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My med terminology

Medical Terminology

Increase in numbers of malignant white blood cells Leukemia
Study of cells Cytology
The combining form for kidney ren/o
Cystoscopy Visual examination of the urinary bladder
Diagnosis Is made on the basis of complete knowledge about the patient's condition
Removal of a gland Adenectomy
The combining form for: eye ophthalm/o
Hepatoma Tumor of the liver
Electroencephalogram Record of electricity in the brain
Pertaining to the brain Cerebral
Pain in a joint Arthralgia
Instrument to view the eye Ophthalmoscope
A platelet Thrombocyte
Pertaining to through the liver Transhepatic
The combining form for disease path/o
Inflammation of the nose Rhinitis
The combining form for: to cut sect/o
Iatrogenic Pertaining to produced by treatment
Microscopic examination of living tissue Biopsy
Pathologist One who performs autopsies and reads biopsies
The process by which food is burned to release energy Catabolism
Throat Pharynx
Craniotomy Incision of the skull
An epithelial cell is a(an) Skin cell
Voice box Larynx
The tailbone is the Coccyx
The upper lateral regions of the abdomen, beneath the ribs, are the Hypochondriac regions
Pertaining to a plane that divides the body into right and left portions Sagittal
Internal organs viscera
Pertaining to the chest thoracic
Picture of the chromosomes in the nucleus karyotype
Space between the lungs mediastinum
Sarcoma Malignant tumor of flesh tissue
A histologist studies Tissues
The pleural cavity is the Space between the membranes around the lungs
The pituitary gland is in which body cavity? Cranial
Part of the cell where formation of proteins occurs Endoplasmic reticulum
Supine means Lying on the back
The RUQ contains the Liver
Ultrasonography Sound waves and echoes are used to create an image
Hypertrophy Increase in cell size; increased development
Excessive sugar in the blood Hyperglycemia
Return of disease symptoms Relapse
Abductor muscle Carries a limb away from the body
Dyspnea Difficult breathing
Pertaining to the opposite side Contralateral
Brady- Slow
Located on the dorsal side of an endocrine gland in the neck Parathyroid glands
Recombinant DNA Gene from one organism is inserted into another organism
Tachycardia Rapid heartbeat
Percutaneous Through the skin
Slow heart beat bradycardia
Lack of water dehydration
Without oxygen anoxia
Protrusion of an eyeball Exophthalmos
Against infection antisepsis
Before birth antepartum
Not breathing apnea
Foreign substance antigen
Clubfoot Talipes
Poor formation of bone Osteodystrophy
Pertaining to heart muscle myocardial
Pertaining to the upper arm bone Humeral
Spongy, porous bone tissue is also called Cancellous bone
Inflammation of bone and bone marrow Osteomyelitis
Lateral curvature of the spinal column Scoliosis
Operation performed to relieve the symptoms of a slipped disk Laminectomy
The shaft of a long bone is called a(n) Diaphysis
Muscle connected to internal organs visceral
An opening or passage in bones where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave is a Foramen
Vitamin D deficiency leads to softening of bone, which is known as Osteomalacia
Slipping or subluxation of a vertebra Spondylolisthesis
Heel bone calcaneus
Kneecap patella
Outward extension of the shoulder bone is the Acromion
Knuckle-like process at the end of a bone is called a Condyle
Fibrous membrane separating muscles fascia
Act of turning the palm forward or upward supination
Movement away from the midline abduction
A type of epithelial cell in the epidermis is a Squamous cell
Profuse sweating Diaphoresis
Fungal infection Trichomycosis
Fatty mass within a sebaceous gland Steatoma
Bullae Large blisters
Itching Pruritus
Keloid Thickened scar
Moles that can develop into malignant melanoma Dysplastic nevi
Dermis Middle layer of skin
Bed sore; break in continuity of skin Decubitus ulcer
Chronic recurrent dermatosis with silvery gray scales covering red patches in skin Psoriasis
A dermatomycosis Tinea
A hard protein material found in the epidermis Keratin
Blackhead comedo
Absence of skin pigment albinism
Xer/o means Dry
What is a combining form meaning skin Cutane/o
Inflammation of the soft tissue around a nail Paronychia
Part of the brain responsible for coordinating muscle movements and maintaining balance Cerebellum
Space between nerve cells is called the Synapse
Part of the brain that controls breathing, heartbeat, and the size of blood vessels Medulla oblongata
Inability to speak Aphasia
Collection of blood within the meningeal layers Subdural hematoma
Abnormal sensation of tingling or prickling Paresthesia
Paralysis of four extremities Quadriplegia
Pertaining to muscles and nerves Myoneural
Cerebral aneurysm, thrombosis, or hemorrhage can be the cause of Cerebrovascular accident
Fainting Syncope
Relieving, but not curing palliative
Peculiar symptoms appearing before more definite symptoms aura
Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine
Within the meninges intrathecal
Manner of walking gait
Elevated portions of the cerebral cortex are called Gyri
Burning sensation of pain Causalgia
A network of interlacing nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system Plexus
Glial cells Astrocytes
Removal of a middle ear bone stapedectomy
Fungal infection of the ear Otomycosis
Yellowish region in the retina; contains the fovea centralis Macula lutea
Outer flap of the ear pinna
Waxy discharge from the ear cerumen
Astigmatism Defective curvature of the cornea or lens
Hearing impairment due to old age presbycusis
Photosensitive receptor cells of the retina; make the perception of color possible Cones
Tinnitus Ringing sound in ears
Channel between the middle ear and the nasopharynx Eustachian tube
Glaucoma is primarily diagnosed by Tonometry
Fibrous layer of clear tissue that extends over the anterior portion of the eye and is continuous with the white of the eye Cornea
An eye inflammation commonly called “pinkeye” is Conjunctivitis
Visual examination of the ear Otoscopy
Myopia Nearsightedness
Small hard mass on the eyelid; formed from a sebaceous gland enlargement Chalazion
The meaning of palpebr/o is Eyelid
Surgical repair of the eardrum tympanoplasty
Adjustment of the lens by the ciliary body Accommodation
Created by: 630469468
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