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Examining Room Procedures

Pathogens need the following elements & conditions to survive and proliferate... Food, O2 (usually), Termperature(98.6 optimal), Darkness, Moisture, Neutral pH.
What is the Neutral pH range..? 7.35-7.45
A Disease producing microorganism is aka A Pathogen
Animal,insect,or human capable of sustaining growth of a pathogen is known as .. The Reservoir Host
Portal of Exit - Exit portals include... Respiratory, GastroIntestinal , GenitoUrinary, Wounds
Modes of Transmissions Include... Air, Droplets, Contact
A living organsim that carries microorganisms from an infected person to another person is called.. A Vector
Portal of Entry include... Wounds(non-intact skin) , Mucous membranes, Respitory, GastroIntestinal , GenitoUrinary
Maintaining cleanliness to prevent the spread of microorganisms and to endure that there are as few microorganisms in the medical environment as possible is called.. Medical Aspesis
Any inanimate reservior of pathogens is called a ... Fomite
An object contains disease producing organisms means it is. Contaminated or Dirty
An object does not contain disease producing organisms means that it is.. Clean
The process of reducing pathogens to a safe level is called.. Sanitization
Sanitization Includes... Vacuuming and cleaning daily, Proper ventilation, Screens and insecticides, Proper disposal of biohazard material, Avoiding contact between soiled objects and clothing, Keeping equipment clean
The act of destroying or inhibiting the activity of pathogens is called.. Disinfection
Disinfection agents include: Chemical Germicides, Alcohol (70%Isopropyl) - Iodine (>2% solution) - Bleach (10% solution)
Destruction of all microorganisms in or on an object.. Sterilization
Sterile items wrapped in cloth or four layer thickness paper can be stored safely for.. 30 Days
Items wrapped in heat sealed dustcovers can be safely stored for... 6 months
Linen wrapped in tape sealed dustcovers and items wrapped in tape sealed paper and/or plastic can be stored safely for... 3 months
Items Necessary to create a suture tray BEFORE Before sterilization include : Tray, Drapes, 4x4 gauze pads, Med cups(2), Needle holder, Thumb forceps, Iris Scissors
OSHA stands for... Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Characteristics of biohazard bags include : Usually color coded red, Leak Resistant, Closable, Contain a biohazard label
Characteristics of sharps containers include: Usually color coded red, Punture resistant, Leak resistant, Closable, Contain a biohazard label.
The laboratory refrigerator should be maintained between... 36-48 degrees
The food refrigerator should be maintained between.. 32-40 degrees
Vital Signs refer to .. T, P, R, BP
Defferent types of thermometers include.. Mercurial, Disposable, Electronic, Tympanic, Temporal
C stands for __ and c stands for __ Centigrade - celsius
A fluctuating fever is called.. Intermittent
A fluctuating fever that remains elevated is called.. Remittent
A fever that is elevated and does not fluctuate is called.. Continuous
Before obtaining an Oral temp with a glass thermometer, shake down below.. 96.0 degrees
Normal Oral Temp range for 6yrs-Adult.. 97.6-99.6
Normal Rectal temp range 6yr - Adult ... 98.6-100.6
___Arteries located on either side of the Anterior Neck... Carotid Arteries
___ Arteries are located at the crease of the elbows.. Brachial Arteries
___ Arteries are located at the lateral aspect of the wrists on the thumb side.. Radial Arteries
___ Arteries are located at the Medial aspect of the superior thighs.. Femoral Arteries
___ Arteries are located in the Posterior Patellar regions.. Popliteal Arteries
___ Arteries are located on the Dorsal surface of each foot adjacent to the extensor tendon of each great toe.. Dorsalis Pedis Arteries
___ Arteries are located on the Medial side of each ankle posterior to each medial malleolous Posterior Tibial Arteries
Normal Pulse Range - Infant under 1 yr.. 80-160 BPM
Normal Pulse Range - 1 to 6 yrs 75-130 BPM
Normal Pulse Range - 6 to 11 years 70-115 BPM
Normal Pulse Range - 11 to 16 Yrs 55-110 BPM
Normal Pulse Range for Adult 60-100 BPM
Normal Respiratory Range for an Infant 26-40 RPM
Normal Respiratory Range in a child 1 to 6 yrs 20-30 RPM
Normal Respiratory Range 6 to 11 Yrs 18-24 RPM
Normal Respiratory range 11 to 16 is.. 16-24 RPM
Normal Respiratory range for an Adult.. 12-20 RPM
