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S & P Ch.7

Sensation & Perception Ch.7: Taking Action- Study Guide

What is the ecological approach to perception? An approach that focuses on studying perception as it occurs in natural settings, particularly emphasizing the role of observer movement.
What are the 2 main points of emphasis of the ecological approach to perception? 1. Emphasizing the moving observer- how perception occurs as a person is moving through the environment. 2. Identifying information in the environment that the moving observer uses for perception.
Who is the founder of the Ecological Approach? J. J. Gibson
Give an example of how the senses do not work in isolation in perception? Balance was once thought to be the exclusive responsibility of one sense (that enabled you to sense the position of your body), but was proven by Gibson to also be influenced by vision. David Lee and Eric Aronson (1979)demonstrated the importance of visio
Gibson's approach suggests that we use optic flow information to navigate through the environment. However, there are other strategies for navigating through the environment. Briefly, describe these other strategies as used while driving & while walking. An important strategy used by walkers (& perhaps drivers as well) that does not involve optic flow is the visual direction strategy, in which observers keep their body pointed toward a target. Thus, as a person speeds down the street on their bike, they m
It has been demonstrated that neurons in the medial superior temporal area respond to optic flow patterns. However, this does not prove they are involved in perception. Briefly describe the studies which indicate that, in fact, these neurons are involved Kenneth Britten & Richard van Wezel (2002) demonstrated a connection between the response of neurons in MST & behavior by first training monkeys to indicate whether the flow of dots on a computer screen indicated movement to the left or right of straight
Created by: thisisjekyll
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