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CMA Review

Ch 4 - Medical Terminology

Prefix of Color - Leuk/o-: White
Prefix of Color - Erythr/o-: Red
Prefix of Color - Xanth/o-: Yellow
Prefix of Color - Melan/o-: Black / Dark
Prefix of Color - Chlor/o-: Green
Prefix of Color - Cyan/o-: Blue
Prefix of Color - Purpur/a-: Purple
Prefix denoting number - Latin meaning one Uni-:
Prefix denoting number - Greek meaning one Mono-:
Prefix denoting number - Latin meaning two Bi-:
Prefix denoting number - Greek meaning two Di-:
Prefix denoting number - Double Diplo-:
Prefix denoting number - Three Tri-:
Prefix denoting number - Four Quad-:
Prefix denoting number - Half Hemi-:
Prefix denoting number - Partial Semi-:
Prefix denoting number - Latin meaning many or much Multi-:
Prefix denoting number - Greek meaning many or much Poly-:
Prefix denoting number - None Nulli-:
Prefix denoting degree - Below, under, decreased Hypo-:
Prefix denoting degree - Above, excessive, increased Hyper-:
Prefix denoting degree - Few, deficient, scanty Olig/o-:
Prefix denoting degree - Total, all
Prefix denoting size - Small Micro-:
Prefix denoting size - Greek for Large Macro-:
Prefix denoting size - Greek for extra large Mega(lo)-:
Prefix denoting relativism - Normal Normo-:
Prefix denoting relativism - Good, easy, normal, true Eu-:
Prefix denoting relativism - False Pseudo-:
Prefix denoting relativism - Equal, same Iso-:
Prefix denoting relativism - Unequal, dissimilar Aniso-:
Prefix denoting relativism - Latin for Man Homo-:
Prefix denoting relativism - Greek for same Homo-:
Prefix denoting relativism - Similar Homeo-:
Prefix denoting relativism - Dofferent, unequal Hetero-:
Prefix denoting relativism - Irregular, variable Poikilo-:
Prefix denoting relativism - Straight, upright Ortho-:
Common prefix denoting relative time - Latin for before Ante-: or Pre-:
Common prefix denoting relative time - Latin or Greek for before Pro-:
Common prefix denoting relative time - After Post-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Away from Ab-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Toward Ad-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Greek for through Dia-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Latin for Through Per-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Latin for across or through Trans-:
Common prefix denoting relative position - Both (sides) Ambi-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Both sides Amphi-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Right side Dextr/o-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Left side Sinistr/o-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Upon Epi-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Backward, behind Retro-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Between Inter-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Together Sym(n)-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Latin for under or below Infra-: or Sub-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Middle Mid-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Greek for Middle Meso-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Latin for middle Medi-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Greek for outside Ecto-: or Exo-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Inside Endo-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Within Intra-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Latin for beyond Ultra-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Greek for beyond Meta-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Beside or near Para-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Latin for above Super-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Latin for around Circum-:
Common prefix denoting relative direction - Greek for around Peri-:
Common prefix denoting relative negation - Without, lack of A(n)-:
Common prefix denoting relative negation - Not Im(n)-:
Common prefix denoting relative negation - Greek for against Anti-:
Common prefix denoting relative negation - Latin for against Contra-:
Common prefix denoting pathology - French for bad or ill Mal-:
Common prefix denoting pathology - Greek for bad, difficult, painful Dys-:
Common prefix denoting pathology - Slow Brady-:
Common prefix denoting pathology - Fast Tachy-:
Common prefix denoting pathology - New, recent Neo-:
Common prefix denoting pathology - Pus Py/o-:
Common prefix denoting pathology - Fire Pyr/o-:
Common prefix denoting pathology - Hard Scler/o-:
Common prefix denoting pathology - Old Presby/o-:
Common miscellaneous prefix - Separate Apo-:
Common miscellaneous prefix - Self Auto-:
Common miscellaneous prefix - Star Astr/o-:
Common miscellaneous prefix - Water Hydr/o-:
Common miscellaneous prefix - Cavity Antr/o-:
Common miscellaneous prefix - Own Idio-:
Adjectival suffixes - Pertaining to -ac:, -al:, -ar(y):, -(t)ic(al):, -ile:, -ine:, -ory:, -ous:
Adjectival suffixes - Resembling -form:, -oid:
Adjectival suffixes - Related to -age:
Noun suffixes - Conditon of -ia:, -ism:, -y:
Noun suffixes - Abnormal condition of -osis:, -iasis:
Noun suffixes - Study of -(o)logy
Noun suffixes - One who specializes in -(iatr)ist:, (ic)ian:
Noun suffixes - Medical specialty -iatr(y/ics):
Diminutive suffixes - Small, minute -ole:, -icle:, -ula:, -ule:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Greek for pain -algia: or dynia:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Hernia -cele
Condition and pathology suffixes - Vomiting -emesis:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Blood condition -emia:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Weakness -asthenia:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Hearing -cusis:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Pregnancy -cyesis:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Inflammation -itis:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Destruction -lysis:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Softening -malacia:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Madness -mania:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Tumor -oma:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Disease -pathy:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Deficiency, lack of -penia:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Fear -phobia:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Paralysis -plegia:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Prolapse, drooping -ptosis:
Condition and pathology suffixes - To burst forth, hemmorage -rrhage:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Rupture -rrhexis:
Condition and pathology suffixes - Discharge or flow -rrhea:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Surgical puncture -centesis:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - To kill -cide:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Injection -clysis:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - To separate -crit:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Binding -desis:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Dilation, distention -ectasis(y):
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Excision -ectomy:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - To record -gram:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - To record (recording) -graph(y):
