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Ch4-6 Med Terms.

Ch4-6 Medical Terminology

Acute descriptive of a disease with a short, relatively severe course.
Chronic descriptive of a disease that exists over a long period of time. showing little change or slow progression.
Diagnosis Identification of a disease or condition by scientific evaluation.
Prognosis Predicted (probable) outcome of a disease.
Sign definitive evidence of a disease. Blood pressure reading, rash.
Symptom subjective evidence perceived by a patient such as itching.
Pulse The rhythmic expansion of an artery that occurs as the heart beats.
Respiration rate Counting the #'s of breaths per minute.
Tympanic thermometer an electronic instrumnet that measures body temperature by placing the probe at the opening of the eternal ear.
Systolic pressure Blood pressure is represented as a fraction. Represents the higher #.
Palpation Application of the fingers with pressure to the surface of the body during a physical examination.
Percussion tapping the body with the fingertips or fist during a physical examination
Ausculation Listening for sounds within the body using a stethoscope.
Electrocardiograph Instrument used to measure the electrical impulses of the heart.
Electrocardiography Recording the electrical impulses of the heart.
Electrocardiogram The record produced in electrocardiography.
cephalometry Measurement of the dimensions of the head.
Opthalmoscope Instrument used to examine the eye.
Opthalmoscopy examination of the eye with an opthamoscope.
Microscope instrument used for viewing microscopic objects.
otoscopy Visual examination of the ear.
endoscopy visual inspection of the body using an endoscope.
catheterization The process of inserting a catheter into the body.
catheterize the introduction of a catheter into the body, to introduce a catheter into the body.
cannula a hollow flexible tube; catheter
sonography imaging of internal structures by measuring and recording sound waves.
nuclear medicine placing radioactive materials into the body organs and using computerized scanners.
computer tomography producing detailed images of cross sections of tissue as though cuts had been made. Similar to what one would see if organ were actually cut into sections.
contrast imaging using radiopaque materials to make internal organs or vessels visible.
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) visualizing internal structures based ont he magnetic properties of chemical elements.
symptom patient says he has a sore throat.
sign patient has a fever
sign patient's blood pressure is elevated.
sign patient has an abnormal lab result
inspection using the eyes to observe the patient
vital signs pulse rate, respiration rate, body temp.
radiation oncology Same as radiation therapy
opposite of chronic acute
another name for sonogram echogram
opposite of benign malignant
therapeutic pertaining to therapy
cytotoxic destructive of damaging to cells
term that often preceeds tomography computed
diagnosis identification of disease by signs, symptoms, and history
Stethoscope instrument often used in auscultation
electrocardiogram heart racing
Term that often preceeds resonance magnetic
narcotic drug that produces insensibility or stupor.
analgesic drug that relieves pain
chemotherapy treatment of disease by chemical agents.
radioluscent permitting passage of x-rays.
radiopaque not allowing passage of x-rays.
ambulant describes a person who is able to walk.
distal away from the origin or point of attachment
prone describes a person who is lying face down.
proximal nearer to the origin or point of attachment
recumbant lying down
supine describes a person who is lying on back.
acrocyanosis cyanosis of the extremities
laparoscopy examination of the interior of the abdomen.
peritonitis inflamation of the peritoneum
abdominothoracic pertaining to the abdomen and chest
acral pertaining to the arms and legs.
blepharoplasty plastic surgery of the eyelid
omphalorrhexis rupture of the umbilicus (naval)
shortened term for thoracocentesis thoracentesis
Thoracotomy surgical incision of the chest wall
thrombocytes blood platelets, important function in blood clotting
erythrocytes red blood cells, often decreased in anemia
leukocytes white blood cells, often increased in leukemia
Plasma fluid portion of blood
hematoma term for localized collection of blood in an organ, tissue, or space.
hemolysis destruction of erythrocytes with the liberation of hemoglobin
hemodialysis process of diffusing blood through a semi permeable membrane to remove toxic materials.
coagulation another term for clotting of blood when it's remobed from the body.
anticoagulation a substance that prevents blood from clotting when it's removed from the body
thrombosis term for formation of internal blood clots
shortened term for thrombocytopenia thrombopenia
anemia condition in which both erythrocytes, hemoglobin, or both are decreased.
phagocytes cells that can digest and destroy particular matter.
hematopoiesis formation and development of blood cells
shortened term for leukocytopenia leukopenia
term that has the opposite meaning of erythrocytopenia erythrocytosis
specific-resistance antigen-antibody reaction that destroys microorganisms.
nonspecific- resistance digestive acids destroy many swallowed microorganisms
nonspecific- resistance sneezing expels foreign matter
specific resistance the immune reaction attacks foreign substances
nonspecific resistance urine aids in eliminating microorganisms
active immunity having a disease, receiving an vaccination
passive immunity receiving antibodies from a host, receiving antibodies through the placenta
Created by: 100000007924890
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