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Ch 15 part1

A&P 2

Pericardial fluid is serous. It allows the heart to beat without friction in the p. sac. true or false true
The right and left ventricles are seperated by the interventricular septum. true or false true
Blood in all veins is relatively low in oxygen. true or false false
When an atrium is in systole the ventricle is in diastole. true or false tue
The choradae tendineae are fibrous strings that attach the papillary muscles to the semilunar (SL) valves. tue or false false
The tricuspid valve prevents a back flow of blood into the right atrium. true or false true
During ventricle contraction, all valves attached to the heart skeleton close. true or false false
The blood in the pulmonary arteries has a relatively high CO2 concentration. true or false true
Patients complain of diaphoresis (difficultly breathing) during MI. true or false false
Artial pressure is greatest with relaxation in ventricles and contraction in artia. true or false false
At the onset of ventricle contraction, the pressure (P) in them exceeds artial. true or false true
A heart murmur is head when the valves do not close sufficiently. true or false true
A functional syncytium occurs of a cardic muscle cell is when one cardiac muscle cell causes the surrounding one to inhibit their beat. true or false false
The ECG tracing is a measurement of the contraction sequences of the heart. true or false false
A slow heart rate; diagnosed as bradycardia, is abnormal and should be treated. true or false false
The technique called defilbrillation is the application of an electric current to the chest wall with the desired effect of directly stabalizing the abnormal heart rhythm. true or false false
Either hyperkalemia or hypokalemia could cause an irregular heart rhythm. true or false true
An increase in blood Ca2+ (hyperkalemia) can cause the heart to increase its pressure and have the prolonged QRS interval. true or false true
Which layer of the heart coverings serves the dual purpose of lining the pericardium and forming the outermost wall of the heart? visceral pericadium (epicardium)
The layer of the heart that forms a smooth, protective lining of the heart chambers and valves is the ________. endocardium
The bicupsid vavle _________. is located on the left side of the heart
The ________ has the thickest wall because it pumps blood to the ________. left ventricle; systemic circuit
Freshly oxygenated blood enters the heart through the ______, and is pumped out the _______. left atrium; aorta
Someone suffering a heart attack in his anterior lower right ventricle probably had a blockage in which coronary artery? anterior ventricular
When do the AV valves close during the cardiac cycle? when ventricular pressure exceeds that of the atria
How does the impulse to contract slow down slightly before it is transferred into the ventricles? junctional fibers leading into the AV node have very small diameters
What does the QRS wave on the ECG indicate? the ventricles are depolarizing while the atris repolarize
The inability of the left ventricle to pump blood adequately to the body's cells indicative of ______. cardic tamponade
A condition in which there is a congential predispostion for a ruptured aorta is _______. Marfan syndrome
Which membrane is closest to the heart muscle? visceral pericardium (epicardium)
How many openings are there in the right atrium? 3
The ______ valve lies between the right atrium and right ventricle. tricupsid
The pulmonary semilunar valve prevents a back-flow of blood into the _______. right ventricle
The aortic semilunar valve prevents blood from returning to the ______. left ventricle
Which structure contains the lowest amount of oxygen? vena cava
Cardiac output can be determined by the following formula. HR x SV
The first heart sound caused by closure of the ______ valves. atrioventricular
The last in the cardic conduction sequence is the _______. purkinje fibers
The electrical initiation of a heartbeat begins in the _______ chamber wall. right atrium
The central cardiac control region is in the _______ of the brain. medulla oblongata
The T wave of an electrocardiogram represents which event? ventricular repolarization
Where is the heart specifically located? mediastinum
The apical heartbeat in an average adult is best heard at the level of the _______. 5th intercostal space
What is a prominent symptom of pericarditit? severe chest pain
Mitral valve prolaspe is a condition, which causes blood to back flow into the ______. left atrium
Which term indicates that tissue in the heart has died? infarction
When does blood flow into the coronary arteries? during ventricular relaxation
About ___% of the atrial blood flows into the ventricles before the atria contract. 70
For one complete cycle of blood flow through the heart one should listen to how many heasounds that are due to the valves opening and closing? 4
A stethoscope placed at the upper tip of the sternum will be best to detect which sound? tricupsid valve
Which fiber system is the first to depolarize in a cardiac cycle? sinoatrial (SA) node
Which chamber of the heart contains the natural in situ pacemaker? right atrium
The cardiac reflex control centers are located within the _______. medulla obolongata
The time taken for an impulse to travel from the SA to the AV node is evidenced in the ______. P-Q interval
The _____ layer of an artery contains the greastet amount of smooth muscle. tunica media
High HDL (______) indicates less chance for plaque formation because it carries ______. high density lipoprotein; predominently protein and no fat
Lipoprotein complexes found in the plasma that have very low density are given what acronym? VLDL
As the body and its cellular metabolism age, atherosclerosis due to fat deposits in developing plaques and thrombosis as a result of intrinsic blood clot formation may be facilitated primarily due to _______. lower nitrous oxide household of the epithelial cells in the tunica inima
Created by: bw3221
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