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Speech Anatomy 3

Laryngeal Membranes

What connects the cartilages laryngeal membranes (sheets/cords)
What covers the surface of the larynx a smooth mucous membrane
What is a tracheostomy (tracheotomy) an incision into the trachea that forms a temporary or permanent opening
What is the opening called in a tracheotomy stoma
Where is the incision usually made from the ______ to the fourth tracheal ring
Who are all involved in a tracheotomy SLP, physician, respiratory therapist, nurses
Name the parts of a trach tube Stoma, Inner Cannula, Outer Cannula, Fenestration, Cuff and Pilot ______
Types of trach tubes surgical stainless steel and plastic
Name the five layers of the vocal fold tissue Epithelium, Superficial layer, Intermediate layer, Deep layer and Thyrovocalis muscle
Epithelium Gives vocal folds glistening white color (< 0.1 mm thick)
Superficial layer Elastin fibers (random orientation)
Intermediate layer ________ fibers anterior to posterior orientation
Deep layer collagen fibers anterior to posterior orientation
Thyrovocalis muscle Makes up the bulk of the vocal fold Anterior to posterior orientation
What is the mucosal lining made of epithelial and superficial
Vocal Ligament is made up of Intermediate +_______
Lamina Propria is made up of Superficial + Intermediate + Deep
Thyroarytenoid muscle is made up of two parts thyromuscularis and thyrovocalis
The laryngeal musculature involves both intrinsic and extrinsic
Intrinsic musculature has both origin and insertion within the larynx
Extrinsic musculature has one attachment in the larynx and the other outside the larynx
Intrinsic Adductors include lateral cricoarytenoid, transverse arytenoid and oblique arytenoid
Intrinsic Abductor is posterior cricoarytenoid
Intrinsic Tensors include Cricothyroid (pars recta/pars oblique) and thyrovocalis
Intrinsic Relaxers include Superior thyroarytenoid and thyromuscularis
Extrinsic Hyoid and Laryngeal elevators Digastricus anterior, digastricus posterior, stylohyoid, mylohyoid, geniohyoid, hyoglossus, genioglossus and the inferior pharyngeal constrictor
Extrinsic Hyoid and Laryngeal Depressors Sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid and thyrohyoid
Sternohyoid: extrinsic hyoid and laryngeal depressor- function: pulls hyoid down?
Omohyoid: extrinsic hyoid and laryngeal depressor- place of attachment: scapula and hyoid
Sternothyroid: extrinsic hyoid and laryngeal depressor- place of innervation: ?
Thyrohyoid: extrinsic hyoid and laryngeal depressor- function: pulls larynx ____ and hyoid down
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor extrinsic Hyoid and Laryngeal elevator-
Digastricus posterior extrinsic Hyoid and Laryngeal elevator-
Stylohyoid extrinsic Hyoid and Laryngeal elevator-
Mylohyoid extrinsic Hyoid and Laryngeal elevator-
Geniohyoid extrinsic Hyoid and Laryngeal elevator-
Hyoglossus extrinsic Hyoid and Laryngeal elevator-
Genioglossus extrinsic Hyoid and Laryngeal elevator-
Digastricus anterior extrinsic Hyoid and Laryngeal elevator-
Created by: deezer
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