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Kprep- Rdg: Lit

7th grade Reading literature

analysis (analyze) break apart a topic to examine its parts and the relationship to reach conclusions about the whole.
chapter a previously divided section of a text
cite (citation) to identify the source of information
compare to examine similarities (and/or differences)
connotative meaning associated meaning of word or expression-emotions and feelings created by a word (e.g., Home is a place of warmth and comfort).
contrast to examine differences
describe to use words, figures or pictures to develop mental pictures
details specific information in a text that supports the main idea
drama a serious narrative work
explain make clear by giving details about something (e.g., One way the character solved the problem was..)
explicity stated or described clearly and in detail- a right there answer
fantasy stories literary text that contains make-believe elements such as talking animals, magical powers, etc.
figurative language/meaning an expression or description that does not mean exactly what it says: can include metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole
form or structure the way the text is organized
genre the type of text or particular kind of writing (e.g., realistic fiction, biography, r informational
historical account a chronological record of events
historical novel literary text that recreates a period or event in history
inference a conclusion based on author's information in the text and prior or background knowledge
narrator within a story, the person who tells the story to the audience
perceive to become aware of, know or identify
plot the story or sequence of events in a novel, play or movie
poem (poetry) a verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions, characterized by the use of language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by tghe use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme
point of view the position from which something is presented or the perspective from which a story is told- 1st, 2nd and 3rd)
resolution part of the story in which there is a successful conclusion
scene a setting or location where an event happens;can also refer to the background and props in a play, or a short section of a play or story.
stanza verse in a poem, song, or refrain
story a description of a sequence of events
summary shortened version of text containing the main points or events
textual evidence details from the text that support the author's point
theme the central meaning or idea in a literary work which connects the character, setting, plot (e.g., love and friendship, revenge, a bigh trick)
tone appropriate attitude toward the subject based on the writer's intended audience; can be established by the types of words you use (e.g., formal, casual, technical, slang)
topic idea
verse a line of a poem
Created by: sharris64
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