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CH 17 & 18

Digestive System & Nutrition

The Digestion of food is both Mechanical and Chemical digestion
Food enters the digestive tract through the mouth
White patches or leukoplakia developes in the mouth in users of smokeless tobacco
is one of the most common diseases in the developed world dental caries
Gingivitis is the general term for inflammation of infection of the gums
Thrush is a mouth infection caused by a yeastlike fungal organism
Mumps is the virus that causes the parotid salivary glands to swell
Salivary glands begin the process of chemical digestion
Salivary glands produce amylase which begin the chemical digestion of carbohydrates
The pharynx is a tube like structure that connects the mouth and the esophagus
The lower esophageal sphincter prevents food and gastric juices from backing up into the esophaus
chyme is food mixed with gastric juices in a semisolid mixture
In the fundus and pylorus contains sections called the body
with a hiatal hernia it is most likely the fundus that passes through the diaphram
If you eat a big meal the fundus of the stomach may prevent th diaphram from moving downward and possibly cause you to have trouble taking a deep breath
Pylorospasm is a fairly common condition in infants where food is not able to leave the stomach and move into the small intestines
pyloric stenosis is an obstructive narrowing of the pyloric sphincter
An ulcer is a crater like sore in the stomach or duedenum caused by H pylori
The small intestine has villi and microvilli lining its interior walls to hlp an absorption
Gastroenteritis is small intestine inflammation and stomach inflammation
a type of malabsorption syndrome People who are lactose intolerant do not have enough lactose to digest lactose sugar
The liver produces bile
The gallbladder concentrates and stores bile
Chyolelithiasis stimulates the contraction of the gallbladder to release bile
Chyolelithiasis is the condition of having gall stones
Gall stones that block the common bile duct can lead to jaundice
hepatitis is a general term refering to inflammation of the liver
the pancreas is an exocrine and endocrine gland
the pancreas secretes enzymes that digest all three major kinds of food
Absorption of water, salts and vitamins occurs in the large intestine
The order in which material pass through the large intestine is cecum to asending colon to transverse colon to desending colon
diverticulitis is an inflammation of abdominal saclike out pouchings of the insestinal wall
constipation and diarrhea are peristalsis problems
Chrons disease is a type of autoimmune coloitis
People with colonic polyps have increased risk of colon cancer
peritonitis is the inflammation of the peritoneum
ascites is the abnormal accumilation of fluid in the peritoneal space
carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth
the end product of protein digestions are amino acids
bile causes mechanical rather than chemical digestion of fats
pancreatic juice contains enzymes that help digest fats, carbohydrates and protein
anabolism makes up metabolism and builds smaller molecules into larger molecules
prothrombin and fibrinogen are plasma protein formed by the liver and play an essential part in blood clotting
the liver detoxifies bacteria toxins in certain drugs and where iron is stored
glucose anabolism is called glycogensis and is carried by the liver and muscle cells
the secretion of to little insulin can lead to hyperglycemia
growth hormone and glucogon help raise bloodsugar levels
fat merabolism is used as a source of energy and anabolised fat is stored in the adipose tissue
the body can not store vitamin c
vitamin c dificiency can lead to scurvy
minerals are just as important as vitamins in maintaining good health
anorexia nervosa is a behavioral disorder
bulimia is a behavioral disorder
fever is a rise in body temp to help fight a pathogen
Created by: llimon
Popular Anatomy sets




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