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kyphosis humpback
dyspnea shortness of breath
candidiasis fungal infection of the skin
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
rotator cuff tendonitis inflammation of the shoulder caused by overuse of certain muscles
interstitial cystitis inflammation of the bladder; walls of the bladder become inflamed but there is no cause such as infection
Chron's disease inflammation of the gut
acute coryza common cold; caused by a wide variety of diseases
impetigo blistering skin lesions; common bacterial skin infection, highly contagious
herpes zoster shingles; caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox, reappears after laying dormant in the body, affects the nerves causing pain or burning sensation
chalazion lump on the eyelid; caused by a blockage of a small gland in the tear area
xerosis abnormal dryness; decrease in natural skin oils and sweat
malignant melanoma cancer of melanocytes; the deadliest form of skin cancer, originates in the cells that produce melanin
sycosis vulgaris barber’s itch; caused by infected hair follicles
cheilitis cracking of the lips; caused by infection, allergies, sun, windburn
cardiogenic shock when the heart fails to deliver enough blood to the body
natural immunity does not involve medical intervention; can be passive-from mother at birth or active-from previous illness
ichythyosis fish-like skin; genetic disorder occurs shortly after birth, resulting from excess of keratin
petechiae tiny red spots in the skin; caused by small hemorrhages, petechiae that suddenly appear on the palms and chest are a sign of infection in one of the heart valves, especially in endocarditis
meniscus tear a tear in the knee cartilage; caused by twisting, can result in fluid leakage within the knee and surrounding tissue
giardiasis infection of the small intestine; caused by giardia, a parasitic protozoan, in drinking water or uncooked foods
osteoporosis loss of bone density; occurs when the body fails to form enough new bone, or when too much old bone is reabsorbed into the body
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries; fatty materials collect in the walls of the arteries, restricting blood flow
anhidrosis absence of sweating; can be caused by processes that control the sweating response, skin diseases, drugs, and some medical conditions
tinea corporis ring worm; fungal infection, contagious
grippe flu; an infection of the upper respiratory that can cause fever, muscle aches, headaches, and weakness; antibiotics not effective on viral infections
gastric ulcer hole in the stomach lining; caused when the digestive acids corrode the lining of the stomach, related to bacteria, medications, and smoking
acne vulgaris common acne
hag phenomena sleep paralysis; associated with narcolepsy, stress, and anxiety
cardiomyopathy disease that affects the heart muscle; heart muscle becomes inflamed, chronic disorder, condition can progress rapidly
anosmia loss of smell; can be caused by nasal congestion or obstruction, but can also be a sign of a neurological disorder
sleep apnea cessation of breathing; often in overweight, middle-aged men
insomnia sleeping difficulty
anemia iron deficiency; anemia causes fatigue, pale skin, irritability, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, and headaches; caused by too little iron in the diet, poor absorbtion, blood loss
vasoconstriction narrowing of the blood vessels; can lead to decreased blood flow to body parts, antihistamines, cough medicines, and caffeine cause vasoconstriction
hemiplegia paralysis of one half of the body
halitosis bad breath; fruity smell can be a sign of diabetic conditions
transient ischemic attack mini-stroke; caused by a temporary disturbance of the blood supply to the brain, the attack results in a sudden, brief decrease in brain functions; sign of impending stroke
haglund's deformity pump bump; enlargement of the back of the heel that causes pain due to rubbing of shoes
hemorrhagic diathesis susceptibility to bleeding; caused by congenital or hereditary factors such as hemophilia or as a result of metabolic or nutritional abnormalities
rhinophyma large bulbous nose; causes thickening of the upper layer of the skin on the nose
plague transferred by fleas; occurs when the fleas lose their natural hosts due to high death rates in their normal animal hosts; they seek out new blood hosts, increasing the risk to humans
glaucoma increased fluid pressure; causes damage to the optic nerve causing vision loss and eventual blindness
pernicious anemia vitamin B12 deficiency
TMJ temporomandibular joint syndrome; disorder of the muscles of the jaw used for chewing and/or the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull
myasthenia gravis chronic weakness of voluntary muscles; weakness occurs when the nerve impulses do not fully reach the muscle cells, because of a blockage of the neurotransmitters, improves with rest
felon infection of the finger’s pulp space; unable to spread, resulting in an abscess which creates pressure and damage of surrounding tissues
furuncle boil; an infection of the hair follicles and surrounding skin, caused by staphylococcal bacteria
Meniere's disease swelling in the ear canal; effects the control of fluids and excretion in the ear canal
floaters specks in the eye; pieces of cellular debris
tachycardia rapid heart rate
proptosis bulging eyes; result of inflammation, edema, tumors or thyroid disorders, or hereditary
gamekeeper's thumb ruptured thumb ligament
cardiac tamponade blood inside of the pericardial sac surrounding the heart; bacterial and viral infections can cause blood or fluid to collect in the pericardium
hirsutism excessive hair growth
melanoma skin tumor
somniloquy sleep talking
Epstein-Barr virus mononucleosis
hypervolemia excess blood volume; can result from cardiac disease, steroids, and excess intake of sodium; cardiac failure occurs
nevus mole; is noncancerous but can develop into cancerous forms
ostalgia earache; caused by build-up of fluid and pressure
embolism a clot that travels from its original site to a new site
herpes simplex causes cold sores, genital warts, remains dormant; there are two types- type one is associated with infections of the lip, mouth, and face; type two transmitted through sexual contact; virus remains dormant after an infection
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