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PSAT E Word List

Word list for 2009-2010

ebb to fade away, recede
ebullient exhilarated, full of enthusiasm and high spirits
eclectic selecting from various sources
ecstatic joyful
edict law, command, official public order
edifice building
edify to instruct morally and spiritually
efface to erase or make illegible
effervescent bubbly, lively
effigy stuffed doll; likeness of a person
effrontery impudent boldness; audacity
effulgent brilliantly shining
effusive expressing emotion without restraint
egocentric acting as if things are centered around oneself
egregious conspicuously bad
elation exhilaration, joy
elegy mournful poem
elicit to draw out, provoke
eloquence fluent and effective speech
emaciated skinny, scrawny, gaunt, especially from hunger
emancipate to set free, liberate
embellish to ornament; make attractive with decoration or details; add details to a statement
embezzle to steal money in violation of trust
eminent celebrated, distinguished; outstanding, towering
emollient having soothing qualities, especially for skin
empathy identification with another's feelings
emulate to copy, imitate
endemic belonging to a particular area, inherent
enervate to weaken,sap strength from
engender to produce, cause, bring about
enigmatic puzzling, inexplicable
enjoin to urge, order, command; forbid or prohibit, as by judicial order
enmity hostility, antagonism, ill-will
ennui boredom, lack of interest and energy
enormity state of being gigantic or terrible
ensconce to settle comfortably in to a place
enthrall to captivate, enchant, enslave
entreat to plead, beg
enunciate to pronounce clearly
ephemeral momentary, transient, fleeting
epicure person with refined taste in food and wine
epigram short, witty saying or poem
epilogue concluding section of a literary work
epitome representative of an entire group; summary
equanimity calmness, composure
equine relating to horses
equivocal ambiguous, open to more than one interpretation
equivocate to use vague or ambiguous language intentionally
eradicate to erase or wipe out
errant straying, mistaken, roving
erudite learned, scholarly
eschew to abstain from, avoid
esoteric understood by only a learned few
espouse to support or advocate; to marry
estrange to alienate; keep at a distance
ethereal not earthly, spiritual, delicate
eulogy high praise, often in a public speech
euphemism use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one
euphony pleasant, harmonious sound
euphoria feeling of well-being or happiness
evade to avoid, dodge
evanescent momentary, transitory, short-lived
evict to put out or force out
exacerbate to aggravate, intensify the bad qualities of
exasperation irritation
excerpt (n) selection from a book or play
excruciating agonizing, intensely painful
exculpate to clear of blame or fault, vindicate
execrable utterly detestable, abhorrent
exhilaration state of being energetic or filled with happiness
exhort to urge or incite by strong appeals
exonerate to clear of blame, absolve
exorbitant extravagant, greater than reasonable
expedient (adj) convenient, efficient, practical
expiate to atone for, make amends for
explicit clearly defined, specific; forthright in expression
exponent one who champions or advocates
expound to elaborate; to expand or increase
expunge to erase, eliminate completely
expurgate to censor
extemporaneous unrehearsed, on the spur of the moment
extenuate to lessen the seriousness, strength, or effect of
extol to praise
extricate to free from, disentangle
extrinsic not inherent or essential, coming from without
exuberant lively, happy, and full of good spirits
exude to give off, ooze
exult to rejoice
Created by: rierei1971
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