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Stack #52370

Nervous System Chapter 15 Exploring Medical Language 5th edition

cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o cerebrum,brain
dur/o hard,dura mater
encephal/o brain
gangli/o ganglion
ganglion/o ganglion
mening/i meninges
mening/o meninges
myel/o spinal cord
neur/o nerve
radic/o nerve root
radicul/o nerve root
rhiz/o nerve root
esthesi/o sensation,sensitivity,feeling
ment/o mind
phren/o mind
psych/o mind
mon/o one
poli/o gray matter
quadr/i four
pre- before
tetra- four
-iatrist specialist,physician
-iatry treatment,specialty
-ictal seizure,attack
-paresis slight paralysis
cerebellitis inflammation of the cerebellum
cerebral thrombosis abnormal condition of a clot (in) pertaning to the cerebrum
duritis inflammation of the dura mater
encephalitis infammation of the brain
encephalomalacia softening of the brain
encephalomyeloradiculitis inflammation of the brain,spinal cord,and nerve roots
gangliitis inflammation of the ganglion
meningitis inflammation of the meninges
meningocele protrusion of the meninges
meningomyelocele protrusion of the meninges and spinal cord
neuralgia pain in the nerve
neurasthenia nerve weakness
neuritis inflammation of the nerve
neuroarthropathy disease of the nerves and joints
neuroblast developing nerve cell
neuroma tumor made up of nerve (cells)
poliomyelitis inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
polyneuritis inflammation of many nerves
radiculitis inflammation of the nerve roots
rhizomeningomyelitis inflammation of the nerve root, meninges, and spinal cord
subdural hematoma collection of blood below the dura mater
Alzheimer's disease disease characterized by early senility, confusion, loss of recongnition
amyotrophic lateral scleroiss progressive muscle atrophy caused by hardening of the nerve tissue on the lateral columns of the spinal cord
Bell's palsy paralysis of muscles on one side of the face, usually a temporary condition
cerebral aneurysm aneurysm in the cerebrum
cerebral palsy condtion characterized by lack of muscle control and partial paralysis
cerebrovascular accident stroke
epilepsy recurring seizures
hydrocephalus increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain
multiple sclerosis many sclerotic patches along the brain and spinal cord
neurosis emotional disorder the involves an ineffective way of coping
Parkinson's disease chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system symptoms include muscular tremors, rigidity, expressionless face, and shuffling gait
psychosis mental disorder characterized by extreme derangement delusions and hallucinations
Reye's syndrome disease of the brain and other organs such as the liver it typically follows a viral infection
sciatica inflammation of the sciatic nerve
shingles viral diease that affects the peripheral nerves
transient ischemic attack sudden deficient supply of blood to the brain lasting a short time
ganglionectomy excision of a ganglion
neurectomy excision of the nerve
neurolysis separating a nerve
neuroplasty surgical repair of a nerve
neurorrhaphy suture of a nerve
neurotomy incision into a nerve
radicotomy incision into a nerve root
rhizotomy incision into a nerve root
cerebral angiography x-ray imaging of the blood vessels in the brain
myelogram x-ray image of the spinal cord
echoencephalography process of recording the brain (structures) by use of sound
electroencephalogram record of the electrical impulses of the brain
electroencephalograph instrument used to record the electrical impulses of the brain
electroencephalography process of recording the electrical impules of the brain
computed tomography of the brain (CT scan) process that includes the use of a computer to produce a series of images of the tissues of the brain at any desired depth
magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (MRI scan) a nonivasive technique that produces crosssectional and saittal images of the soft tissues of the brain by uses of magnetic waves
positron emission tomographyof the brain (PET scan) an imaging technique using a radioactive substance that permits viewing of the brain to examine blood flow and metabolic activity
evoked potential studies (EP studies) a group of diagnostic tests that measure changes and responses in the brain waves elicited by visual, auditory, or somatosensory stimuli
lumbar puncture insertion of a needle into the subrachnoid space to remove cerebrospinal fluid
anesthesia without (loss of) feeling or sensation
aphasia condition of without speaking
cephalalgia head ache
cerebral pertaining to the cerebrum
craniocerebral pertaining to the cranium and cerebrum
dysphasia condition of difficulty speaking
encephalosclerosis hardening of the brain
hemiparesis slight paralysis of the body
hemiplegia paralysis of half of the body
hyperesthesia excessive sensitivity (to stimuli)
interictal (occurring) between seizures
intracerebral pertaining to within the cerebrum
monoparesis slight paralysis of one (limb)
monoplegia paralysis of one (limb)
myelomalacia softening of the spinal cord
neuroid resembling a nerve
neurologist physician who studies and treats dieases of the (nervous system)
neurology study of nerves
panplegia total paralysis
phrenic pertaining to the mind
Created by: chicabonita729
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