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Chapter 16 D

Male Reproductive System

male reproductive system produce,sustain,transport sperm sperm from penis to vagina during sexual intercourse produces testosterone
copulation sperm from male penis to female vagina during sexual intercourse
primary organs male gonads- testes
gonads male sex glands-testes
testes small ovoid glands that develop high in abdominal cavity near the kidneys they produce male germ cells called spermatozoa and secrete testosterone
testosterone secondary sex characteristic changes that occur in male with onset of puberty which include growth of facial hair and deepening voice
accessory organs ducts that transport sperm to outside of body- epididymis, vas deferens,seminal vescicle, ejaculatory duct, urethra,prostate gland
supporting structures scrotum,penis, pair of spermatic cords
scrotum external sac located posterior to penis and suspended from perineum has the testes divides into 2 sacs
perineum area between scrotum and anus in males
spermatic cord contains blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves and vas deferens
seminiferous tubules specialized tiny tubules in testicles responsible for production of sperm
epididymus tightly coiled tubule that resembles a comma sperm mature and become fertile and motile- can move leads to vas deferens
vas deferens(ductus deferens) straight,narrow tube that transports sperm form epididymis to ejaculatory duct
ampulla formed when vasdeferens enlarges it is a sac like dilation
ejaculatory duct formed when vas deferens merges with adjacent seminal vesicle
seminal vesicles secrete thick yellowy fluid caled seminal fluid which is part of volume of semen
ejaculation sexual intercourse expelling semen from male urethra
semen combination of sperm and various secretions expelled from body through urethra during sexual intercourse
urethra ducts from prostate empty into the urethra and transports urine and semen outside of body
prostate gland below bladder surrounds base of urethra ducts transport secretions to urethra thin milky colored alkaline secretions enhance motility of sperm and neutralize secretions if vagina and has muscular action that aids in expelling semen from body
bulbourethral glands(cowper's glands) pair of pea sized glands below prostate gland
seminal vescicles glands that secrete seminal fluid into vas deferens secretes the larges amount of fluid out of prostate and bulbourethral glands
volume of semen 1.5-6.0 ml each ml contains 50-150 million sperm if sperm count is below 10-20 million ml than there could be fertility problems
pubic arch body that is visible pendant portion
Penis male organ of sexual intercourse consists of base that attaches it to pubic arch and tip called glans penis
prepuce(foreskin) loose retractable fold of skin that covers glans penis
circumcision removal of foreskin shortly after birth
external urinary meatus urethra extends length of penis and ends as opening at tip of glans penis
erection penis made of sponge liketissue that contains blood spaces that are empy without esual intercourse but when sexual intercours occurs the spaces fill with blood causing penis to become rigid and enlarge in diameter and length
chancre(vanereal sore) skin lesion usually of primary syplilis that begins as small raised area and develops into red painless ulcer with scooped out appearance
cryosurgery using below freezing temperature to destroy tissue 160 C
debridement removal of dirt damaged tissue and cellular debris form wound or burn
dormant inactive
epididectomy surgical removal of epididimis
epididymitis inflammation of epididymis
exudate fluid pus or serum slowly dischharged from cells or blood vessels through small pores or breaks in cell membranes
flaccid weak,lacking normal muscle tone
Kaposi's sarcoma malignant growth beginning as soft brownish or purple raised areas on feet and slowly spreads in skin spreads to lymph nodes and internal organs mostly in me and associated with aids
malaise feeling of weakness or discomfort
malodorous foul smelling,bad odor
motility ability to move
opportunistic infection infeciton caused by normally non-disease producing organisms that sets up in host where resistance is decreased from surgery,illnesses,disorders
orchidopexy surgical fixation of teticle
palpation feeling with hands
pelvic inflammatory disease inflammation of upper female genital tract cervix,ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes(salpingitis)
perineum area between scrotum and anus in male and between vulva and anus in female
prophylactic agent or regimen that contributes to prevention of infection and disease
prostatectomy surgical removal of part or all of prostate
rectoscope instrument used to view the rectum that has a cutting and cauterizing loop
resectoscope instrument used to surgically remove tissue form body
salpingitis(pelvic inflammatory disease) inflammation of fallopian tubes
spermatozoan(spermatozoon) mature male germ cell
truss apparatus worn to prevent or blosck herniation of intestines or other organ through opening in abdominal wall
vesicles blisters-small raised skin lesion containing clear fluid
andr/o man,male
balan/o glans penis
semin/i semen
zo/o animal(man)
anorchism no testicles
balanitis inflammation of glans penis and mucous membrane beneath it
benign prostatic hypertrophy benign enlargement of prostate gland creating pressure on upper part of urethra or neck of bladder and causing obstruction of urine flow
carcinoma of prostate malignant growth within prostate gland creating pressure on upper part of urethra most common cause of cancer in men
carcinoma of the testes(testicular cancer) malignant tumor of the testicle that appears as a painless lump in the testicle rare male fertility requires only 1 testicle
cryptochordism condition of undescended teticles absence of 1 or both teticles form scrotum testicle in abdominal cavity or inguinal canal
epispadias congenital defect in ehich urethra opens on upper side of penis at some point near the glans
hydrocele accumulation of fluid in any sac like cavity or duct particularly the scrotal sac or along the spermatic cord
hypospadias congenital defence in which urethra opens on under side of penis instead of at end
impotence inability of male to achieve or sustain erection of penis
inguinal hernia protrusion of a part of intestine through a weakened spot in the muscles and membranes of the inguinal region or the abdomen intestine pushes into and sometimes fills entire scrotal sac in males
orchitis inflammation of testes could be 1 or both from bacterial infection or injury mumps
phimosis tighness of the foreskin of penis that prevents it from being pulled back opening or foreskin narrows and may cause difficult urination usually congenital
premature ejaculation abnormal dilation of veins of spermatic cord leading to testicle
prostatitis inflammation of the prostate gland
vericocele abnormal dilation of veins of spermatic cord leading to testicle abnormal dilation of veins of spermatic cord leading to testicle
aquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS) deadly virus that destroys immune system by invading t cells transmitted though sexual contact, needles,transfusion and mother can pass to baby could be undetected for years takes 1-3 months to detect in blood associated with Karposi's sarcoma 1-10 yrs fo
transmissable capable of being passed from one person to another
momgamous only 1 partner
chlamydia sexually transmitted bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the cervix and inflammation of urethra and epididymis in men
genital herpes(venereal herpes) higly contagious viral infection of genitalia caused by herpes simplex can recur active phase symptoms are present virus can spread dormant-no symptoms can still transmit virus ulcers
genital warts smallo,cauliflower like fleshy growths caused by HPV symptoms may occur in 1-6 months
gonorrhea sexually transmitted bacterial infection of mucous membrane of genital tract more obvoius in males
exudate drainage
prophylaxis prevention
Syphilis lesions involving any organ or tissue
primary syphilis small painless red pustule on skin appears within 10 days to a few weeks of exposure can be treated with antibiotics
chancre highly contagious lesion seen in Syphillis
Created by: drw5
Popular Medical sets




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