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3S371 Vol 4 2011

3S371 Manpower Self-Test Volume 4 (2011)

As a result of the GPRA, what is the basis for judging federal programs? Program will be judged on whether or not their ideas and approaches produce real tangible results for the taxpayer’s dollar.
What documents does the GPRA require agencies to submit to improve internal management of the federal government? Strategic plans, Performance plans, and Performance reports.
What are the two key fundamentals to the success of the GPRA? Accountability and flexibility.
What system complies with the GPRA and DOD requirements and provides linkage between the SAF Acquisition System and the Air Force requirements system? Air Force Planning System.
What is imperative for identification of operational requirements, development of the POM, and acquisition of systems? Planning.
What presents the guiding principles of our Air Force? Air Force Doctrine.
What is the purpose of the Air Force Strategic Plan? To support Air Force Doctrine and implement the Vision, to outline activities to sustain Air Force core competencies, and to provide guidance for modernization planning.
What structure does not supplement the functional staff, but instead enhances it? Air Force Corporate Structure.
What is the primary purpose of the Air Force panel within the Air Force Corporate Structure (AFCS)? To support the resource allocation program.
What level is the final AFCS body and makes recommendations to the CSAF and SECDEF? The Air Force Council.
What are the major elements of a strategic plan? Mission, vision, goals, objectives, and action plans.
What is aimed at enhancing the performance of near-term measurable tasks? Performance planning.
What are the components of the performance management process? Goals, priorities, PMs, standards/targets, and task assurance.
What is developed to stretch a unit’s performance, or to indicate a phased program completion or standard? Target.
Define a performance measure. A PM is a Quantitative measure to indicate the level of mission performance.
When should PMs be developed or reviewed? During performance planning.
What should PMS reflect? Key processes of task performance.
How often must units review PMs? When necessary and at least during the annual performance plan review.
What are the four phases for developing performance plans? (1) Initiation, (2) Mission analysis, (3) Plan development, (4) Finalize and deploy.
When will the team build a timeline for a performance plan? When the situational analysis is completed.
What type of data do you collect when developing a performance plan? Data collection may include customers, other personnel or groups affected. Current plans, inspection reports, financial plans, and o-plans can be used. Current MAJCOM/ wing goals, PMs, standards, and targets will be used.
What phase of performance plan development involves establishing, reviewing, and validating measurable tasks and PMs? Phase II—Mission analysis.
What helps identify unit strengths and areas for improvement? Task assurance.
The unit identifies necessary fixes and develops action items for what type of task performance? Below standard performance.
What is the ultimate goal of organizational performance? Mission accomplishment.
What are the five fronts to consider during process improvement effort? (1) Organization/people, (2) Technology, (3) Policies, legislation, and regulations, (4) Physical infrastructure, and (5) Process.
Which of the five fronts is the crucial enabling factor allowing compression of cycle/lead time? Technology.
What are the three ranges that divide the spectrum of performance improvement to represent the increasing levels of scope and mission impact for improvement projects? (1) Micro, (2) Mid-level, (3) Macro.
Which of the three ranges in the spectrum of performance improvement scope typically have a significant impact on the mission, but the scope of the improvement may be restricted to a function or department? Mid-level.
What two questions should be articulated early in the improvement process and is critical to obtaining buy in and momentum, no matter what the project? (1) What will it get me if I change?, (2) What will it cost me if I do not change?
What occurs as the scope of the improvement effort progresses from smaller to larger? Communication, coordination, level of effort, and often, time and project costs also increase.
What MEP process can a commander or functional manager request to help solve an existing or potential problem or get general information or advice about manpower management issues? Consultant services.
During a consultant study, who forms a study partnership and cooperate in all special study activities to include study planning, data collection, analysis, and implementation? The management engineer (ME) and the client.
What must the ME evaluate before agreeing to accomplish a consultant study of the function? Study feasibility.
For a consultant study, what action does the ME take when the consultant believes the sole purpose is to justify predetermined manpower increases or decreases? Do not accomplish a study.
For a consultant study, what forms the basis for mutual responsibilities and potential follow-on study activities? Consultant study contract.
What is used to solve information and paper flow problems? Systems and procedures analysis.
What is created to aid comprehension of a general activity and its components? System diagram.
What gives a quick, accurate, and comprehensive picture of the total activity? Procedure chart.
What is used to evaluate specific steps and find each individual’s contribution to the work center activity? Work distribution analysis.
What is used to improve production, ease physical exertion, and shorten distances of travel for material and personnel? Layout analysis.
What shows a picture of the sequence of all operations, transportation, delays, inspections, and storage of a work procedure? Flow process charting.
What steps are involved in a properly executed layout analysis process? Familiarization, Observation and data collection, Analyze results and develop proposed layout, Proposed plan implementation.
What technique is specifically designed to give, in symbol format, the type of work found in an administrative environment? Procedure chart.
What technique is a good tool to check and compare present and proposed procedures during study familiarization and consultant studies? Work distribution.
What agency performs as the oversight of the IDEA Program? HQ USAF/A1M.
What agency manages the IDEA Program Management System (IPDS)? AFMA.
What agency conducts training for Unit Point of Contacts (POCs), evaluators, supervisors, and submitters on IDEA Program policy and procedures? Base IDEA Program Office.
Who or what agency ensures the Base IDEA Program Offices administer the IDEA Program? Installation Commanders.
Who ensures approved ideas are promptly recognized? Unit Commanders.
Who encourages employees to participate in the IDEA Program? Reporting Official or Supervisor.
Who acknowledges receipt of idea within one working day? Evaluator.
