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ANS Receptors nmc

receptors location effects review

Synapses between neurons are made in the? Autonomic ganglia
PNS ganglia are located? Effector organs
SNS ganglia are located? Paravertebral chains
Preganglionic neurons have their cell bodies? In the CNS and synapse in autonomic ganglia
Postganglionic neurons have their cell bodies? autonomic ganglia and synapse on effector organs (heart, bld vessels, sweat glands)
Adrenal medulla preganglionic synapse? Directly on chromaffin cells= Ach release= secrete 80% epinephrine, 20% norepinephrine. Differ from SNS bc epinephrine is release vs SNS release norepin only
Difference between b1 and b2 receptor androgen affinities? b1-adrenoceptors demonstrated equal affinity for adrenaline and nor- adrenaline while b2-adrenoceptors displayed a higher selectivity for nor-adrenaline than for adrenaline.
a1 - location, function, mechanism of action? Local: sm m.vasc (=NT release) and non- vasc (not bronchial); mostly Post synaptic (CNS and periph) Function: post-syn=CNS= excite; & peripherally= m. contraction-only norepin high enough conc Mech of action: Gp-formation of IP3 & intracell Ca incr
a1- agonists and antagonists a1 Agonists potency: epinep > norepin >> isoproterenol;A=NA>>ISO Phenylephrine (neosyn), Oxymetazoline Antagonists: antihypertensives-indoramin and prazosin, benign prostatic hypertrophy
a2- location, function, mechanism of action? Local: platelets, fat cells, smooth m.; mostly Pre- synaptic (CNS and periph) Function: pre-syn=inhibition (nor-adren= neg feedback);post-syn= bld ves constriction, platelet aggreg Mech of action: Gp-inhib of & decr cAMP= Decr Ca influx= decr NT
a2- agonists and antagonists a2 Agonists potency:A=NA>>ISO; antihypertensives- Clonidine Antagonists: Yohimbine, Idazoxan
Name the a2 subtypes and their functions. a2A,a2B and a2C a2- usually found presynaptically & inhibit the norepin = neg fdbk control of norepin. Postsynaptic a2 - liver cells, platelets, and the smooth muscle of blood vessels= platelet aggregation, and blood vessel constriction.
How can a antagonist and agonists be used to treat hypertension? a1-antagonists a2- agonists
B1- location, function, mechanism of action? Local: Post syn main: hrt, pltlets, saliv and non-sphict GI Function: excitation, sensitive to norep and epineph, > senst than alpha. Incr hrt rt/frc, relax non-sph GI, platelet aggrg, amylase secretion; Pre-syn=NT release Mech action: Gp, incr prod cA
B1- agonists and antagonists? B1 agonists: Norepineph, Isoproterenol, dobutamine, ISO>A=NA Antagonists: Propranolol, metoprolol
B2- agonists and antagonists? B2 agonists: Isoproterenol,albuterol Antagonists; ISO>A=NA Propranolol, Butoxamine
B2- location, function, mechanism of action? Local:Post syn-vasc and bronch sm m., GI Function: Relaxation= vaso- and broncho, inhib hist rls,rlx GI - more sent to epin vs norep and a rcpt E.g:small adrenal epin rls=B2 vasodil, vs large rls= a-vasoconst Mech action: Gp, incr prod cAMP
B3- location, function, mechanism of action? b3-receptors are expressed predominately in adipose tissue activation is proposed to be involved with noradrenaline induced changes in energy metabolism via lipolysis and thermogenesis. Mech action: Gp, incr prod cAMP
B4- location, function, mechanism of action? b4-receptors are localised in cardiac tissue with activation causing an increase in heart rate and force. Mech action: Gp, incr prod cAMP
B4- agonists and antagonists? B4 agonists: none antagonists: Bupranolol
Cholinergic receptors Refers to responses in various systems to the natural transmitter molecule Acetycholine (ACh).
What are nicotine and muscarinic receptors? Nicotine comes from tobacco, Muscarine comes from certain mushrooms. Named for the extrinsic compounds that stimulate only that category
Summarize the function of Nicotinic recpts. * Stimulated by ACh and nicotine, not stimulated by muscarn. * Found all ganglionic synapses & NM junctions. - Blocked by hexamethonium.
Summarize the function of Nicotinic recpts. Physio rsps to stim & block complex bc SNS and PNS affected. Final response = system w/ stronger tonic infl. Eg-heart- usually > PNS, but ganglionic block affect PNS more = hrt rt incr
Summarize the function of Muscarinic recpts.-Mainly PNS Stim by ACh and muscarine, not stimulated by nicotine. * Found at target organs when ACh is released by post-ganglionic neurons (all of PNS, some SNS). * Stimulated selectively by Muscarine, Bethanechol. * Blocked by Atropine.
Muscarinic stimulation effects? * Incr sweating. * Decr HR. * Decr BP bc decr CO. * Bronchoconstriction and increased bronchosecretion. * Pupil contract, * Tearing and salivation. * Incr motil and secr GI . * Urination and defecation. * Engorgement of genitalia.
NMJ- ach, nicotine and muscarine effects? NMJ = nicotinic recpt Ach= large response Nicotine=large response Muscarine= no response
ANS ganglionice transmission- stimulation? ANS ganglion = nicotinic recpt Ach= large response Nicotine=large response Muscarine= no response
Lung Bronchiols-constriction Lung bronchiols= Muscarinic rcpt Ach= large response Nicotine=No response Muscarine= Large response
Nicotinic recpts- location, function, mechanism of action? Local: autonomic gang & NMJ Function: excitation Mech action: Activated by Ach or nicotine, Ach recpt are Na and K ion channels
Muscarinic recpts- location, function, mechanism of action? Local: heart, non-vasc smooth m and glands Function: inhib heart and excite sm. m. Mech action: Activated by Ach or muscarine; Atropine Blocks. Heart SA (M2)- inhib cAmp path and K ch= slower depol Sm m.& glands (M3)- form IP3 and incr Ca
Heart- Name SNS action & recepts and PNS action Heart SNS: incr HR, contract Recpts: B1 PNS: decr HR, contract
Vascular Smooth- Name SNS action & recepts and PNS action Vascular sm. m SNS:constrict bld vessels in skin, splanchnic (a); Dilates bld ves skeletal (b2) PNS:
GI tract- Name SNS action & recepts and PNS action GI tract SNS:decr motility (a2, b2), constricts sphincters(a1) PNS: incr motility (a2,b2); relax sphincters
Bronchioles- Name SNS action & recepts and PNS action Bronchioles- SNS:Dilates sm m. (B2) PNS: Constricts sm m.
Male sex organs- Name SNS action & recepts and PNS action Male sex organs- SNS: Ejaculation (a) PNS: Erection
Bladder- Name SNS action & recepts and PNS action Bladder- SNS: Relaxes bladder wall (b2), constricts sphincter (a1) PNS: contracts wall, & relax sphincter
Sweat glands- Name cholinergic action & recepts and PNS action Sweat glands- SNS: Increase sweating (M3) PNS:
Kidney- Name SNS action & recepts and PNS action Kidney- SNS: incr Renin secretion (B1) PNS:
Fat cells- Name SNS action & recepts and PNS action Fat cells SNS: incr lipolysis (b1), decr lipolysis (a2)
Created by: nmctelos
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