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SAT_personal list 1

Selected voca A~P

abject wretched
acerbity bitterness of speech/temper
affected artificial, pretended
alacrity cheerful promptness
altercation noisy quarrel
ameliorate to improve
ancilary serving as an aid
aphorism pithy maxim
aria operatic solo
assent to agree or accept
attrition gradual decrease in numbers
auspicious favoring success
averse reluctant
bane curse; cause of ruin
berate to scold
bigotry intolerance
bravado swagger
brazen insolent
brittle easily broken
brusque blunt, abrupt
bulwark strong defense
categorical without exceptions
celerity speed, rapidity
chimerical fantastically improbable
circumspect prudent
circumvent to baffle
cogent convincing
collateral security given for a loan
commensurate equal in extent
conducive contributed
continence self-restraint
dawdle to loiter, to waste time
decadence decay
delectable delightful; delicious
derogatory expressing a low opinion
diatribe bitter scolding
dirge musical lament
dismember to cut into small parts
domicile home
effusive pouring forth
eschew to avoid
espouse to adopt or support
extant still in existence
farce broad comedy
feign to pretend
feral not domestic
flamboyant flashy, ornate
flippant lacking proper seriousness
gait manner of walking or running
garish overbright in color
gaudy flashy, showy
gawk to stare foolishly
grapple to wrestle
heed to pay attention to
hiatus gap; pause
hoax trick; practical joke
husband to use sparingly
impertinent insolent; rude
indoctrinate to instruct in a doctrine
innuendo hint
latent potential but undeveloped
leery suspicious, cautious
luminary celebrity
luscious pleasing to taste or smell
menial suitable for servants; lowly
misconstrue to interpret incorrectly
nonplus to bring to halt by confusion; to perplex
nupital related to marriage
oblique indirect
ordain to decree or command
ostensible apparent
patent open for the public
pejorative negative in connotation; belittling
Created by: 100000958526562
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