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Facial Nerve z

The Facial Nerve anatomy

What branchial arch does the facial nerve supply? The second
Where does the facial nerve exit the brain? From the pons (midbrain)
What are the two distinct portions of the facial nerve? Facial nerve proper and the nervus intermedius
Which of the two is a pure motor nerve? The facial nerve proper
What muscles receive motor branches from the facial nerve? Muscles of facial expression, stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior belly of the digastric muscle
The nervus intermedius is named because of its position between what two other nerves? Facial nerve proper and vestibulocochlear nerve
What nerve fibers are carried by the nervus intermedius? Taste fibers, pre-ganglionic parasympathetics, general sensory fibers
What structure does the facial nerve enter? What other nerve accompoanies it? The internal acoustic meatus; vestibulocochlear nerve
The facial nerve then enters the ___ ___ and course laterally through the petrous portion of the temporal bone until it reaches the cavity of the middle ear (tympanic cavity). It then turns sharply backwards. facial canal
What is the knee shaped bend of the facial nerve called? What is significant about it? The genu; contains the sensory ganglion of the facial nerve, the geniculate ganglion
What happens to the facial nerve when it reaches the posterior wall of the middle ear cavity? Turns sharply downward and leaves skull through the stylomastoid foramen
What branch does the facial nerve proper send out while its in the facial canal? branch to the stapedius muscle
Describe the general path of the facial nerve proper Internal acoustic meatus-->facial canal-->tympanic cavity-->posterior wall of the middle ear cavity-->stylomastoid foramen-->parotid gland-->final terminal branches to muscles of facial expression
What branches does the facial nerve give upon emerging from the stylomastoid foramen? Posterior auricular branch (facial muscles behind ear); branch to the stylohyoid and posterior belly of the digastric
The main trunk of the nerve gives off what 5 terminal branches? temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical
What nerve fibers does the nervus intermedius have? Taste fibers, preganglionic parasympathetics, and some sensory fibers (general sensory fibers of the facial nerve can be ignored)
All sensory fibers (taste and general sensory) have their cell bodies in what ganglion? Geniculate ganglion
Describe the path of the greater petrosal nerve Geniculate ganglion-->middle cranial fossa at the hiatus of the greater petrosal nerve-->crosses foramen lacerum-->pterygoid canal-->pterygopalatine fossa
The greater petrossal nerve proceeds anteriorly and enters middle cranial fossa at the ___ of the ___ ___ nerve. hiatus of the greater petrossal nerve
The greater petrossal nerve crosses the foramen lacerum and enters the ____ canal where it is joined by the ___ ___ nerve. This nerve consists of _____ ____ fibers from the internal carotid plexus pterygoid canal; deep petrosal; postganglionic parasympathetic
The deep petrossal nerve passes through the ____ ganglion without synapsis and provides all branches of the ____ division of the trigeminal nerve with _____ ____ fibers pterygopalatine ganglion; maxillary division; postganglionic parasympathetic
The preganglionic parasympathetics of the greater petrossal nerve synpase in the ____ ganglion. Pterygopalatine ganglion.
The postganglionic parasympathetics from the pterygopalatine ganglion join which nerves? Greater and lesser palatine, posterior nasal branches, nasopalatine nerve, pharyngeal nerve, zygomatic nerve, superior alveolar nerve
The taste fibers of the greater petrossal nerve pass through the pterygopalatine ganglion without synapsing and join which nerves prior to supplying the taste buds of the palate? The greater and the lesser palatine nerves
The chorda tympanie continues its course with the facial nerve through which structure? The facial canal
Just before the facial nerve reaches the stylomastoid foramen, the chorda tympani departs and enters which cavity? The tympanic cavity
The chorda tympani runs forward over the inner surface of the ___ ___ and crosses the __ of the ____ Tympanic membrane; handle of the malleolus
The chorda tympani leaves the tympanic cavity through the _____ _____ and enters the __ ___ and joins the ____ nerve. petrotympanic fissure; infratemporal fossa; lingual nerve
The taste fibers carried by the chorda tympani are distributed to what structures? anterior two-thirds of the tongue
Where do the preganglionic parasympathetics of the chorda tympani synapse? Where is it located? With the postganglionic parasympathetics of the submandibular ganglion; suspended from the lingual nerve by communicating branches
Where do the parasympathetics of the chorda tymanpi eventually end up? Submandibular gland or ass forward along lingual nerve to the sublingual and lingual salivary glands
What will you observe with a lesion of the facial nerve at the level of the stylomastoid foramen? Most common (Bell's palsy): all muscles of facial expression on ipsilateral side paralyzed, but glandular and taste functions remain intact; patient cannot move eyelid; potential for corneal irritation great; mouth, lip of affected side droop-->drooling
What will you observe with a lesion of the facial nerve between the departure of the chorda tympani and the nerve to the stapedius? All of the above plus loss of taste on the anterior 2/3 of the tongue and reduced salivation
What will you observe with a lesion of the facial nerve proximal to the departure of the nerve to the stapedius? All of the effects of a + b (see previous lesions) pluss hyperacusis (increased sensitivity to sound)
What will you observe with a lesion to the facial nerve at the level of the internal acoustic meatus? all of the effects of a, b, and c plus loss of lacrimal secretion and loss of taste on the palate
Created by: karkis77
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