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gi exam


3 parts of small intestine in descending order duodenum, jejunum, ileum
what is the small valve between ileum of small intestines and cecum at large intestines iliocecal valve
cancer that has not spread is called situ
in which digestion system does the digestion occur alimentary tube
what makes up the accessory organs teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, pancreas, gallbladder
the tooth is anchored in the socket at the jaw by what structure of the tooth root
what is the hard surface of the tooth called enamel
the esophagus takes food from where to where pharynx to stomach
what is the function of the gastric rugae allows for expansion of stomach to have more content without tearing
the digestion function of the liver is production of what (which contains salts & emulsified fats) bile
what enzyme produced in the pancreas aids the digestion of all 3 types of complex food molecules acini
microvilli in the small intestines are called brush borders
what is peristalsis contraction of alimentary tube that will move forward in one direction
what is jaundice yellowing of the body because the body is retaining bile
what is paralitic ileus no peristalsis in the small intestines
what is cholecystectomy gallbladder is removed
3 common endoscopic procedures to view GI system EGD, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, gastroscopy, proctoscopy
what is at the junction of the esophagus & stomach lower esophageal sphincter (LES) also known as the cardiac sphincter
what does the LES do prevents backup of stomach contents
the hepatic duct extends toward duodenum and connects with cystic duct from gallbladder - together these dcuts form what common bile duct
what is the function of the large intestines (colon) absorption of water, minerals & vitamins
what is gingivitis inflammation & swelling of the gums
what is short bowel syndrome small intestines fail to absorb nutirents because of inadequate absorptive surface
cirrhosis of the liver has fibrous scar tissue called hobnail liver
what is the 4th leading cause of death in the US pancreatic cancer
what is anorexia nervosa psychological disturbance by self imposed starvation
what is bulimia behavior disorder of binge eating and then purging
what is celiac disease inability to tolerate gluten
what is the 1st part of large intestines as it goes up ascending colon
what is the the part of the large intestine that goes from right to left transverse colon
what is the part of the large intestine that goes down descending colon
what is at the last part of the descending colon sigmoid
what is at the very bottom of the ascending colon cecum
what hangs off the cecum appendix
where does digestion take place mouth, stomach & small intestine
does digestion take place in the accessory organs no
what are the 2 division of the GI system alimentary tube & accessory organs
what makes up the alimentary tube mouth, stomach, small and large intestines, esophagus & pharynx
what is mechanical digestion physically breaking up of food into smaller pieces
what is chemical digestion breaking down large molecules into small molecules
what cements the tooth into place periodontal membrane
Created by: pmm
Popular Medical sets




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