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Chapter 9 Matching

Surrounds entire muscle Epimysium
Surrounds each muscle fiber Endomysium
Surrounds each muscle bundle (fascicle) Perimysium
Binds muscles into functional groups Deep fascia
Plasma membrane of skeletal muscle fiber Sarcolemma
Cytoplasm of a skeletal muscle fiber Sarcoplasm
Series of membranous channels (modified ER) that surround each myofibril Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Rod-like contractile elements within a muscle fiber Myofibril
Functional unit of a skeletal muscle fiber Sarcomere
Area of the sarcomere with overlapping thick and thin filaments A band
Area of the sarcomere containing only thin filaments I band
Area in the center of the A band containing only thick filaments H band
Cross-bridges Myosin molecules
Contains vesicles filled with acetylcholine Synaptic knob
Space between the neuron and the muscle Synaptic cleft
Contains receptors for acetylcholine Motor end plate
Type of contraction represented by a single stimulus/contraction/relaxation sequence Twitch
A muscle producing peak tensions with visible relaxation during rapid cycles of contraction and relaxation Incomplete tetanus
A muscle that is stimulated so frequently that the relaxation phase is completely eliminated Complete tetanus
When a muscle is stimulated repeatedly for several seconds with a constant stimulus, the amount of tensions gradually increases to a maximum Wave summation
Activities best suited for slow oxidative fibers Endurance-type activities
Activities best suited for fast oxidative fibers 400M or 800M sprint
Activities best suited for fast glycolytic fibers Short-term intense movements
Single, very long cylindrical, multinucleate cells with striations Skeletal muscle fibers
Branching chains of cells; uni- or binucleate striations; intercalated discs Cardiac muscle cells
Single, fusion, uninucleated; no striations Smooth muscle cells
Ability to receive and respond to a stimulus Excitability
Ability to shorten forcibly when adequately stimulated Contractility
Ability to be stretched or extended Extensibility
Ability of a muscle to resume its resting length after being stretched Elasticity
Propagation of an electrical current along the sarcolemma Action potential
The initial polarized state Resting potential
Restoration of membrane potential to resting potential Repolarization
The time when fiber cannot stimulated until repolarization is complete Refractory period
Neurotransmitter released into the neuromuscular junction Acetylcholine
Enzyme released into neuromuscular junction to break down acetylcholine Acetylcholinesterase
Released by terminal cisternae into the sarcoplasm to bind with troponin Ca2+
Protein found in SR that binds calcium Calsequestrin
Protein that works alternately with calsequestrin Calmodulin
Electrical event occurring only at neuromuscular junction End plate potential
Electrical event spreading in all directions from neuromuscular junction across the sarcolemma Action potential
Membrane charge prior to depolarization Resting (polarized) potential
Time between the stimulus and an action potential initiation Latent period
Outside positive relative to the inside Electrical conditions of a resting sarcolemma
Production of an end plate potential at the motor end plate and consequent depolarization of adjacent areas Depolarization and generation of action potential
Increased positive charge inside sarcolemma changes permeability of adjacent areas, opening voltage-regulated Na+ channels Propagation of the action potential
Change in sarcolemma after the wave of depolarization; Na+ channels close and K+ channels open, allowing K+ to create a positive charge outside the membrane Repolarization
Pulling on something to change its position Producing movement
Development of tension to prevent movement as in keeping the vertebral column upright. Maintaining posture
Attaching to bones and keeping them in close proximity to one another. Stabilizing joints
Release of energy during metabolism Generation of heat
Changes shape during the contraction cycle Myosin
Slides toward the M line during a contraction. Actin
Covers the binding site. Tropomyosin
Binds Ca2+ and starts the contraction cycle Troponin
Created by: schell912
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