When the apical pulse is higher than other pulse sights, it is called.. A Pulse Deficit
Pressure exerted on the arterial walls during cardiac contraction is called Sytole
Pressure exerted on the arterial walls during cardiac relaxation is called Diastole
Normal Systolic Range 6 yrs and Above <120 mm/Hg
Systolic pressure between 120-139mm/Hg Prehypertension
Systolic Pressure between 140 - 159 mm/Hg Hypertension Stage 1
Systolic pressure >160mm/Hg Hypertention Stage 2
Normal Diastolic Range for ages 6 and Above <80 mm/Hg
Diastolic Pressure between 80 - 89 mm/Hg Prehypertension
Diastolic Pressure between 90-99 mm/Hg Hypertension Stage 1
Diastolic Pressure >100 mm/Hg Hypertension Stage 2
Abnormally low BP occuring when an individual assumes a standing posture is called Orthostatic Hypotention or Postural Hypotension
The point where the radial pulse disappears is called the Palpatory Systolic Pressure
Maintain the examination rooms at approx. 72 degrees
The patients medical history provides information for : Research, Reportable Diseases, Insurance claims
A HIPPA violation can result in : $250,000 fine, Incarceration for 10yrs , Civil action by whose information you disclosed
Six C's of Charting... Client's words must be recorded exactly("") , Clarity, Completness, Concisness, Chronological order, Confidentiality.
Q.D means Every Day
a.c means Before meals
p.c. means After meals
Breath Sounds Include Clear, Rales(crackles), Rhonchi (wheezing), Stridor(high pitch sound indicative of airway obstruction)
GU Descriptions indicative of BPH Urinary Hesitancy, Urinary Urgency, Urinary Retention, Noturia
Flat usually Erythmatous lesion Macule
Raised Lesion < 1cm Papule
Raised Lesion > 1cm Nodule
Mechanical Superficial Damage to the skin Abrasion
Chemical Superficial trauma to the skin Excoriation
Erosion of the skin or mucous membrane Ulcer
Xeroderma Dry Skin
Icthyosis Dry Scaly Skin
Thinkening or lump Cyst
Urticaria is aka Hives or Wheals
Ecchymosis is AKA Hematoma, Contusion, Bruise
Cut, Rip or tear is aka Laceration
Hypertrophied Skin Callus
i in - __ cm 2.54cm
PFSH Past Family & Social History
Superior R+L regions of the abdomen are called the Hypochondriac regions
Medial R+L region of the abdomen are called the Lumbar Region
Inferior R+L regions of the abdomen are called the Inguinal (Iliac) Regions
Superior medial region of the abdomen is called the Epigastric Region
Medial Region of the abdomen is called the Hypogastric region
Lying flat on your back is called Horizontal Recumbent (Supine)
Sitting at a 90 degree angle with the legs on the table is called the High-Fowlers position
Sitting at a 45Degree angle with the legs on the table is called Semi-Fowlers position
Position the patient should assume for an exam of the abdomen is called Dorsal Recumbent
Patient lies flat on their back with both knees bent and feet flat on the table.. Dorsal Recumbent
Position patient should assume for a pelvic(vaginal) exam is Dorsal Lithotomy
Left leg is slightly bent and the right leg is sharply bent and the left arm is behind the patient SIMS position
Position the patient should assume for an examination of the back, spine, or posterior legs is.. Prone
Lying flat on the table , facedown with the head turned to one side prone
Position the patient should assume for an exam of the rectum is the Knee -Chest position
Placing the patient with their head lower than their legs is called Trendelenburg
OU Both eyes
OD Right eye
OS Left eye
Instruments used for gripping tissues or other objects are called Forceps (clamps)
Common names assiciated with Hemostats include: Halsted mosquito, Kelly, Rochester-Pean
Surgical gut is designed to be absorbed by the body in.. 5-10days
Chromic gut is designed to be absorbed by the body in.. 20-40days
Common brand name associated with absorbable sutures is.. Vicryl
Non-Absorbable sutures should be removed in 7-10days
Non-Absorbable sutures include.. Silk, Surgical cotton, Polyester, Nylon, Stainless Steal
Very Finest or thinnest suture size is.. 11-0
Largest suture size is.. 5-0
Wound drainage that contains serum is called.. Serous
Wound drainage that contains blood is called Sanguinous
Wound drainage that contains blood and serum is called Serosanguinous
Eliminating bacteria, FBs and necrotic cells from a wound is called.. Debridment
Created by: CorrineStrano
Popular Medical sets




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