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VW Spinal Cord Anat

IS-B1-Spinal Cord Anatomy

The spinal cord receives _ input and relays _ output. Sensory, Motor
Poliomyelitis is damage to the somatic _ neurons. Motor
Somatosensory fibers -> Interneuron -> Motor neuron Spinal Reflex
UMN's come from the _ _ and synapse with _ in the spinal cord Cerebral Cortex, LMN's
Cell bodies of motor neurons are found where? Anterior Horn of spinal cord
Cell bodies of sensory neurons are found where? Posterior Horn of spinal cord
The spinal cord extends from the foramen magnum to what spinal level? L1/L2
How many spinal nerves are there in total? 31
Which spinal nerves are all uniquely rostral to the vertebra? 8 cervical spines (C8 is above C7 vertebra)
Where are the spinal cord enlargements found? Cervical - C4 and T1 Lumbar - L1 and S2
Where can you find conus medullaris? L1-L2 vertebra
Where can you find cauda equina? Where is filum terminale? Cauda equina - L1-Co1, Filum Terminale - Co1
Where does the dural sac end? S2
What is the denticulate ligament? lateral attachment of cord to dura
What are the three meningeal layers (in spinal column and brain) and where does the CSF stay? Dura mater (outer), Arachnoid mater (middle) location of CSF here, Pia mater (inner)
Where is the lumbar cistern? What is it? L2-S2 vertebral segments, enlarged subarachnoid space containing L1-Co1 spinal cord segments
Where would one perform a lumbar puncture? Why would you perform one? Vertebral level L3-L4, spinal tap (CSF withdrawal), spinal block (anesthesia)
Is white matter typically cell bodies or axons? Axons
Name the 3 pairs of funiculi and describe what they are. Posterior, lateral and anterior funiculi. They are ascending and descending axons grouped into fasiculi
entry of sensory fibers into spinal cord posterolateral sulcus
exit of motor fibers out of spinal cord anterolateral sulcus
this divides funiculi into fasiculi and can only be found at T6 or higher posterior intermediate sulcus
this contains sulcal branches of anterior spinal artery and divides the cord in half anterior median fissure
this is where axons cross over in the spinal cord pathway anterior white commissure
Posterior Columns/Medial Lemniscus Pathway includes which two subtracts? Fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus
Fasciculus gracilis is a sensory pathway relaying touch and vibration from where? Lower extremities
Fasciculus cuneatus is a sensory pathway relaying touch and vibration from where? Upper extremities
PC/ML Pathway is a sensory pathway receiving what? Touch and vibration
Lateral Corticospinal Tract - descending - movement. Motor
Anterolateral System is a sensory path receiving what? Pain and Temperature
Rexed's Lamina I, II, and III and IV respectively Posteromarginal Nucleus, Substantia Gelatinosa, Nucleus Proprius (III and IV)
Neurons innervating the _ are most medial Trunk
Neurons innervating the _ are most lateral Hand
Neurons innervating the _ muscles are posterior, and the _ muscles, anterior flexor, extensor
what are 2 types of motor neurons in the anterior horn? What kind of motor neurons are in the spinal cord? Alpha - larger, heavy myelination, fast transmission, Gamma - smaller. Lower Motor Neurons.
Myasthenia Gravis attacks where? at the neuromuscular junction
toward the brain there is more _ matter in the spinal cord, as you descend, there is more _. White, gray
At the thoracic level, fascicul gracile appears alone in the upper or lower thoracics? Gracile only in the lowers
Dorsal Nucleus of Clarke is found where? Thoracic Level
What does the cranial nerve XI do? innervates SCM and trapezius
Name the 4 types of nuclei found throughout the cord. 1) Posterolateral fasciculus (PLF), 2) Substantia Gelitanosa, 3) Nucleus Propius, 4) Medial Motor Nucleus
Primary _ axons are found in the PLF. Sensory
Nociception Sensory is received by this nuclei found in the spinal cord. Substantia Gelatinosa
This nuclei in the spinal cord receives touch sensory input. Nucleus Propius
This nuclei in the spinal cord innervates skeletal muscles of the ipsilateral neck and trunk via motor neurons. Medial Motor Nucleus
True or false - Lateral Motor Nucleus (LMN), Dorsal Nucleus of Clarke (DNC), Intermediolateral Nucleus (IML), Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus (SPS), Phrenic Motor Nucleus (PMN), and Spinal Accessory Nucleus (SAN) are found throughout the spinal cord. False - regionally
LMN is found where and is a _ nerve that innervates skeletal muscles of upper and lower ipsilateral extremities. At the enlargements (where?) - motor
This nuclei is found between T1 and L2 only and is involved in reflex proprioception, dorsal spinocerebellar tract. Dorsal Nucleus of Clarke
This nuclei is found between T1 and L2 only and in the lateral horn of the spinal cord. It consists of sympathetic preganglionic neurons. Interomediolateral Nucleus
This nuclei is found between S2 and S4 only and represents the parasympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating pelvic viscera. Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus
This nucleus is found between C3 and C5 and innervates the skeletal muscle of the ipsilateral half of the diaphragm Phrenic Motor Nucleus
True or false - spinal reflexes are broken up into each individual level. False - spinal reflexes spread to multiple levels
The concept of _ involves branching of central or peripheral neurons so that _ must be lost in order to create anesthsia or cause paralysis overlap, 3
Created by: cherubicsiren
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