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A & P QUIZ #3

Vocabulary Quiz

Neuroblastoma A maliganant tumor made up of undifferentiated nerve cells.
Neurologist A medical specialist who studies the nervous system, its functions, and its disorders.
Neropathy Any disease of the nervous tissue.
Neuropharmacology Scientific study of the effects of drugs on the nervous system.
Neurotoxin A substance that is poisonous or destructive to nervous tissue, e.g. botulism toxin, lead.
Rabies A viral infection of the nervous system, transferred to humans by the bites of infected animals, which cause brain inflammation, delirium, and death.
Cordotomy A procedure in which a nerve tract in the spinal cord is severed surgically, usually to relieve unremitting pain.
Encephalopathy Any disease or disorder of the brain.
Functional Brain Disorders Psychological disorders for which no structural cause can be found and includes neuroses and psychoses.
Microencephaly Congenital condition involving the formation of a small brain. Most children with this condition are retarded.
Myelitis Inflammation of the spinal cord.
Myelogram X-ray of the spinal cord after the injection of a contrasting medium.
Neuroses Functional brain disorders where the effected individual reatains contact with reality. This includes panic attacks, irrational fears (phobias), and obsessive-compulsive disorders.
Psychoses Functional brain disorders where the affected individuals detach themselves from reality and exhibit bizarre behaviors. Legally this is termed as insanity and includes schizophrenia, depression, and manic-depression.
Neuralgia Sharp spasm-like pain along the course of one or more nerves, usually caused by inflammation or injury of the nerve(s).
Neuritis Inflammation of a nerve.
Paresthesia An abnormal burning or tingling sensation due to a disorder of a sensory nerve.
Shingles A viral inflammation, caused by the chicken pox virus, which affects the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves, causing pain and a characteristic rash.
Achalasia A condition in which the esophagus and the sphincter at the esophagus-stomach junction do not relax with swallowing. this makes it difficult for food to enter the stomach and leads to vommiting.
Vagotomy Cutting or severing of the vagus nerve. This is often done to reduce the secretion of stomach acid for individuals that suffer from gastrointestinal ulcers.
Analgesia Reduced ability to feel pain without a loss of consciousness.
Analgesic A pain-relieving drug.
Apraxia Loss of the voluntary ability to perform skilled motor activities.
Dysarthria Disorders in the motor pathways resulting in weakness, uncoordinated motion and charcteristic speech distubances.
Dystonia Impairment of muscle tone.
Hypersomnia A condition in which affected individuals sleep as much as 15 hours a day.
Myoclonus Sudden contraction of a muscle or muscle part, usually involving the muscles of the limbs. This can occur normally in people as they fall asleep, or can be due to diseases of the reticular formation and/or cerebellum.
Phantom Pain A phenomenon in which amputees have chronic pain in their nonexistant (amputated) limb.
Blepharitis Inflammation of the margins of the eyelids.
Enucleation Surgical removal of an eyeball.
Exophthalmos Anteroirly bulging eyeballs, common in cases of hyperthyroidism.
Ophthalmology The science that studies the eye and eye diseases.
Optometrist A licensed nonphysician who measures vision and prescribes corrective lenses.
Otitis Externa Inflammation and infection of the external auditory canal, caused by bacteria or fungi that enter the canal from the outside. Often occurs after the canal gets moistened by swimming.
Otorhinolaryngology The science that studies the ear, nose, and throat and diseases of these areas.
Papilledema Nipple -like protrusion of the optic disc into the eyeball which can be caused by increased intracranial pressure.
Scotoma A blind spot other than the normal blind spot (i.e. the optic disc).
Synesthesia A rare condition in which sensory perceptions are mixed up (e.g. one can "see" sounds as colors).
Trachoma A highly conatagious bacterial infection of the conjunctiva and cornea, causing blindness in millions of people in Africa and Asia.
Emmetropia Normal condition of the eyes (i.e. no refractive defects).
Meniere's Disease An inner ear disorder characterized by dizziness, ringing in the ears, a sensitivity to sounds, and loss of hearing.
Tinnitus A ringing or buzzing noise in the ears.
Vertigo A sensation of dizziness.
Created by: Fogt1989
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