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Limbic by Bibb

Describe the connections of the Papez circuit. mammillary bodies -- anterior nucleus of thalamus -- cingulate gyrus -- hippocampus -- mammillary bodies via fornix
Name 4 other structures now thought to be included in Papez circuit. orbital/medial prefrontal cortex, ventral basal ganglia (nucleus accumbens), amygdala and dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus
hypothalamus' function with regard to limbic system coordination of somatic (extrapyramidally) and autonomic components to integrate emotional behavior
experiment by Cannon and Bard - cats with transected brains but caudal hypothalamus left intact autonomic and somatic manifestatsions of sham rage, display of emotions don't necessarily require the cortex
the major target location of newly produced neurons hippocampus receives most products of neurogenesis to allowed continual formation of declarative (episodic memory)
major inputs of the hippocampus entorhinal cortex and cholinergic projections from medial septal nucleus & nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca via fornix fibers
the specific portion of the hippocampus involved in the Papez circuit subiculum
outputs of the hippocampus subiculum out to mammillary bodies, septal nuclei, anterior and dorsomedial nuclei of thalamus
What happened to HM when his bilateral medial temporal lobes were removed? ability to form new episodic memories was devastated
True/False: There is a complete loop between the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. true: input from entorhinal to hippocampus AND output from hippocampus to entorhinal cortex, which then goes to other cortical areas
location of the amygdala anterior medial temporal lobe, rostral to the hippocampus
3 major divisions of the amygdala basolateral, central and medial (corticomedial) nuclei
the division of the amygdala important for attaching emotional significance to stimuli basolateral nucleus
input and output of basolateral nucleus of amygdala input: higher order sensory cortices (orbital, medial prefrontal, temporal, insular and association) output: back to orbitofrontal and temporal cortices, cingulate gyrus and hippocampus, basal nucleus of Meynert, amygdala and thalamus
division of amygdala important for mediating emotional responses central nucleus
input and output of central nucleus of amygdala input: viscerosensory from brainstem, basolateral nucleus output: autonomic nuclei, periaqueductal gray, hypothalamus, reticular formations
division of amygdala that may be important for food intake, reprod. behavior and/or behaviors influenced by smell medial (corticomedial) nucleus
input and output of medial nucleus of amygdala input: olfactory structures output: VM nucleus of hypothalamus via stria terminalis, olfactory structures
symptoms of Kluver-Bucy syndrome seen in Rh monkeys after removal of temporal lobes including amygdalas placidity (lack of fear responses), hyperorality, hypersexuality
function of the anterior cingulate gyrus initiation, motivation and goal-directed behavior. affect division: modulating autonomic activity and emotional response. cognitive division: frontal executive functions
function of the posterior cingulate gyrus visospatial processing and memories of what we have seen
lesions of the cingulate gyrus cause? abulia, akinetic mutism, decreased response to pain, impaired social behavior (almost like depression)
lesions of the orbital frontal cortex cause? risk-taking behavior, failure to learn from mistakes, poor judgment and lack of empathy, can't plan ahead or reason (Phineas Gage)
connections of the orbital frontal cortex? bidirectional with amygdala and dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus via ventral basal ganglia
major excitatory NT of the limbic system glutamate
the age when memories first start to be consolidated much better due to a large increase in the # of synaptic connections in the brain 3 y/o
the type of neurotransmission that regulates the excitability of fast ionotropic synapses slow or metabotropic neurotransmission via GPCRs
function of monoamines in the limbic system mediate metabotropic neurotransmission to regulate excitability of circuits involved in memory formation
A person with major depressive disorder would show abnormal metabolic activity in which brain areas? thalamus, basal ganglia, frontal cortex
Without these ions/molecules, recording and experiencing memories is not possible. calcium and cAMP
Created by: sirprakes
Popular Neuroscience sets



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