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Final Exam #2

second stack of terms

agent that produces vomiting emetic
agent which reduces itching antipruritic
breakdown of the lens of the eye phacolysis
dry skin xeroderma
dull vison amblyopia
ENT Specialist otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, throat)
inflammation of the cornea keratitis
middle layer of the skin dermis
nearsightedness myopia
ringing in the ears tinnitus
tiny depression in the retina that is the region of clearest vision fovea centralis
aden/o gland
alges/o sensitivity to pain
ambly/o dim/dull
andr/o male
aque/o water
blephar/o eyelid
cor/o pupil
cortic/o cortex, outer region
cutane/o skin
dacry/o tears, tear duct
glauc/o grey
hidr/o sweat
kal/i potassium
kerat/o cornea
melan/o black
myring/o tympanic membrane (eardrum)
ocul/o eye
natr/o sodium
opthalm/o eye
optic/o eye, vison
ot/o ear
palpebr/o eyelid
pil/o hair, hair follice
presby/o old age
salping/o eustachian tube
somat/o body
uve/o uvea, vascualr layer of the eye/iris, ciliary body, choroid
xer/o dry
-cusis hearing
-dynia pain
-gram record
-graph instrument for recording
-graphy process of recording
-scopy visual examination
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone. secreted by anterior pituitary gland
AD, AS, AU pertaining to the ear. AD: right ear AS: left ear AU: both ears
AP view anteroposterior. anterior placed source (machine) posterior detector (xray film)
C5-C6/L5-S1 slipped disk
DPT diptheria-pertussis-tetanus. Vaccine.
FBS Fasting Blood Sugar
FDA US Food and Drug Administration
GTT glucose tolerance test-detects diabetes mellitus
IM intramuscular-large volume of solution needs to be administered, having skin irritation
IVP intravenous pyelogram-xray of renal pelvis and urinary tract after injection of dye into vein
NPO Nothing by mouth
OD, OS, OU pertaining to the eye OD: Right eye OS: Left eye OU: Both eyes
PA posteroanterior. Posterior source (machine) anterior detector (film)
PERRLA pupils equal, round, reactive to light, and accomodation
tid take medicine 3 times daily
TNM tumor-node-metastasis (cancer staging) T-IS: localized tumor (radio curable) M-0: No metastasis
a-, an- no, not, without
anti- against
ex-, exo- out, away from
accomodation adjustment of lenz by ciliary body
achondroplasia disorder of the growth of cartilage in the epiphyses of the long bones and skull (premature ossification)
acromegaly enlargement of the extremeties
acuity the clearness or sharpness of perception
albino person with absence of pigmentation and red eyes
alopecia absence of hair from areas where it normally grows. Side effect of chemo or radiation.
analgesics drugs used to relieve pain, induce sleep and suppress cough. ex: Morphine
anesthetic drug that produces loss of sensation throughout body
anhidrosis absence of sweating
anticoagulant prevents blood clotting
antihistamines drugs that block release of a substance that causes allergic reactions
antipyretic a drug that reduces or works against fever
arthrogram x ray of a joint
astigmatism defective curvature of the cornea or lens
barium enema metallic powder introduced to large intestines, xray then taken (rectally-lower GI)
benign tumor noncancerous growth (neoplasm)
callus increase growth of cells in the keratin layer of epidermis caused by pressure or friction
cataract clouding of the lens, causing decreased vision
cerumen waxy substance secreted by external ear (Earwax)
chalazion small hard mass on eyelid; formed from sebaceous gland enlargement
cochlea snail shaped spirally wound tube in inner ear
Colles fracture occurs near wrist joing at distal end of radius
comedones acne-sebum plug partially blocking pore
cones photosensitive receptor cells of retina make perception of color (cones-color)
conjunctiva delicate membrane lining eyelids and covering anterior eyeball
conjunctivitis pink eye-inflammation of concjuntiva
contraindication prohibits the administration of a drug or a procedure in the care of a patient
cornea fibrous layer of clear tissure extends over anterior portion of eye and continues with white of eye
cortisol steroid hormone produced by adrenal gland
cranium frontal, occipital, temporal, parietal, ethmoid, sphenoid
cryosurgery use of subfreezing temperature via liquid nitrogen application to destroy tissure
Cushing Syndrome a group of symptoms produced by excess of cortisol from adrenal cortex
cyst thick-walled, closed sac/pouch containing fluid or semisolid material
diabetes insipidus insufficient secretion of antidiuretic hormone
diabetes mellitus lack of insulin secretion or resistance of insulin leading to hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis
diplopia double vision (ambiopia)
dysplastic nevi mole with irregular/abnormal development (malignant melanoma)
eczema inflammatory skin disease with lesions
electrocauterization using needle heated by electrical current to kill tissue
electrolyte an element that dissociates into ions and can conduct electric current
en bloc resection resection of a large bulky tumor without dissection. ex) radical masectomy
epidermis outermost layer of skin
