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Speech Systems

communicative disorders

Fundamental Frequency reflects the number of vibratory cycles completed per second. Fo is related to pitch; as the Fo of a sound increases so does the pitch BUT the relationship is not linear so doubling the Fo does not always double the pitch. dependent upon integrity of vf
Sound Pressure Level (SPL) reflects the acoustic power of the voice. Relationship is not linear so doubling the intensity does not double the loudness. dependent upon ability to build up subglottic pressure; respiratory support/ power.
Maximum Phonation Time (MPT) reflects the maximum duration of phonation for a sustained vowel. dependent upon respiratory support/power and integrity of the vocal folds.
S:Z Ratio measures the ability to sustain a voiceless phoneme vs. a voiced phoneme.
Pitch Range how high and low your voice can get
Female Fo Male Fo 230-250 Hz 150-170 Hz
Voice Range Profile (VRP) phonetogram gathers comprehensive data about the entire range of Fo and intensities that a patient can produce.
Thorasic Fixation Biological Function of the Larynx holding breath and bearing down
Airway Protection Biological Functions of the Larynx swallowing; larynx closes itself off
Expelling Objects Biological Function of the Larynx if foreign object starts entering the larynx
Myoelastic Aerodynamic Theory air pressure is developed and built up underneath the vf at an amt great enough to displace the inerital property of the vf tissue and sustain vibration. the pressure moves the approximated vf laterally, elastic properites of vf return them
Bernoulli Effect is a feature of the myoelastic aerodynamic theory. as the airway narrows the pressure between the vf decreases, air velocity increases causing the vf to get sucked together
True vocal Folds 5 layers of tissue epithelium; lamina propria( superficial-elastin fibers, cushion vf; intermediate- elastin fibers, loosely woven in a matrix pattern, allows some stretch; deep- collagen fibers does not allow extension in the anterior-posterior direction, protect thryoary.
thryovocalis medial, internal
thyromuscularis external
vocal ligament made up of intermediate and deep lamina propria and a portion of a membrane called conus elasticus
Elevators digrastricus, stylohyoid, mylohyoid, geniohyoid, hyoglossus, genioglossus, inferior pharyngeal constrictor
Depressors sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternohyoid, thytohyoid
SLN internal branch: sensory from larynx external branch: motor to CT muscle
RLN motor to all intrinsic muscles of larynx except CT
Adductors Lateral cricoarytenoid, Transverse arytenoid, oblique arytenoid
Abductor posterior cricoarytenoid
Tensors Throvocalis, cricothyroid
Relaxers thyromuscularis
Sustained phonation laryngeal posture, sustained muscular contraction and a minimum pressure called the phonation threshold pressure (PTP), it can be influenced by vocal fatigue, pitch, intensity, skill, and hydration
Created by: 1369669287
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