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MCA-L Pg 2-7

Isolation Precautions

Healthcare-acquired microorganisms that are xmitted from pt to pt, or from pt to healthcare worker. Nosocomial Infection
What is the airborne precautions? 1. private room, negative air pressure, and HEPA filter 2. door closed 3. ante room 4. respirator (particulate) mask 5. visitor restricted 6. xport pt with mask 7. door sign.
Bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites that cauuse infection Microorganism
Define and list the Universal (Standard) Precautions. 1. Protective techniques used with any patients. 2. Reduces the xmission of bloodborne pathogens. 3. clean nonsterile gloves, gown, mask or faceshield as needed.
What are the Droplet Precautions? 1. Patient needs to be in a private room 2. Door to the room remains closed. Preferable if there is an ante room. 3. regular mask all who come w/in 3 ft 4. surgical mask by pt outside the room
room that provides separation between a potentially contaminated area and the “clean” area. ante-room.
What is contact precautions? 1. private room or semi private room (pt with same organism) 2. door open 3. door sign 4. glove and gown 5. good hand hygiene 6. disposable object stays inside the room
What is reverse precaution? 1. private room 2. door closed 3. regular mask 4. good hand hygiene 5. restrict to people with s/s infection 6. xport pt with mask. 7. for immunocompromised patient.
filters air and traps small molecule. HEPA filter
What are the body substances 1. sputum 2. blood 3. urine 4. feces 5. wound drainage 6. oral secretions 7. any other body product or tissue
microorganism carried in blood and body fluids and xmitted through blood and or body fluids. blood born pathogens
1. suppressed immune response to microorganism 2. suscptible to contracting microorganism Immunocompromised (Immunosuppressed)
microorganism that are resistant to antibx Multi drug resistant organism (MDRO)
Describe gloves 1. Clean, nonsterile: usually latex free, powder-free 2. Sterile: used for sterile dressing changes or precedures. Nitrile:used for handling chemotherapeutic agents or other toxic chemicals.
Describe goggles covers only eyes. use when splashes or sprays to the eyes are suspected.
Describe face shields covers eyes, nose, and mouth more comprehensive than goggles.
Describe gown sterile: used during sterile procedures, such as insertion of central line and OR Procedures.
Describe surgical mask used during strile procedures or when basic masks are necessary, such as droplet precautions.
Describe N95 mask respirator type of mask, also a particulate mask; worn for airborn precautions.
Describe duckbill respirator type of mask that is a particulate mask and prevents the inhalation of smaller moleculee microorganisms; worn for airborn precautions.
Describe semi-private room room with more than one patient with the same organism.
colonization 1. microorganism become resident flora 2. grow multiply, but don't cause disease 3. Can progress to disease in immunocompromised states.
Examples of Bloodborne Pathogen Hepa B,C, HIV
What is bacteria? 1. most commont microorganism 2. can live and xport via h2o, air, food, soil, body tissues & fluids, and inanimate objects.
What are disease cause by bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus, C. Diff., E. Coli
How do virus reproduce? virus enters living cells and reproduce.
What are diseases cause by virus. Rhinovirus, HIV, herpes, HEPA, H1N1
What is fungi? Yeast and molds.
What is parasites? Parasites can live on other microorganisms. Ex. worms, fleas, ticks
What are disease cause by parasites. Malaria
What are disease cause by fungi Candida albicans
Examples of MDROs 1 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - MRSA 2. Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcuus (VRE)
Example of immunocompromised patients. 1. status-post bone marrow xplant 2. organ recipients on immunosuppressives, AIDS patients.
Describe iatrogenic infection 1. an infection resulting from dx or therapeutic intervention.
Examples of iatrogenic infection? 1. infection from IV sites, central line catheters, and foley catheters.
Examples of patients in airborne precautions. TB, Rubeola, Varicella Zoster
Examples of patients in reverse precautions. AIDS, Neutropenia, and Stem cell xplant
Examples of patients in contact precautions. Cholera, C.Diff, E.coli, Head lice, Hepa A, MRSA, Norovirus, Open weeping wound, Stap Aureus, Scabies, Shigella, VRE, and Varicella Zoster
Examples of patients in droplet precautions. Influenza,Group A Strep,Mumps, and Meningitis Rubella
Donning gown 1. fully cover torso from nect to knees, arms to end of wrist, and wrap arounnd the back. 2. fasten in back at nect and waist.
donning mask or respirator 1. secure ties or elastic band at middle of head and neck 2. fit flexible band to bridge of nose 3. fit snug to face and below chin 4. fit-check respirator
donning goggles/face shield put on face and adjust to fit.
donning gloves 1. use non-sterile for isolation 2. select according to hand size 3. extend to cover wrist of isolation gown.
what are the Personal Protective Equipment gown, mask, goggles,face shield, and gloves
What are the safe work practices 1. keep hands away from face. 2. work from clean to dirty. 3. limit surfaces touched. 4. change when torn or heavily contaminated 5. perform hand hygiene.
After using PPE where should it be removed? PPE should be removed at doorway before leaving pt room or in anteroom.
How to remove gloves? 1. grasp outside of glove with opposite gloved hand; peel off 2. hold removed glove in gloved hand 3. slide fingers of ungloved hand under remaining glove at wrist.
how to remove goggles / face shield? 1. handle by "clean" head band or ear piece 2. place in designated receptacle for reprocessing or in waste container
how to remove gown 1. unfasten nect, then waist ties 2. remove gown using a peeling motion; pull gown from each shoulder toward the same hand. 3. gown will turn inside out. 4. hold removed gown away from body, roll into a bundle and discard .
whichh part of the used gown is contaminated? front and sleeves.
how to remove respirator 1. grasp ONLY bottom then top ties/elastics and remove. 2. discard in waste container.
what to do after removing all PPE Perform hand hygiene immediately after removing PPE.
Examples of patient in Standard precautions. Hepa B, Mononucleosis, Food Poisoning, and Syphyilis
Created by: rt-study
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