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unit 8 geography

alluvial plain an area of fertile soil deposited by river flood waters lama buddhist monk.consolidated his power over religious & politicalrealms substainable development using resources at a rate that does not deplete them for future generations nuclear proliferation the spreading development of nuclear alarms
monsoon seasonal winds reincarnation rebirth as another living being chipko tree hugger dalits the opressed , signed to the lowest class
cyclone same as hurricanes,high winds heavy rains karma good deeds,actions in accord with one's dharma proaching the illegal killing of protected animals
tsunami huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes mercantilism the using of colonies for giving materials & markets to the clonnizing country stupa domed shrines
dharma moral duty guru tacher named Nanak ,teaches that there is 1 god and good deeds and meeditation releases reincarnation dzong the fortifiedmonasteries
subcontinent a large distinct landmass that is joined to a continent sikh religious group that incorperates elements of hinduism and islam,conquered parts of north pakistan & india cashcrop farm products grown for sale or export
jati a group that defines one's occupation and social positions imperialism political or economic domination jute major cash crop of bangledash,a fiber used to make string rope and cloth
megalopolis a chain of closely linked metropolitian areas raj hindu word forempire green revolution a program in the 1960's made to increase crop yielding in developing countries
total fertility rate the average # of children a woman has in her life mantra repetitive prayers biomass plant materials & animal dung
cottage industry business that emplay workers in there homes ecotourism encourages responsible interaction with environment & endangered species interdependent a reliant on one another
Created by: Andrea.
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