What is the IPDS used for? Using IPDS, IDEAs can be submitted, evaluated, and individuals recognized for their IDEAs.
How is a reporting official or supervisor notified that an idea has been submitted by a subordinate and is pending their action? Via electronic mail.
Who is responsible for basic unit-level system administration? Unit POCs.
When are ideas transferred to the IDEA pool? Upon final approval.
Who may submit an idea? Any individual, team, or group.
Who determines if an idea is eligible? The reporting official or supervisor.
What reasons would make an idea ineligible? vague, incomplete, deals with generalities/opinions. personal complaint/criticism. Proposes stock-listed item be used for its intended purpose. It requires a study. Recommends enforcement of existing law, regulation, directive, or instruction.
An idea submission must include what information? Be titled and written to allow effective search of the IDEA Pool; present method; proposed method; include expected benefits.
Separate improvement process (SIP) ideas are submitted as what? They are submitted as confirmatory or after-the-fact.
How long does a submitter retain “ownership” for an idea after the date of approval or disapproval? One year.
Who should make every attempt to identify tangible savings? The evaluator.
How long is the authorized delay for evaluation of an idea when the evaluator is on TDY? five days.
How long does the second-level evaluator have to complete all actions associated with evaluating the idea? Ten workdays.
What are the two types of tangible savings? Cost avoidance, Hard savings.
Where do the funds come from for paying and IDEA award? All awards will be funded from Operations and Maintenance funds at the base where the submitter was assigned when the IDEA was submitted.
What is the maximum award for one idea? $10,000.
How much is the award amount for an idea that is determined to be outside the submitter’s job responsibilities and the benefits are intangible? $200.
What is the monetary award percentage for an idea that is determined to be inside the submitter’s job responsibilities and the savings are tangible and greater than $20,000? Three percent of the estimated first year savings.
What agency is responsible for funding an award that exceeds $200 when the idea is adopted by a DOD component or federal agency outside the Air Force? The adopting agency is responsible for funding the entire amount.
What annual award recognizes the most outstanding Air Force innovator (individual or group) who contributed to continual performance improvement through the IDEA Program? Air Force Exceptional Innovator Award.
What report includes the percentage of ideas submitted? Submission Rate.
What report compares tangible savings to the total dollars awarded? Rate of Return.
Should IDEA Program publicity be scheduled to coincide with other base-wide special events? Yes.
What are the two PECI programs? Productivity Investment Fund (PIF) and Fast Payback Capital Investment Program (FASCAP).
Define amortization period. The number of months or years required for cumulative savings to have the same value as the investment.
What agency serves as the focal point for productivity matters at all levels? HQ USAF/A1M.
What agency provides technical advice to command PECI analysts? MAJCOM PECI Analyst.
Who helps officers develop PECI projects and prepare project reports? Base PECI analyst.
In the PECI Program, what do total investment costs include? Includes PECI funds for acquisition, transportation, installation, on-time incidental cost, and command funds used.
What must the savings be that the project officer uses to amortize the project’s investment cost? Savings must be historically trackable reductions (hard savings) in manpower or O&S costs the investment has produced.
Who is responsible for identifying and reporting PECI project funding requirements and offsets? The MAJCOM PECI analyst.
Who maintains an auditable project file (paper or automated)? Nine PECI analysts and project officers.
What is the maximum dollar amount available for a single FASCAP project? $250,000.
Who is responsible for overseeing a FASCAP project? Project officer appointed by submitting organization.
What action does the base PECI analyst take if the price of the equipment has increased since the project officer submitted the FASCAP project? Sends a written request for more funds to the MAJCOM PECI analyst.
What changes must be updated in PECI PDS by the base or MAJCOM PECI analyst? Funding Changes.
What is the minimum investment amount required for a PIF project? Over $250,000.
Within what time limit must a PIF project use to amortize the cost of investment? Four years.
Where do HQ USAF activities submit PIF project initiates at the HQ level? Directly to the HQ USAF/A1MR.
Who approves and disapproves PIF projects? HQ USAF PECI manager.
What are the five PIF project limitations that must not occur? (1) Add equipment, (2) Change the project scope, (3) Increase the cost, (4) Lengthen the amortization period, and (5) Decrease the IRR, ROI, or manpower savings.
What action is taken when costs increase and will not allow amortization of all costs within four years? The organizations submitting the project must return the funds through regular budget channel to HQ USAF.
What award does the individual or small group selected for the Air Force Productivity Excellence Award qualify the selectees for? Secretary of Defense Productivity Excellence Award.
What are the five criteria for the Air Force Productivity Excellence Award? (1) Initiative, (2) Innovation and creativity, (3) Applicability, (4) Previous Recognition, (5) Tangible savings benefit.
Up to how many winners will the panel of judges select based on the award criteria for the Air Force Productivity Excellence Award? Ten.
What does the Chief of Staff Team Excellence Award recognize? Recognizes outstanding team performance and shares best practices within the Air Force.
How many applications for the CSTEA can each MAJCOM submit? Two.
What are the three sections for the CSTEA award criteria? (1) Process,(2) Impact and Results,(3) Sustainment and Standardization.
How many general officers/executives will serve as judges? Five.
Who evaluates all command-nominated team improvements for possible selection and validation as a best practice? CSTEA judges.
What does the President’s Quality Award Program recognize? The President’s Quality Award Program recognizes federal organizations based on performance and results of an organization in relationship to the President’s management agenda.
What are the five governmental wide management initiatives? (1) Strategic Management of Human Capital,(2) Competitive sourcing, (3) Improved financial performance, (4) Expanded electronic government, (5) Budget and performance integration.
Created by: charles.barnes
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