Verb (procedural) suffixes - To measure -metry:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Fixation -pexy:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Surgical repair -plasty:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Suture -rrhaphy:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Control, stop -stasis:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - New opening -stomy:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Incision -tomy:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - Crushing -tripsy:
Verb (procedural) suffixes - To know -gnosis:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Enzyme -ase:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Immature cell -blast:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Cell -cyte:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Formation -genesis:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Formation, plasma -plasm:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Formation -poiesis:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Glue -glia
Miscellaneous suffixes - Protein -globin:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Motion -kinesis:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Measuring instrument -meter:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Eye, vision -opia:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Appetite -orexia:
Miscellaneous suffixes - To digest -pepsia:
Miscellaneous suffixes - To eat, swallow -phagia
Miscellaneous suffixes - To speak -phasia:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Breathing -pnea:
Miscellaneous suffixes - To spit, throw-up -ptysis:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Viewing instrument -scope:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Cutting instrument -tome:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Tension -tone:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Nurishment, development -trophy:
Miscellaneous suffixes - Urine -uria:
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - a ae (bursae)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - ax aces (thoraces)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - en ina (lumina)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - ex ices (indices)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - ix ices (appendices)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - is es (diagnoses)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - is a (femora)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - is ides (irides)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - nx nges (phalanges)
Plural form (suffixes) of - on a (ganglia)
Plural form (suffixes) of - um a (ova)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - oon oa (spermatozoa)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - us i (fungi)
Name the Plural form (suffixes) of - y ies (arteries)
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Latin for Back Dors/o: and Poster/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Latin for Front Anter/o: and Ventr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Side Later/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Distance, further from Dist/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Toward, nearer to Proxim/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Organ Viscer/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Tail Caud/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Head Cephal/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Neck Cervic/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Chest Thorac/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Abdomen Abdomin/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Lower back, lumbar Lumb/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Extremity` Acr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Arm Brachi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Hand Chir/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Foot Ped/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Finger Dactyl/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Pubis Pub/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Rib Cost/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Axilla Axill/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Anatomical Orientation - Groin Inguin/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Cells and Tissues - Cell Cyt/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Cells and Tissues - Nucleus Kary/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Cells and Tissues - Tissue Hist/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Cells and Tissues - Fiber Fibr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Cells and Tissues - Gland Aden/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Cells and Tissues - Mucus Muc/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Cells and Tissues - Ingest, eat Phag/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Cells and Tissues - Greek for Fat, lipid Lip/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Cells and Tissues - Latin for Fat Adip/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Integumentary (Skin)- Latin for Skin Cutane/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Integumentary (Skin)- Greek for skin Dermat/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Integumentary (Skin)- Sweat Hidr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Integumentary (Skin)- Scaly, dry Ichthy/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Integumentary (Skin)- Horny layer Kerat/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Integumentary (Skin)- Greek for nail Onych/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Integumentary (Skin)- Latin for nail Ungu/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Integumentary (Skin)- Sebum Seb/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Integumentary (Skin)- Greek for hair Trich/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Integumentary (Skin)- Latin for hair Pil/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Bone Oste/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Bone Marrow Myel/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Cartilage Chondro/:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Joint Arth/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Synovial fluid Synov/i:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Bursa Burs/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Cranium Crani/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Latin for vertebra Vertebr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Greek for vertebra Spondyl/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Spine Rachi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Rib Cost/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Sacrum Sacr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Coccyx Coccyg/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Pelvis Pelvi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Illium illi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Sternum Stern/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Humerus Humer/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Wrist Carp/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Ischium Ischi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Tendon Ten(d)/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Muscle My/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Smooth muscle