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RUSOM_Head & Neck

Anatomy Practical

Innervation of Occipitofrontalis m.? Occiptal Part - Posterior auricular branch of facial n. Frontalis part - Temporal branches of facial n.
Function of Occipitofrontalis m.? Raise eyebrows, move scalp
Sensory innervation of scalp? V1, cervical plexus
Lymph drainage of Anterior Scalp & Forehead? Submandibular l.n.
Lymph drainage of Lateral Scalp? Parotid l.n.
Lymph drainage of Central face & lower lip? Submental l.n.
What pharyngeal arch is associated with CN VII? 2nd
What pharyngeal arch is associated with CN X? 4th
What pharyngeal arch is associated with CN IX? 3rd
What pharyngeal arch is associated with CN V3? 1st
What are the branches of CN V1? Supratrochlear, supraorbital, lacrimal, inferior trochlear, external nasal
What are the branches of CN V2? Infrorbital, zygomaticofacial, zygomaticotemporal
What are the branches of V3? Mental, buccal, auriculotemporal
What are the terminal branches of the External Carotid a.? Supraorbital a. & supratrochlear a.
Lymph drainage of Forehead + Anterior Face? Submandibular l.n.
Lymph drainage of Lateral Face? Parotid l.n.
What bone(s) are found in the Forehead? Frontal
What bone(s) are found in the Superior Orbit? Orbital part of frontal bone
What bone(s) are found in the Lateral Orbit? Zygomatic + Sphenoid
What bone(s) are found in the Inferior Orbit? Zygomatic + Maxilla
What bone(s) are found in the Medial Orbit? Ethmoid + Lacrimal + Frontal + Sphenoid M=ELFS
What bone(s) are found in the Cheek? Zygomatic
What bone(s) are found in the Upper Lip + Jaw? Maxilla
What bone(s) are found in the Lower Lip + Jaw? Mandible
What bone(s) are found in the Nose? Nasal
What is the function of the Buccinator? Keeps food between teeth during mastication; Also for sucking and blowing
Where does the Pterygoid Plexus drain? Into Cavernous Sinus
What are the S/S of Bell's Palsy? Drooping lower eyelid (Ectropion); Spilling of tears (Epiphora); Inability to blink (close eyelids)
What nerve is damaged in Bell's Palsy? CN VII
What innervates the Platysma m.? CN VII
What fibers are in CN VII? SVE, SVA, GSA, GVE
What is the path of the Facial n.? 1. Posterior Cranial Fossa 2. IAM w/CN VIII & Labyrinthe a. 3. Facial canal (in petrous temporal bone) 4. Stylomastoid foramen 5. Through parotid gland to face
What type of ganglion is found in the petrous temporal bone for CN VII? Geniculate ganglion = sensory
What nerve is given off by the facial n. BEFORE it enters the facial canal? Interossesus n. 1. Nerve to Stapedius 2. Greater Superficial Petrosal n.
What glands does the Greater Superficial Petrosal n. supply? Lacrimal, Nasal, Palatine, Pharyngeal glands
What is another name for the nerve of the pterygoid canal? Vidian n.
When does the facial n. give off the chorda tympani n.? When it transverses the facial canal
What provides taste to the anterior 2/3 of tongue? Chorda tympani from CN VII
Which branches does CN VII give off before entering the parotid gland? Posterior auricular n. Branch to posterior belly of digastric m. Branch to stylohyoid m.
What branches originate from the Parotid gland? TZAMC: Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Mandibular, Cervical
Where does CN I exit the skull? Cribriform plate
Where does CN II exit the skull? Optical canal
Where does CN III exit the skull? Superior orbital fissure
Where does CN IV exit the skull? Superior orbital fissure
Where does CN V1 exit the skull? Superior orbital fissure
Where does CN V2 exit the skull? Foramen rotundum
Where does CN V3 exit the skull? Foramen ovale
Where does CN VI exit the skull? Superior orbital fissure
Where does CN VII exit the skull? Stylomastoid foramen
Where does CN VIII exit the skull? Remains within cranium
Where does CN IX exit the skull? Jugular foramen
Where does CN X exit the skull? Jugular foramen
Where does CN XI exit the skull? Jugular foramen
Where does CN XII exit the skull? Hypoglossal canal
Which CNs exit from the Superior orbital fissure? CN III, IV, V1, VI
Which CNs exit from the Jugular foramen? CN IX, X, XI
Which CNs exit from the Cribriform plate? CN I
Which CNs exit from the Optical canal? CN II
Which CNs exit from the Foramen Rotundum? CN V2
Which CNs exit from the Foramen Ovale? CN V3
Which CNs exit from the stylomastoid foramen? CN VII
Which CNs exit from the Hypoglossal canal? CN XII
Which CNs remain in the cranium? CN VIII
Which structures are innervated by CN I? Nasal (SVA)
Which structures are innervated by CN II? Retina (SSA)
Which structures are innervated by CN III? Extraocular m. (GSE) Sphincter of pupil & ciliary m. of eyeball (GVE)
Which structures are innervated by CN IV? Superior oblique m.
