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Nervous System Ch 13

Nervous System

The nervous system and endocrine system help regulate body function
axon's transmit impulses away from the cell bodies
Sensory neurons are also called Afferent neurons
Motor neurons are called efferent neurons
Interneurons called connecting neurons
a myelin disorder is called multiple sclerosis MS
Multiple Sclerosis is most common in women between the ages of 20 and 40 yrs old
what is a nerve? a group of peripheral nerve fibers (axons)
Parkinsons Disease is what? chronic nervous disorder resulting from a deficiency of the neurotransmitter dopamine
Two morphine-like neurotransmitters are endorphins and enkephalins, lessons sensation of pain
Three structures that makeup the brainstem medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain
Cerebellum is second largest part of human brain, lies under the occipital lobe, and responsible for muscle coordination
Hypothalamus function secretes ADH into blood, maintains body temp and regulates water balance
Stroke and Cerebral Palsy are due to what? lack of oxygen to neurons in the brain
thalamus performs what? relay impulses to cerebral cortex from sense organs of the body, associates sensations with emotions, and plays a part in the arousal (alerting mechanism)
where are vital centers located? medulla oblongata
seizure disorder epilepsy
3 layers of spinal meninges.. dura meter, pia, and arachnoid mater
CSF form continually from what? choroid plexus
Peripheral nervous system includes? cranial and spinal nerves, ANS
trigeminal neuralgia also called tic douloureux
person who has never had chicken pox is... less likely to ever have shingles
neuroblastoma not inherited, malignant tumor of the sympathetic nervous system
Created by: 665403447
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