erythema redness of skin, side effect of radiation
esotropia cross eyed
exotropia wall-eyed (eye turned outward)
estrogen maintains menstrual cycle, release of ovum, secondary sex characteristics, preperation of uterus for pregnancy
eustacian tube channel between the middle ear and nasopharynx
exanthematous and eruptive disease or the skin rash that accompanies it (measles)
gangrene death of tissure associated with loss of blood supply
glaucoma increase in intraocular pressure, results in damage to retina and optic nerve with loss of vision
gigantism hypersecretion of GH from anterior pituitary before puberty, leading to abnormal growth of body tissure
greenstick fracture fracture bone only partially broken and partially bent on opposite side (seen mostly in children
hordeolum localized, inflammatory infection of sebaceous gland in eyelid (stye)
hyperopia farsightedness
hyperthyroidism overactivity of thyroid gland, increase in body temp, hyperactivity, weight loss, exopthalmos, goiter ex) graves disease
hypnotic class of drugs used as sedatives
iatrogenic condition caused by treatment given by physicians or medical personel
integmentary system the skin and its accessory structures such as hair and nails
invasive cancer having the ability to enter and destroy surrounding tissue
iris colored layer that opens and closes to allow more or less light into eye
keloid enlarged,thickened scar
leukoplakia white patches on mucous membrane on tongue or cheek
linear accelerators used in treatment of tumors with radiation
liver scan detects cirrhosis die to abcess or tumor
macula a stain, spot, or thickening
macula lutea yellowish region on retina below optic disc; contains fovea centralis
macular degeneration progressive degeneration to macula of retina (loss of central vison)
medication administration preparing, giving and evaluating the effectiveness of drugs
meniere disease disorder of labyrinth of inner ear. Elevated pressure within cochlea and semicircular canals
metastasis spread of malignant tumors to a distant location
Mohs Surgery layers of growth removal and examined microscopically
mutation inheritable change in a cell
myxedema advanced hypothyroidism in adulthood
nevus, nevi pigmented lesion of the skin
oblique view slanting direction
oncogenes genetic material that causes cancer
optic chiasma place where optic nerve fibers cross in the brain
ossicles small bones of the ear: malleus, incus, stapes
papule small, solid elevation of the skin
paronychia inflammation of soft tissue
pedunculated possessing a stem or stalk, characteristic of some polypoid tumors
perfusion radiopharmaceutical injection IV and traced within the vessels
petechiae small, pinpoint hemorrhage
pilonidal cyst cyst that develops in sacral region of skin
polypoid growths that are like projections extending outward from a base (sessile and peduncyated)
presbyopia impairment of vision due to old age
pruritus itching
psoriasis chronic dermatosis with silvery gray scales covering red patches of skin
purpura small hemorrhage in the skin
pustule small abscess
radiation oncologist specialized diagnosis techniques such as ultrasound, MRI and CT Scan
radiocurable cancer tumor that is destroyed by radiation therapy
radiology medical specialty concerned with study of xray and use of diagnosis of disease
radioresistant tumor tumor that requires large doses of radiation to produce death of cells
receptors target substance with which a drug interacts in the body
Rods photoreceptor cell of retina essential for vision in dim light and peripheral vision
Roentgenology (radiology) studies characteristics and uses radioactive substances in diagnosing disease
rubella german measles
rubeola measles
scirrhous densely packed tumor cells
sclera tough, white outer coat of eyeball
sebum oily substance secreted by sebaceous glands
sedative drug that relazed without necessarily producing sleep
sessile having to stem, characteristic of some polypoid tumors
Spleen scan detects splenomegaly due to abcess or tumor
stimulant amphetamine and caffiene
subcutaneous located just beneath the skin
synergism having a greater treatment by combining two drugs instead of individual drugs
tetany constant muscle contraction
thoracentesis procedure that removes fluid/air from chest
thyrotoxicosis toxic condition resulting from excessive amounts of thyroid hormones in the body
thyroxine hormone produced by thyroid gland, increases metabolish, regulates growth
tinea infection of skin caused by a fungus; ringworm
tonometry glaucoma is primarily diagnosed by this
topical drug applied on skin
toxicology finding proper antidotes to the harmful effect of drugs
tumor staging assessing the extent that a tumor has spread
varicella chickenpox
verruca wart
vertigo sensation of irregular/whirling mothion either of oneself or of external objects
vitiligo loss of pigment in areas of skin
wheal hive/mosquito bite, smooth, swollen red papule
zygomatic bone cheek bone-made up of frontal, maxilla, zygomatic process and spenoid bone
Created by: meghan_493
Popular Medical sets




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