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ANS 214L Lab 3b

Skeletal System

Arth-, Arthr- joint
Carpus wrist
Chond- cartilage
-clast to break
Cost- ribs
Dont- Teeth
Myel- Bone marrow
Oss-, Osteo- bone
syn- union
Tarsus ankle
exoskeleton hard, outer skeleton that is outside the body, found in arthropods (insects, arachnids and crustaceans) and in molluscs with shells (clams and snails)
endoskeleton skeleton embedded within the muscle, domestic animals contain the type of skeleton
functions of skeletal system provides support, body form, works with muscle to perform body movements, and protects inner body organs
axial skeleton bones of the skill, rids (costae), vertebrae, and sternum
appendicular skeleton bones of the appendages or limbs
heterotrophic bones (splanchnic or visceral bones) bones embedded in the organs
os rostrale bone in the snout of the pig
ossa cordis bones in the heart of cattle, sheep, and goats
os phrenis bone in the diaphragm of camels
ossa penis bones in the penis of carnivores (dogs and cats) and rodents
scleral rings round bones found in the eyes of birds
hyoid apparatus found in the tongue of avians
origin the end of the muscle that is attached to a stationary part of bone
insertion the end of the muscle that is attached to a mobile section of bone
tendons attach muscles to bone
ligaments attach bone to bone
epiphysis the two ends of long bone
diaphysis the shaft of long bone
epiphyseal-diaphyseal plate a growth region between the epiphysis and the diaphysis
endosteum membrane lining the medullary cavity
periosteum membrane covering the outer surface of the bone composed of connective tissue
medullary cavity hollow area in the center of the bone where bone marrow is located
diploe spongy bone
long bone dumb-bell shaped, wide, expanded ends, narrow, cylindrical mid-section
elongated bone costae (ribs), expanded ends, no medullary cavity (marrow space)
aborted bone ulna of horse, one expanded end, rudimentary medullary cavity (in the proximal-extended end of bone), distal extremity small
flat bone flat in two dimensions
typical flat bone bones of skull, intramembranous, lighter weight bone
atypical flat bone scapula, develops from cartilage, no diploe
short bone cubicle in shape, typical short bones, sesamoid bones
typical short bones human wrist and ankle, knee and tarsal, carpels
sesamoid shaped like sesame seeds, bones that form in a tendon, patella
functions of short bones reduce concussion, reduce friction
Irregular bone bones of vertebral column, cervical vertebrae
Pneumatic bone air (air packets/spaces/cavities) birds, excavation in skill (paranasal sinuses)
5 types of bone long bone, flat bone, short bone, irregular bone, pneumatic bone
How many cervical vertebrae do mammals have 7
Created by: adekkers
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