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Articulation and movement of joints and bones

Junction between 2 bones articulation
Joint between bones that do not move synarthroses
Skull bones join at these sutures
Type of synarthroses syndesmosis
Joints of bones connected by ligaments syndesmosis
Type of synarthroses gomphosis
Joint in which a process fits into a socket gomphoses
Teeth are held in place by this Periodontal ligament
Joints that allow slight movement amphiarthroses
Pubic symphysis is an example of this joint amphiarthroses
Type of amphiarthroses symphysis
Type of freely moving jonts diarthroses
Found between joints synovial fluid
Largest range of motion multiaxial
Function of synovial joints weight-bearing
Function of synovial joints movement
Decreasing angle between bones flexion
Increasing angle between bones extension
Increasing angle beyond anatomic position hyperextension
Movement away from midline of body abduction
Movement towards midline of body adduction
Movement around a central axis rotation
End of bones moves such to make circle in the air circumduction
Movement so that radius and ulna are parallel supination
Lowering a part of the body depression
Movement involving only the thumb opposition
Digits return to normal position reposition
Raising foot upward at ankle dorsiflexion
Pushing foot downward at ankle plantar flexion
Hip joint ball and socket
Shoulder joint ball and socket
Elbow and knee hinge joint
Middle and distal phalanges uniaxial joint
Pivot joints uniaxial
Example of pivot joint vertebrae
Condyloid joint ellipsodial joint
Condyloid joint biaxial joint
Example of condyloid joint wrist
Type of biaxial joint saddle joint
Multiaxial joint gliding joint
Closed sac with synovial fluid bursae
Bursae found under skin subcutaneous
Bursae between muscles subfascial
Bursae found over a tendon or bony projection subtendinous
Inflammed bursae bursitis
Tennis elbow bursitis
Infammation of a joint arthritis
Mild bacterial infection in joints rheumatic fever
Connective tissue disorder rheumatoid arthritis
Debilitating form of arthritis rheumatoid
Arthritis which fuses bones at the jonts rheumatoid
Inflammation of fibrous connective tissue in a joint primary fibrositis
Primary fibrositis is also called rheumatism
Rheumatism of the lower back lumbago
Degenerative joint disease osteoarthritis
Joint disorder common in overweight people osteoarthritis
Accumulation of uric acid gout
Gout appears commonly in this joint large toe
Joint disorder that can cause kidney damage gout
Created by: gr8ninja
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