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Food Safety and Sani

The populations most "at risk" of contracting a food-borne illness (1)Children under the age of 5 (2) the elderly (3)pregnant women (4)chronically ill
Bacteria A single-cell, independently repicating microorganism that lack a membrane-bound nucleus..most are harmless, some even beneficial but some are harmful in the form of foodborne illness
Binary Fission The process by which bacteria multiply in which one cell divides into two
Can you tell that a food is infected with harmful bacteria through sight, taste or smell NO!
Competitive Exclusion The process of in which good bacteria is applied to the mewborn animals in effort to prevent infection from pathogens
Cross-contamination The process of transferring bacteria from one location to another through poor hygiene and kitchen sanitation practices
The Danger Zone The temperature range of 40-140 in which bacteria grow most rapidly
Emerging Pathogen A previously unknown, one that was not expected to be a human pathogen or one that has caused a dramatic increase in new cases
Expiration Date The last day a food should be eaten or used
Freshness date "Best if Used by" The date at which a food will have passed it's quality peak
Sell by date The last day a food product is to be sold: allows for short storage time in consumer's refrigerator
Fungus Simple plants called saprophytes that lack chlorophyll...come cause disease; yeasts, molds, mildew, smuts, rusts
Parasite a plant or animal that lives on or on another plant or animal without making a beneficial contribution to that host
Pathogen any microorganism that causes disease
Persihable likely to decay
Pasteurization the phocess of heating food to kill enzymes and harmful bacteria
rancidity spoilage due to the breakdown of fats
antibiotic resistance the ability of bactiera to resist the effects of antibiotics
toxin a poison that is produced by microorganisms, carried by fish, or released by plants
virus non-cellular particle that consists of protein aor nucleic acid which must replicate in another can be contaminated by a food handler through "shedding' contaminated water, seafood, cross-contamination
4 "C's' of food safety COOK - kills bacteria by breaking down cell walls destroyng enzymes needed for survival CHILL - slows metabolism thus slowing growth CLEAN - removes bacteria froms hands andsurfaces COMBAT CROSS CONTAMINATIN (separate) - prevents bacteria from spreadin
required conditions for bacterial growth time temperature nutrients Ph above 4.6 moisture
safe ways to thaw refrigerator cold water bath microwave DO NOT THAW ON COUNTER
Examples of safe substitutes for hazardous chemical cleaners include: vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda
Botulism Toxin affects the nervous and respiratory systems; symptoms include double vision, droopy eyelids, trouble speaking, swallowing and breathing.
Sources of Botulism improperly canned foods, garlic in oil, vacuum-packaged and tightly wrapped food
Clostridium Perfringens Called "the cafeteria germ"...caused by food left for long periods of time in steam tables or at room temperature
E. coli causes acute kidney failure
Listeria food sources read-to-eat foods like hot dogs, lunceon meats, soft cheeses
Listeria May lead to miscarriage in pregnant women
salmonella Most closely related to undercooked poultry and eggs
staphyloccous aureus transmission mainly person-to-person by improper handling and poor hygiene
Most common food-borne illness staphyloccous aureus
Can lead to Guillain-barre Syndrome Campylobacter
Mainly found in nasal passages Staphyloccous aureus
Main source is undercooked ground beef E. coli
"Critical violations' must be corrected in how many days 10
Will a food infected with bacteria always have a bad odor no
The correct temperature to set a freezer 0
Best natural food preservative salt
How long can you safely store ground beef in the refrigerator 1-2 days
Hepatitis A affects the... liver
Heating foods to what temp range kills most bactiera 160-212
Best place to store raw meats in refrigerator lowest shelf
a full refrigerator keeps food cooler false
seafood collected from warm wters are more likely to contain harmful bacteria true
which knife is more likely to cause injury, sharp or dull dull
number one tool for cross-contamination human hand
wooden cutting boards hold more bacteria than plastic true
heat leaftovers to internal temp 165
heat ground beef to internal temp 160
heat poultry to internal temp 180
charcoal and hibachi grills should only be used outdoors because they emit carbon monoxide
best treatment for burn cold running water
Created by: wellsa
Popular Culinary Arts sets




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