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KQSS Domain 2

MTS KQSS Domain 2

Discuss the purpose of the Shareable Content Object Reference Model(SCORM) and its application in content development. -A collection of standards that specify how e-learning software should be built.
Describe Reuse, Repurpose, and Reference(R3) as it applies to NCOM. Reuse- use of an existing object in a new learning event without any modification. Repurpose- The use of an existing object in a new learning event with little to no modification. Reference- The use of an existing object as an info source
Name the 5 content types and describe when each would be used as they relate to enabling objective statements. CFPPP Concepts-categories that include multiple examples. Facts-Unique/specific info. Procedures-sequence of steps followed to achieve a task. Processes- Flow of events how something works. Principles- Directions that outline guidelines for action.
Describe enabling objective content use levels. -Degree of recognition/performance learner is expected to display after training. REMEMBER use level and APPLY use level.
Describe Metadata and its capabilities. -Data about data allowing it to be categorized by content, context, and structure.
Discuss the key precepts of ILE Information Architecture to include Navy Content Object Model, Sharable Content Object Knowledge Model (SCORM), and Enabling Learning Objectives/Terminal Learning Objectives (ELO/TLO). NCOM=Navy version of the SCORM. Data drill down heirarchy dictates assets(single media/text element) are grouped into ELOs, ELOs are grouped into TLOs.
What is a Job Task Analysis(JTA)? -Finding out what Knowledge, skills, abilities are needed to do a job
Contrast level 1&2 JTA data. Level 1- Descibes what work is being performed. Level 2- Describes how the work is being performed.
Where does one find technical specifications, XML specifications, and NMCI core build requirements? Tech specs- MPT&ECIOSWIT-ILE-SPEC-4D XML specs- MPT&ECIOSWIT-ILE-SPEC-2B NMCI core build reqs- NMCI core build contents document
What are the 3 educational domains discussed in the NAVY ILE learning objective statements (NLOS) specifications and guidance? Name the main verb categories attributed to each. CAP. Cognitive- Evaluation-THINK. Affective- Responding-FEEL Physchomotor- Articulation-DO
Discuss the types of questions used for each content use level. REMEMBER-should assess if able to recognize and recall info(ex. matching). APPLY-assess on performance of procedures(ex. exercise).
Discuss the phases of the Instructional Design Process. (ADDIE) Analyze- use JTA to generate Learning Objective Statements(LOS). Design- creates prototype lesson. Develop- translate inputs from first 2 phases into courseware. Implement-integrate into ILE. Evaluate-
Discuss the item(s) developed in phase I(plan) of task-based curriculum development. -Training Project Plan(TPP)-Identifies materials required and development sequence of events.
Discuss the items developed in phase II (analyze). -Course Training Task List(CTTL)- consisting of Jobs-made up of duties and tasks, Duties-made up of tasks, Tasks. CTTL foundation for TLOs and ELOs
Discuss the items developed in phase III(design). -Curriculum Outline of Instruction(COI)- first formed from Learning Objectives. Training Course Control Document(TCCD) contains the COI and is final output of design phase.
State the two categories of learning objectives. Termainal objectives(TO)-developed from duties. Enabling objectives(EO)-developed from tasks.
Discuss the items developed in phase IV(develop) Lesson plan, Trainee guide, Tests, Visual information(VI), Instructional media material(IMM), and Pilot
Discuss the purpose of instructional media material(IMM) and Visual Information(VI). Used to INTRODUCE, REINFORCE, or SUPPLEMENT training.
State and discuss the elements of the Lesson Plan(LP). FRONT MATTER-cover, title, change record, table of contents, security awareness, safety/hazard awareness, terminal objective. LESSON TOPICS- topic pages list, discussion-demonstration activity pages.
State and discuss the elements of the Trainee Guide(TG). FRONT MATTER-cover, title, change record, table of contents, security awareness, safety/hazard awareness, how to use, TOs,CMS(optional). INSTRUCTION SHEETS- Outline, assignment, information, job, problem, diagram.
State the rules for writing a Course Training Task List(CTTL) statement. Statement must begin with ACTION VERB and contain the OBJECT of that verb; limited use of a/an; Acronyms spelled out first time; no parenthisis within parenthisis; Short words/phrases; Simple words; etc.
State the purpose of testing. Primary tool for determining trainee atainment of Terminal and Enabling objectives.
Explain the purpose of conducting a pilot (phase IV). Validate curriculum and materials and determine effectiveness.
List the justifiable reasons for developing, revising, or canceling a course. (NESTIT) Navy Training Plans(NTP), Tasking by higher authority, internal course reviews and local command initiatives, external course reviews, Surveillance and external feedback, Training appraisal.
Discuss the purpose of phase V (Implementation). Implemented by the CCMM. Navedtra 135A used as a guide.
Discuss the purpose of phase VI (Evaluate) Evaluation of Instructional materials, instructon, instructors, and trainees.