Which structures are innervated by CN V1? Orbit + skin of face (GSA)
Which structures are innervated by CN V2? Nasal cavity + skin of face (SVE)
Which structures are innervated by CN V3? Oral cavity + skin of face Muscles of mastication + accessory muscles
Which structures are innervated by CN VI? Lateral rectus m. (GSE)
Which structures are innervated by CN VII? Muscles of facial expression (SVE) Lacrimal & salivary gland (GVE) Anterior 2/3 of tongue (SVA, GSA)
Which structures are innervated by CN VIII? Semicircular canals & cochlea (SSA)
Which structures are innervated by CN IX? Stylopharnygeus m. (SVE) Parotid gland (GVE) External ear & walls of Pharynx (SVA) Posterior 1/3 of tongue (SVA?)
Which structures are innervated by CN X? Muscles of larynx & pharynx (SVE) Smooth muscle of gut (GVE) Root of tongue (SVA) Larynx & gut (GVA)
Which structures are innervated by CN XI? Sternocleidomastoid m, Trapezius m. (SVE)
Which structures are innervated by CN XII? Muscles of tongue (GSE)
What is the name of CN I? Olfactory n.
What is the name of CN II? Optic n.
What is the name of CN III? Oculomotor n.
What is the name of CN IV? Trochlear n.
What is the name of CN V? Trigeminal n.
What is the name of CN VI? Abducens n.
What is the name of CN VII? Facial n.
What is the name of CN VIII? Vestibulocochlear n.
What is the name of CN IX? Glossopharyngeal n.
What is the name of CN X? Vagus n.
What is the name of CN XI? Accessory n.
What is the name of CN XII? Hypoglossal n.
Lesion of CN III? Eye is down & out
Lesion of CN IV? Eye cannot depress; double vision when pt looks down/lateral
Lesion of CN VI? Eye cannot abduct
What innervates the strap m. (sternohyoid, omohyoid)? Ansa cervicalis (C1, C2, C3)
What innervates thyrohyoid m? C1
What innervates all of the muscles of the tongue, except palatoglossus? CN XII
What innervates the palatoglossus? CN X
What innervates cricothyroid? External laryngeal n.
What innervates all pharyngeal m.? (motor) CN X
What innervates stylopharyngeus m? CN IX
What innervates all of the muscles of the palate, except tensor veli palatini? CN X
What innervates the tensor veli palatini? CN V3
What innervates the submandibular gland? CN VII
What innervates the sublingual gland? CN VII
What are the roots of the phrenic n? C3, C4, C5 (keeps the diaphragm alive)
What drains into the superior meatus? Post. ethmoidal sinus
What drains into the middle meatus? AMFM (ant. ethmoidal, middle ethomoidal, frontal, maxillary sinuses)
What drains into the inferior meatus? Nasolacrimal duct
What drains into the sphenoethmoidal recess? Sphenoid sinus
What is the function of the cricothyroid? Tenses vocal cords, raises pitch of voice
What is the function of the posterior cricoarytenoid? ABduct vocal cords; opens rima glottides **ONLY ABductor
What is the function of the lateral cricoarytenoid? Adduct vocal cords; close rima glottides
What is the function of the transverse arytenoid? Adduct vocal cords; close rima glottides
What is the function of the obloiqe arytenoid? Adduct vocal cords; close rima glottides; ALSO laryngeal sphincter
What is the function of teh thyroarytenoid? Relax & adduct vocal cords
Where do lymphatics ABOVE vocal cords drain? Upper deep cervical l.n.
Where do lymphatics BELOW vocal cords drain? Lower deep cervical l.n.
Where does the external ear drain? Parotid, retroauricular, & deep cervical l.n.
What is the bony plate separating the middle cranial fossa from the tympanic cavity? Tegmen tympani
What innervates the tensor tympani? V3 (nerve to medial pterygoid
What innervates the stapedius? VII
What is the action of the stapedius? Draws back the stapes (damps down vibration to stapes)
What is the action of the tensor tympani? Tenses tympanic membrane (damps down vibration of malleus)
Where does the internal ear drain? Retropharyngeal, upper deep cervical, parotid l.n.
What innervates the middle ear? IX via tympanic n., VII of tympanic plexus
Created by: 1683642184
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