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VW Spinal Cord Path

IS-B1-Spinal Cord Pathways

What is the name of the spinal cord pathway described here? PRG (neuron 1) -> Substantia Gelatinosa (neuron 2) -> NAME OF TRACT HERE -> Thalamus (ventral posterolateral nucleus - neuron 3) -> Thalamocortical fibers -> Postcentral Gyrus Anterolateral System - Lateral Spinothalamic Tract
What is the name of the spinal cord pathway described here? PRG (neuron 1) -> Nucleus Proprius (neuron 2) ->NAME OF TRACT HERE -> Thalamus (ventral posterolateral nucleus - neuron 3) -> Thalamocortical fibers -> Postcentral Gyrus Anterolateral Systems - Anterior Spinothalamic Tract
What is the name of the spinal cord pathway described here? PRG (neuron 1) -> Fasciculus/Nucleus Gracilis or Cuneatus (neuron 2) -> NAME OF TRACT HERE -> Thalamus (ventral posterolateral nucleus - neuron3) -> Thalamocortical fibers ->postcentral gyrus Posterior Columns/Medial Lemniscus
Pain and Temperature are sensed using which Tract and which System? Lateral Spinothalamic Tract , ALS
General Tactile - Crude and Light Touch are sensed using which Tract and which System? Anterior Spinothalamic Tract, ALS
Conscious proprioception and fine or discriminatory touch are sensed using which Tract/System? Posterior Columns/ Medial Lemniscus (PC/ML)
What is the name of the spinal cord pathway described here? PRG (neuron 1) -> NAME OF TRACT HERE -> Dorsal nucleus of clarke/nucleus proprius/lateral cuneate nucleus (N2) -> Inf or Sup cerebellar peduncle -> cerebellum Posterior and Anterior Spinocerebellar Tracts
Reflex proprioception uses what tracts? Posterior and Anterior Spinocerebellar Tracts
Describe the 3 neurons in the sensory pathway. receptor (pseudounipolar), relay from lower center to thalamus, relay from thalamus to cortex
Describe the 3 tracts in the sensory pathway. axons in cord from dorsal column, relay axons from medial lemniscus to thalamus, relay axons from thalamus to cortex (thalamocortical tracts)
Describe the 2 neurons in the motor pathway 1 in cortex sending signal to spinal cord (UMN) and 1 in spinal cord sending info to the muscle (LMN)
Describe the 2 tracts in the motor pathway corticospinal neurons -> peripheral nerves
Describe the pathway of a spinal reflex (6 steps) Stimulus -> receptor -> afferent pathway -> integration center -> efferent pathway -> effector organ
What does this describe: Muscle spindle/golgi tendon organ -> dorsal root ganglion -> integration center -> motor output -> alpha motor neuron -> muscle innervation Spinal Reflex
First order neurons are _ neurons whose cell bodies are located in the dorsal root ganglion. Pseudounipolar
This pathway is used to test the integrity of the nervous system and the location of lesions. ALS
The spinothalamic tract of the ALS crosses in the _. Spinal cord
If there is a lesion in the peripheral nerve, where will a loss of pain and temperature occur when investigating the ALS? At that dermatome level, ipsilaterally
If there is a lesion in the spinothalamic tract (after crossing) in the ALS, where will a loss of pain and temperature occur? Contralateral side, below the level of the lesion.
Describe the path of the ALS 1st order neuron from PRG enters SC through posterolateral fasciculus -> synapse in Substantia Gelatinosa ->2nd order cross in anterior white commissure and become the ALS contralaterally which then ascend to thalamus -> postcentral gyrus
True or False - the PC/ML pathway does not cross in the spinal cord. TRUE
What are the differences between the ALS and the PC/ML? The ALS contains pain and temp receptors while the PC/ML contains discriminatory touch and vibration receptors. The ALS crosses in the spinal cord but the PC/ML does not.
Where does the PC/ML pathway cross? In the caudal medulla
Describe the path of the PC/ML from T6 and above 1st order neuron from PRG enters SC through posterolateral fasciculus -> Enter Fasciculus Cuneatus -> ascends to medulla to synapse on 2nd order neurons in the Nucleus Cuneatus.
Describe the path of the PC/ML from below T6 1st order neurons from the PRG enters SC through posterolateral fascculus -> Enter Fasciculus Gracilis -> ascends to medulla to synapse on 2nd order neurons in the Nucleus Gracilus.
Describe the 3 main Tracts for Reflex Proprioception Anterior Spinocerebellar - Lower Extremities, Posterior Spinocerebellar - Lower Extremities, Cuneocerebellar - Upper Extremities and Neck
Cerebellar influences are ipsilateral, contralateral, or both? Ipsilateral
This disease is a cavitation of the central canal which destroys the anterior white commissural fibers of the ALS - pain sensation lost bilaterally. Syringomyella
This disease follows a spinal hemisection. Pain and temp are lost contralateral to the lesion, paralysis and posterior column information are lost ipsilaterally. Brown-Sequard Syndrome
The cell bodies of this pathway originate from the cerebral motor cortex in the _central gyrus or paracentral lobule, and their axons from the _ tract. Voluntary Motor Pathway - precentral gyrus, corticospinal tract
UMN cell bodies are located in the precentral gyrus or the _ lobule. Paracentral
The axons of the UMN are called the corticospinal tract in the brain, will decussate in the _, and continue as the _ _ tract in the spinal cord. caudal medulla (pyramids), lateral corticospinal tract
LMN cell bodies are in the _ _ of the spinal cord Anterior horn
IF the lesion is ABOVE the cross point, the issue will be seen _laterally. Contralaterally
IF the lesion is BELOW the cross point, the issue will be seen _laterally. Ipsilaterally
Created by: cherubicsiren
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