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UB ANA 113 Lec 14

Spinal Cord

Location of the spinal cord In the vertebral canal
Extent of the spinal cord From the Foramen magnum to between inter-vertebral discs L1-L2
conus medullaris cone shaped, terminal part of spinal cord
cauda equine "horse's tail" - composed of nerve fibers (axons) coming off terminal end of spinal cord
Filum terminale CT Fiber. From tip of conus medullaris. Spot welds and anchors cord to sacrum.
cervial enlargement thickened region of the spinal cord. Helps control upper limb. Ex for fine movement you need a lot of neurons.
lumbar enlargement thickened region of the spinal cord that controls the lower limb
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there? 31
What does "meninges mean? "blanket". Coverings of the spinal cord
What are the meninges composed of? CT
What are the names of the meninges of the spinal cord? Dura Mater, Arachnoid Mater, Pia mater
Dura Mater "tough mother". Outermost layer. Tough as parchment
Arachnoid mater very thin. Middle layer
Pia Mater CT covering that touches the spinal cord and brain
subarachnoid space - location deep to arachnoid. Above pia
subarachnoid space - contents cerebrospinal fluid bathes spinal cord and brain
Characteristics of CSF clear, colorless, odorless. Helps to absorb shock. When not the correct color could be a stroke or meningitis
choroid plexus special capillaries that produce CSF
Epidural space where you see the fat. External to dura mater
Subdural space located internal to dura mater. Normally nothing is found there because arachnoid is pushesd against the dura
Meningitis Inflammation(infection of the meninges (usually arachnoid and pia). Diagnose with a spinal tap.
Where can a spinal tap safely be done and why? between L3-L4 or L4-L5 because the spinal cord doesn't reach.
What anatomical landmark aids in spinal taps? The illiac crest. Goes across L4-L5
Order of structure you need to pierce to do a spinal tap 1)skin, 2) subcutaneous tissue, 3) Ligaments, 4)Dura Mater, 5) Arachnoid Mater.... the needle is now in the subarachnoid space where CSF is found
How many cervical spinal cord segments are there? 8
How many thoracic spinal cord segments are there? 12
How many lumbar spinal cord segments are there? 5
How many sacral spinal cord segments are there? 5
How many coccygeal spinal cord segments are there? 1
white matter composed of bundles of axons (tract)
gray matter cell bodies of neurons
Ventral gray horn Motor. Contains neuron cell bodies
dorsal root sensory nerve fibers
dorsal root ganglion sensory neuron cell bodies
ventral root contains motor fibers
Spinal nerve dorsal root, dorsal root ganglion, and ventral root come together to form. There is one at each segment
Reflex automatic, unconscious response. Does not need a brain. Requires intact spinal cord
Withdrawal reflex ... how many neurons, synapses, neuromuscular juncations 3 neurons, 2 synapse, 1 neuromuscular junction
Components of withdrawal reflex receptor, sensory neuron(afferent - picks up stimulus, interneuron, motor neuron(efferent) - takes response to a muscle to cause movenet, effector(muscle)
Stretch reflex arc... how many neurons, synapses, neuromuscular juncations 2 neurons, 1 synapse, 1 neuromuscular junction
Components of a stretch reflex arc receptor, sensory neuron (afferent)- takes message to spinal cord, motor neuron (efferent), effector
Created by: HugsAndKisses
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