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CPC Study - Urinary System

3 types of nitrogenous waste: urea, creatinine, uric acid
What does the urinary system do? removes waste, conserves nutrients and water, balances electrolytes, assists liver in detoxificaction
The organs of the urinary system: kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra
These organs secrete berenin and erythropoietin: kidneys
What does berenin affect? blood pressure
What does erythropoietin do? stimulates red blood cell production in bone marrow
This is the outer layer of the kidney: cortex
This is the inner portion of the kidney: medulla
This is the depression on medial border of the kidney through which blood vessels and nerves pass: hilum
The divisions of the medulla of the kidney are called: pyramids
These are the inner parts of the pyramids of a kidney's medulla: papilla
The receptacle for urine within the kidney is called: renal pelvis
These surround the top of the renal pelvis: calyces
These are the operational units of the kidney: nephrons
What are the ureters? narrow tubes transporting urine from kidneys to bladder
What is the trigone? smooth, triangular area inside the bladder formed by openings of ureters and urethra
What is the urethra? canal from bladder to exterior of body
What is the outside opening of the urethra called? urinary meatus
Bulbocavernosus muscle that constricts vagina in females and urethra in males
Bulbourethral gland with duct leading to urethra
Calculus stone - concretion of mineral salts
Calycoplasty surgical reconstruction of recess of renal pelvis
Calyx recess of renal pelvis
Cystolithectomy removal of a calculus from urinary bladder
Cystometrogram measurement of pressures and capacity of urinary bladder
Cystoplasty surgical reconstruction of bladder
Cystorrhaphy suture of bladder
Cystoscopy use of a scope to view bladder
Cystostomy surgical creation of an opening into the bladder
Cystotomy incision into the bladder
Cystourethroplasty surgical reconstruction of bladder and urethra
Dysuria painful urination
Endopyelotomy procedure involving bladder and ureters, including insertion of a stent into renal pelvis
Fundoplasty repair of the bottom of bladder
Hydrocele sac of fluid
Kock Pouch surgical creation of a urinary bladder from a segment of the ileum
Nephrocutaneous Fistula an abnormal channel from kidney to skin
Nephrolithotomy removal of kidney stone through an incision made into the kidney
Nephrorrhaphy suturing of kidney
Nephrostomy creation of a channel into renal pelvis of kidney
Transureteroureterostomy surgical connection of two ureters
Transvesical Ureterolithotomy removal of a ureter stone through bladder
Ureterectomy surgical removal of ureter, partial or complete
Ureterocutaneous Fistula channel from ureter to skin
Ureteroenterostomy creation of a connection between intestine and ureter
Ureterolithotomy removal of ureter stone
Ureterolysis freeing of adhesions of ureter
Ureteroneocystostomy surgical connection of ureter to a new site on bladder
Ureteropyelography ureter and renal pelvis radiography
Ureterotomy incision into ureter
Urethrocystography radiography of bladder and urethra
Urethromeatoplasty surgical repair of urethra and meatus
Urethropexy fixation of urethra by means of surgery
Urethroplasty surgical repair of urethra
Urethrorrhaphy suturing of urethra
Urethroscopy use of scope to view urethra
Vesicostomy surgical creation of a connection of viscera of bladder to skin
Causes of acute renal failure: extreme hypotension, trauma, infection, inflammation, toxicity, obstructed vascular supply
Symptoms of acute renal failure uremia, oliguria, anuria, hyperkalemia, pulmonary edema
Uremia build-up of nitrogenous wastes in blood
Oliguria decreased output of urine
Anuria no output of urine
Hyperkalemia high potassium in blood
3 types of acute renal failure: prerenal, intrarenal, postrenal
This type of acute renal failure is associated with poor systemic profusion and decreased renal blood flow: prerenal
This type of acute renal failure is associated with renal parenchyma disease: intrarenal
This type of acute renal failure results from urine flow obstruction outside the kidney (ureters or bladder neck): postrenal
What are the 5 stages of renal failure based on? level of creatinine clearance
Increased blood flow through the kidney and enlarged kidney are which stage of chronic renal failure? Stage I
Small amounts of albumin leak into urine in this stage of chronic renal failure: Stage II
The kidney loses ability to filter waste in this stage of chronic renal failure: Stage III
Blood pressure increases and large amounts of urine pass through kidney in this severe stage of chronic renal failure: Stage IV
This stage of chronic renal failure is considered end-stage (dialysis or transplant only option) Stage V
3 causes of chronic renal failure: nephrotoxins, diabetes, hypertension
Percentage of nephron loss in end-stage renal failure: 90 percent
What bacteria causes bacterial cystitis? E. coli
Acute Pyelonephritis bacterial infection with multiple abscesses of renal pelvis and medullary tissue
What is the function of glomerulus? blood filtration
Glomerulonephritis inflammation of glomerulus
Nephrotic Syndrome (Nephrosis) disease of kidneys that includes damage to membrane of the glomerulus causing excessive protein loss to urine
APSGN Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis
APSGN is most common in: boys between ages 3 and 7
Nephrolithiasis and renal calculi are names for: kidney stones
What are kidney stones formed of? mineral salts (uric and calcium)
Where does a staghorn calculus form? renal pelvis
Hydronephrosis distension of kidney with urine due to obstruction
Nephrosclerosis excessive hardening and thickening of vascular structure of kidney
Polycistic Kidney numerous kidny cysts (genetic disease)
Common name for nephroblastoma: Wilms' Tumor
Wilm's Tumor (nephroblastoma) unilateral kidney tumors - most common tumor in children
Surfaces of the bladder: posterior, anterior, superior
Created by: dropgallow
Popular Medical sets




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