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Ch. 16-Respiratory

Respiratory System Study Stack-Ch. 16

What is the name of the gaseous waste in the respiratory system? Carbon Dioxide
What is the main muscle utlized for breathing? Diaphragm
The process of gas exchange where oxygen is added to the blood and carbon dioxide is removed. Respiration
The air-filled cavities that connect with the nasal cavity via small passageways. Sinuses
Identify the structure also known as the voice box which is a semi-rigid structure composed of cartilage that is connected by muscles and ligaments. Larynx
The persistent inflammation of the bronchi over a long period of time. Chronic Bronchitis
The general term used to describe a lung disease in which the airways become obstructed. COPD
The collection of air in the pleural space. Pneumothorax
An accumulation of fluid in the pleural space. Pleural effusion
A condition whereby fluid accumulates in the lungs pulmonary edema
The air flow into and out of the lungs. Ventilation
Identify the main organs of the respiratory system. Nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, & lungs.
What are five of the functions of the respiratory system? gas exchange, regulation of blood pH, voice production, olfaction, and protection
What are the functions of the nasal cavity? passageway for air, cleans the air, humidifies and warms air, smell
Nerve that activates the diapragm during inspiration Phrenic Nerve
Pleural layer lining the walls of the thorax parietal pleura
Site from which oxygen enters the pulmonary blood Alveolus
opening between the vocal folds glottis
passageway for air to the bronchi (also called the windpipe) trachea
flap of cartilage that automatically covers the opening of and keeps food from entering the larynx during swallowing epiglottis
two spongelike organs in the thoracic cavity. lungs
muscular partition that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. it aids in the breathing process by contracting and pulling air in, then relaxing and pushing air out diaphragm
A substance that reduces surface tension of the fluids thast line the alveoli. Prevents the collapse of alveoli and eases lung expansion. surfactant
movement from high to low concentration of a gas diffusion
What areas of the brain are involved in the control of breathing? medulla oblongata and pons
How does the vocal cords work? air vibrations
Explain the changes in the thorax during inhalation. diaphragm contracts, compresses abdominal organs, thorasic cavity enlarges, intercostals lift ribs and sternum
Explain the changes in the thorax during exhalation relaxation of diaphragm, abdominal organs push on diaphragm, thorasic cavity returns to normal
What are hiccups? diaphragm muscle spasms
Why do we yawn? Due to low oxygen level in the alveoli to stretch them to their full capacity.
How does excess carbon dioxide in the blood effect the breathing rate? chemoreceptor detect high amounts of carbon dioxide which increases rate and depth of breathing.
Compare and Contrast the amounts of carbon dioxide and oxygen carried in the arteries. 104mmHg for Oxygen, Carbon dioxide is 40mmHg
A lack of oxygen in the blood which can be local or systemic hypoxia
A tracheal or bronchial inflammation with swollen tissues, mucous plugs, and bronchial constriction associated with allergic reaction asthma
Condition characterized by a bluish coloration of the skin and mucous membranes due to excessive amount of deoxygenated blood in blood vessels of the skin cyanosis
Condition that causes an inflammation of the upper airways — the voice box (larynx) and windpipe (trachea). It often leads to a barking cough or hoarseness, especially when a child cries croup
What are the functions of the sinuses? skull lighter, resonate voice
What factor controls the pitch of your voice? tension on vocal cords
What factor controls volume of your voice? amount of air vibrating over larynx
Compare and Contrast pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary capillary. Pulmonary vein takes oxygenated blood to the heart, pulmonary artery takes deoxygenated blood from the heart, pulmonary capillaries are the site for gas exchange between the lungs and blood.
What is the normal respiration rate of an adult? 12-20 breaths per minute
What is the purpose of the C-shaped rings of tough, rubbery, cartilage that are in your trachea? Reinforce for protection and maintain airway
What is left after deep exhalation Residual Volume
Maximum amount of air that can be forced out after a deep breath vital capacity
Amount of air during normal breathing tidal volume
Total amount of air after a deep inhalation total lung capacity
Created by: ebickley
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