Leiomy/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Musculoskeletal - Striated muscle Rhabdomy/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Heart Cardi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Aorta Aort/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Ventricle Ventricul/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Atria Atri/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Greek for Vessel Angi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Latin for Vessel Vas/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Artery Arteri/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Greek for vein Phleb/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Latin for vein Ven/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Pulse Sphygm/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Twisted, swollen vein Varic/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Lymph Lymph/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Lymph node Lymphaden/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Lymph vessel Lymphangi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Blood Hem(at)/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Circulatory - Clot Thromb/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Greek for nose Rhin/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Latin for nose Nas/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Pharynx Pharyng/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Larynx Laryng/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Trachea Trache/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Epiglottis Epiglott/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Bronchus Bronch/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Greek for Lung, air, breath Pneum(o/ato):
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Latin for lung Pulmon/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Alveolus Alveol/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Pleura Pleur/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Diaphragm (mind) Phren/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Chest Steth/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Breathe Spir/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Respiratory - Oxygen Ox/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Urinary - Latin for Kidney Ren/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Urinary - Greek for Kidney Nephr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Urinary - Renal Pelvis Pyel/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Urinary - Urine, urinary Ur/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Urinary - Ureter Ureter/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Urinary - Urethra Urethr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Urinary - Greek for bladder Cyst/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Urinary - Latin for Bladder Vesic/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Urinary - Glomerulus Glomerul/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Glans Penis Balan/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Greek for Testes Orchi(d)/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Latin for Testes Test/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Male Andr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Scrotum Osche/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Epididymis Epididym/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Prostate Prostat/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Vas deferens (vessel) Vas/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Seminal vesicle Vesicul/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Sperm Spermat/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Woman Gyn/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Month, menstruation Men/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Greek for Ovum Oo:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Latin for Ovum Ov/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Greek for Ovary Oophor/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Latin for Ovary Ovari/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Fallopian tube Salping/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Latin for Uterus Uter/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Greek for Uterus Hyster/o: or Metr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Latin for Vagina Vagin/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Greek for Vagina Colp/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Latin for Vulva Vulv/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Greek for Vulva Episi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Clitoris Clitor(id)/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Latin for Breast Mamm/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Greek for Breast Mast/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Labia, lip Labi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Birth Nat/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Labor Toc/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Milk Lact/o: or Galact/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Reproductive - Amnion, sac Amni/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Latin for Mouth Or/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Greek for Mouth Stomat/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Greek for Tongue Gloss/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Latin for Tongue Lingu/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Cheek Bucc/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Lip Cheil/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Tooth Dent/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Saliva Sial/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Salivary gland Sialaden/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Stomach Gastr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Esophagus Esophag/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Pyloris Pylor/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Intestine Enter/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Duodenum Duoden/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Jejunum Jejun/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Illeum Ille/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Cecum Cec/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Colon Col(on)/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Sigmoid Colon Sigmoid/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Latin for Rectum Rect/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Greek for Rectum Proct/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Anus An/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Liver Hepat/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Bile Bili/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Bile, gall Chol(e)/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Gallbladder Cholecyst/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Bile duct Cholangi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Pancrease Pancreat/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Gastrointestinal - Spleen Splen/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Nervous - Nerve Neur/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Nervous - Meninges Mening/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Nervous - Spinal