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3Babes Studying

RMA Chpt 6

1. Name 5 basic principles of psychology. Psychology, subfields, scientific method, theories & hypothesis.
2. The sum total of the typical ways of acting, thinking and feeling that makes each person different. Personality
3. The term emotion refers to. A positive or negative feeling, in reaction to stimuli accompanied by physiological arousal and related behavior.
4. What are 3 steps of the scientific method? Identify the problem, formulate a rationale & give supportive research.
5. Who is the most important pioneer of the psychodynamic approach? Sigmund Freud
6. Define the humanistic theory of personality. Humans strive to reach their full potential, with encouragement & support, they can achieve it.
7. Name 3 founders of humanistic psychology. Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow & Victor Frankl.
8. What are Carl Jung's theories based on? Extroversion, introversion, personal unconscious & collective unconscious.
9. Name 8 of Freud's Defense Mechanisms. Repression, rationalization, projection, denial, regression, displacement, sublimation & reaction formation.
10. Give an example of displacement. A father who is angry at his boss but does not express it, yet he yells at his children when he goes home.
11. According to Freud's Stages of Personality Development, define latency and what age group does it refer to? Unimportance of sexual concerns; children's sexual concerns are temporarily put aside; refers to age group 5-6 years to adolescence.
12. What are Maslow's hierarchy of human needs? Biological, safety, love & belongingness, self-esteem & self-actualization.
13. ________ reinforcement is achieved when a reward is given. Positive
14. What term defines a symbolic code used in communication? Language
15. Cognition is the adjustment of a person's sensory capacity after prolonged exposure to a stimulus. True or False False, it's Adaptation
16. Psychological disorders are mental disorders or disturbances of thought or emotion. True or False True
17. Phobias are intense, irrational joys of specific emotions. True or False False, Phobias are intense, irrational fears of specific objects or situations.
18. Schizophrenia is an uncommon disorder that affects about 10% of the general population. True or False False, affects about 1%
19. Autism is a mental disorder characterized by extreme withdrawal and an abnormal absorption in fantasy. True or False True
20. Obsessions & compulsions are 2 separate problems that do not occur together within the same person. True or False False, Obsessions & compulsions occur together within the same person.
21. During the 1960s - 1970s, what psychiatrist provided insight about the process of death & dying. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
22. What are Elizabeth Kubler-Ross' 5 stages of death? Denial, anger, bargaining, depression & acceptance.
23. Name 4 of the 6 strategies to increase compliance. Clarify patient instructions for medication, keep a good rapport between patients & medical staff, be honest and keep patient well informed.
24. What are 3 phases of general adaptation syndrome (GAS)? Alarm & mobilization, resistance & exhaustion.
25. Stress reducers, minor positive events that can make a person feel good. Uplifts
Created by: Dr Bombay
Popular Medical sets




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