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Clin Tech 1


Name 3 growth requirements for miroorganisms Oxygen, darkness and PH
What is the cycle for pathogens to survive and produce disease called? Infection process cycle
Name 3 of the body's protective mechanisms. Skin, sneezing and tears
Name the 3 ways of hand hygiene Handwashing with detergent soap, handwashing with antimicrobial soap and using an alcohol based hand rub
Name the 3 types of handwashing Handwashing, antiseptic handwashing and alcohol based rubs
Name the categories of the OSHA bloodborne pathogens standards. Exposure control plan, safer medical devices, labeling requirements, communitcation of hazards to employees and record keeping.
Name the 3 biggest threats to health care workers. Hep B, Hep C and HIV
Aerobe A microoganism that needs oxygen in order to live and grow.
Asepsis Free from infection or pathogens; the actions practiced to make and maintain an area or object free from infection or pathogens
Infection The condtion in which the body or part of the body is invaded by a pathogen
Opportunistic infection An infection that results from a defective immune system that can not defend the body from pathogens normally found in the environment
Parenteral Taken into the body through the piercing of the skin barrier or mucous membranes, such as through needlesticks, human bites, cuts and abrasions.
Pathogen A disease-producing microoganism.
pH The degree to which a solution is acidic or basic.
Resident flora Harmless, nonpathogen microoganism that normally reside on the skin and usually do not cause disease. AKA: normal flora
Transient flora A microoganism that reside on the superficial skin layers and are picked up in the course of daily activities. They are often pathogenic, but can be removed easily from the skin by sanitizing the hands.
Created by: maremurphy
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