Discuss the relationship between the following as used in the CTTL. JOB-made up of duties and tasks. DUTIES- major part of a job made up of tasks. Measureable. TASKS- major part of a duty. Measureable.
State the difference between the Course Mission Statement and a Terminal Objective. Mission statement- descriptive of the course. Terminal Objective- relates to the trainee.
Describe the three products of a Training Course Control Document (TCCD). FRONT MATTER-cover page, letter of promulgation, table of contents, forward, course data, trainee data, personnel physical reqs, security clearance, pre-reqs, olbserv, NOBC/NEC earned. CURRICULUM OUTLINE of INSTRUCTION-TOs and EOs. ANNEXES- RRL and CMS.
List the Volumes of the Navedtra 130 and their purpose. I-DEVELOPERS GUIDE, II-SAMPLE PRODUCTS, III-MANAGERS GUIDE.
Spell out the full term for the following abbreviations/acronyms: LP, D-D-A Page, TO, EO, DP, RIA, IMM LP-Lesson plan, D-D-A-Discussion-demonstration-actvity page, TO-Terminal objective, EO-Enabling objective, DP-Discussion point, RIA-Related instructor activity, IMM-Instructional media material
Discuss where to find the procedures for handling and storing classified training materials. SECNAV-M 5510
State the volumes and titles in the NAVEDTRA 131A and what they contain. I-DEVELOPERS GUIDE, II-SAMPLE PRODUCTS, III-MANAGERS GUIDE.
Describe the pre, post, and cores stages involved in developing materials following the Personnel Performance Profile (PPP)- based curriculum development method (seven) PLANNING- TPP. STAGE 1-Training Path System(TPS). STAGE 2-Prelim Training Course Control Document(TCCD). STAGE 3- LP, TG, Tests, Materials. STAGE 4- Pilot Monitoring Report. STAGE 5-final curriculum, TCCD, LOP. EVALUATION- int & ext always
List the contents of a Training Project Plan (TPP). -Cover page, Table of contents, justification, impact if not undertaken, course data, safety & hazmat, curriculum dev method reccommended, milestones, resource requirements.
Define a Personnel Performance Profile (PPP). -minimum list of knowledge and skills required to operate/maintain system or equipment or perform a task or function.
State the most critical element of curriculum development per NAVEDTRA 131A, and explain its importance. PPPs-quality curruculum from quality PPPs. All PPPs developed before curriculum.
Discuss the products of the Training Path System (TPS) stage 1. Training Objective Statements (TOS), Training Level Assignments (TLAs), Table Assignment Matrix (TAM), and Training Path Chart (TPC).
Describe the contents of the preliminary Training Course Control Document (TCCD). Objective assignment chart (OAC)-coverage of PPP items within curriculum, Resource requirements list (RRL), and Curriculum outline of instruction (COI).
Describe the elements of the Lesson Plan (LP). FRONT MATTER-essential info for managing and conduction course, PARTS-primary organizational element, RRL(optional)
What are the six types of instruction sheets found in the Trainee Guide (TG)? Job, Information, Assignment, Problem, Diagram, and Outline.
Describe the Training Objective Statement (TOS) codes for both knowledge and skill. SKILL: T0/S- skill (background), T0/J- skill(task/function), O- Operation, P- Preventative Maintenance, C- Corrective Maintenance, M- Maintenance. KNOWLEDGE- F-familiarization, T-Theory. SKILL/KNOWLEDGE: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Define the three task sets. COORDINATE- 2nd tier supervision and guidance, DIRECT- Provide direct supervision, PERFORM- Do actual work.
Discuss the types of courses listed in a Training Path Chart (TPC). BACKGROUND- pre'reqs for first assignment. REPLACEMENT- provides min req'd operational and maint quals. CONVERSION- for previously trained, but new equip/procedures. ADVANCED- after conversion and gives in depth analysis training. ONBOARD- on ship
When should job sheet development begin? As soon as the Training Path System (TPS) is done.
Explain how Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) are developed. Using the appropriate, already prepared CLO Model Statements.
How are part numbers determined? From the PPP table numbers.
What are the 8 ways to sequence a course? JCCCCRRS: Job Performance Order, Chronological, Critical sequence, Combination, Comparative, Relationship to COI, Reverse sequencing, Simple to complex.
What is contained in a Resource Requirements List (RRL)? Texts, References, Equipment, Films, Graphics, Support Materials, Other.
What is contained in the final Training Course Control Document (TCCD)? FRONT MATTER: Cover page, letter of promulgation, table of contents, foreword, course data page, trainee data page, other. COI: CLO's, part titles, section tables, topic titles, TLO's. ANNEXES: RRL, CMS, OAC, Fault applicability list.
What annexes are included in the final TCCD? Resource Requirements List, Course Master Schedule, Objective Assignment Chart, Fault Applicability List.
Created by: sogfrog
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