nerve root Radicul/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Nervous - Brain Encephal/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Nervous - Cerebrum Cerebr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Nervous - Cerebellum Cerebell/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Nervous - Thalamus Thalam/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Nervous - Medulla oblongata Medull/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Nervous - Spinal cord (bone marrow) Myel/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Nervous - Mind (diaphragm) Phren/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Hearing Audi/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Ear Ot/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Latin for Tympanum Tympan/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Greek for Tympanum Myring/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Stapes Staped(i)/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Labryinth, inner ear Labyrinth/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Vestibulet Vestibu/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Choclea Cochle/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Greek for eyelid Blephar/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Latin for eyelid Papebr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Tear duct Lacrim/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Tear Dacry/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Eye, vision Opt/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Latin for eye Ocul/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Greek for Eye Ophthalm/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Sclera (hard) Scler/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Latin for Cornea Corne/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Greek for Cornea Kerat/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Lens Phak/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Iris Irid/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Latin for Pupil Pupill/o:
Greek for Pupil Core/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Retina Retin/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Dull, dim Ambly/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Sensory - Cillary body Cycl/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Cancer Carcin/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Tumor Onc/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Disease Path/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Stone Lith/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Pus Py/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Fire, fever Pyr/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Hard (sclera) Scler/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Hard Scirrh/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Greek for Toxin or poison Tox(ic)/o: or Sept/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Flesh (cancer of connective tissue) Sarc/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Jaundice (yellow) Icter/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Choke Infarct/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Fungus Myc/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Bacillus Bacill/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Dry Xer/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Twisted chain (bacteria) Strept/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Grapelike cluster (bacteria) Staphyl/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Bacteria Bacteri/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Virus Vir/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Round Bacteria Cocc(i)/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Immune Immun/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Destruction Lys/o:
Roots/Combining Forms - Pathology - Hidden Crypt/o:
Provider who diagnose and treat health problems by means of physical, medicinal, and surgical methods are called__________. Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Like M.D.s, these physicians use physical, medicinal, and surgical methods, but rely more on physical manipulation of the body and enfironment to achieve healing. Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
These doctors rely primarily on the physical manipulation of the spinal column and realted structures to restore health. Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
These physicians measure visual acuity and prescribe corrective lenses as well as selected medications and surgical interventions to treat their patients. Doctors of Optometry (O.D)
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders of the feet. Doctors of Podiatric Medicine (D.P.M) Podiatrists
These physicians diagnose and treat diseases of the teeth and gums. Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S. or D.M.D) Dentists
A practitioner who, holding either a master's or doctorate degree, is licensed to diagnose and treat behavior and personality disorders through counceling is called ______? Psychologist (Ph.D., Psy.D., M.A., M.S)
This physician is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of immune disorders as well as diseases associated with the allergic response. Allergist or immunologist
This physician adminsters agents to manage pain as well as adminsters anethetics during surgery. Anesthesiologist (Anesthesiology)
This physican is concerned with the health problems associated with space travel. Aerospace medicine specialist
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with the endocrine system. Endocrinologists (Endocrinology)
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with the digestive system, primarily the stomach and intestines. Gastroenterologist (Gastroenterology)
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with the aging process. Gerontologists (Geriatrics)
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with the blood and hemopoietic system. Hematologists (Hematology)
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with conception and pregnancy. Infertility specilist (Infertility)
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with the urinary system, principally the kidney. Nephrologist (Nephrology)
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with the nervous system. Neurologist (Neurology)
These physicians employ radioactive substances to diagnose and treat various diseases and disorders. Neuclear medicine specilists
These physicans care for women during and shortly after pregnancy, as well as diagnose and treat associated disorders. Obstetricians (Obstetrics)
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with job-related illnesses and injuries. Occupational Medicine Specilists
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with tumors and cancerous growths. Oncologists (Oncology)
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with the ear, nose, and throat. Otorhinolaryngologists (Otorhinolaryngology) ENT Specialists
These physicans diagnose and treat diseases and disorders associated with the eye as well as perform tests that Optometerists do. Ophthalmologist (Ophthalmology)
These physicans study disease processes as well as perform autopsies and provide diagnostic services by examining cells and tissues. Pathologists (Pathology)
Created by: kbcanarr
Popular Medical sets




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