocellular
Parvocellular Color, texture, depth; LGN layers 3, 4, 5, 6
Prosapagnosia Double dissociation; can locate object, cannot identify
Created by: pichelle
Popular Neuroscience sets



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